When Is The Best Time To Apply Lawn Insect Control?

When is the right time to apply insect control measures to lawns? Here is what you should know.

Timing is of the essence when it comes to applying lawn insect control methods. However, this can be pretty confusing for many people as they are at a loss for the best time to do this.

Not applying specific pest control measures appropriately could lead to undesirable results. It doesn’t have to come to this as long as you have the correct information on when to apply your lawn insect control.

This is what our discussion will focus on. Read on for more information on how to go about this pest control process.

Lawn Insects

Lawn insects are enemies of your lawn. These ruin your thick, healthy green lawn, turning it brown and sickly. A variety of insect pests are responsible for this condition.

There’s a long list of such insects ranging from armyworms, ants, billbugs, and burrowing & digging mammals (such as chipmunks, armadillos, mice, moles, rats, skunks, & opossums, etc.).

Other lawn insect pests include chafer grubs, cutworms, fiery skippers, fleas, and green June beetle grubs.

Additional problems include hornets & wasps, Japanese beetle grubs, June beetle grubs, leafhoppers, leatherjackets, mole crickets, mosquitoes, webworms, snails & slugs, ticks, and white grubs.

All these contribute to ruining your beautiful lawn. The best way to control or exterminate these pests is by knowing when to apply your lawn insect control.

The following information will detail the best times to go for lawn insect control.

Identifying Lawn Insect Problems

Before you ever apply your preferred lawn insect control measures, it’s necessary to identify the problems. You’ll need to be observant to detect such issues as there are always tell-tale signs.

The most common signs include dead & dying grass patches, brown spots, bite marks or signs on grass, wilting blades, and the actual presence of insects on the turf layer. These are readily identifiable signs of destructive insects on your lawn and must be contained as early as possible.

Other signs of lawn insect presence are seen from the holes and missing roots caused by burrowing activity. Any of these will require immediate action on your part.

So, when exactly should insect extermination or treatment begin? This takes us to our next focus; “WHEN.”

The Need to Spray Insect Control throughout the Year

When it comes to lawn insect control, you’ll need to consider the fact that these insects emerge at different times of the year. In other words, you’re likely to be dealing with insect presence at various times throughout spring and summer.

So, knowing exactly when to apply the needed treatment greatly helps arrest the problem.

In providing you with more background regarding timing, let’s consider times of the year having the highest cases of lawn insect presence and the strategies to take.

  • Early Spring

During the winter season, many insects are known to hibernate or become dormant. This is due to the unfavorable weather condition.

Such pests wait until spring to emerge. However, this doesn’t need to be.

You can arrest this problem with proper timing. The best time to apply your lawn insect control should be before these pests emerge. This is best done between late February and early March.

During this time, a dormant spray is recommended as it doesn’t only control the insects (such as mites, caterpillars, & aphids, etc.) but also prevents them from developing, including their eggs.

This, in turn, saves new lawn shoots from further infestation.

  • Spring

In spring proper, there’s usually no pressing need to apply lawn insect control if you’ve done so in early spring. The after-effect of your insecticide lingers on and protects your lawn into the early summer.

However, there are still ways to further consolidate on gains made in lawn insect control during the spring season. It has to do with the use of the herbicide. So, how exactly do herbicides prevent insect lawns in spring?

Herbicides are mainly formulated for weeds and help kill off lawn weeds, such as crabgrass and dandelion.

When these weeds are out of the way, lawn insects have less incentive to come around. That way, you get multiple results by using this simple strategy.

  • Early Summer

As stated earlier, lawn pest issues will need to be addressed at different times of the year to keep pests at bay.

In early summer, various lawn pests begin to emerge—these range from cutworms, mites, aphids, leafhoppers, beetles, and lace bugs, among others.

You’ll need to apply your lawn insect control during the early summer and any other time when you observe signs of insect damage.

What more? You must also take out or remove weeds and dead plants as early as possible. This helps prevent insects that feed on decaying matter from coming.

  • Summer

During mid and late summer, other types of insect problems are common.

Mosquitoes are among the most likely issues you’ll face. These present a health risk and need to be eliminated or controlled as early as possible to check or limit their spread.

Part of the several lawn insect control strategies to adopt include getting rid of standing water and weeds and spraying your lawn and other possible nesting areas.

You may also want to adopt the natural approach to mosquito control by planting repellent plants around your lawn.

These include scented geraniums, catnip, rosemary, marigolds, lavender, and bee balm.

  • Fall

Talking about the best time of year to apply lawn insect control, a wide range of lawn insect pest issues such as lawn ants, crickets, spiders, and water bugs are common during this period.

Using an effective pesticide, spray your lawns and around your home’s foundation.

This helps create a barrier and makes burrowing your lawn almost impossible.

Insects don’t need to overrun your lawn. The best way to fight back is by taking charge of the situation. A critical step towards achieving this involves knowing when to apply your lawn insect control.

Details on this and more have been provided in this guide.

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