What Birds Lay Blue Eggs?

Here, we take a look at birds with blue eggs!

Have you seen those before? We’re excited to identify different bird species that lay blue eggs. Are these special and of what importance are they?

Birds That Lay Blue Eggs

As a bird lover, you might have heard of colored eggs laid by birds. For many, such action draws a great deal of interest.

All of that has been covered below with a focus on identifying the different bird species. You’ll also find information on their preferred habitats and their migratory behavior.

What more? Details on their general features among other things have been covered. All you have to do is read through the article for these details.

What Bird Lay Blue Eggs?

Quite a number of birds can be included in the list of those with blue eggs.

While this is true, people sometimes misrepresent certain colors to be blue when they aren’t. Examples of birds with blue eggs include snowy egrets, red-winged blackbirds, eastern bluebirds, and dunnocks.

Other blue-egged birds include song thrushes, houses of finches, blue jays, gray catbirds, linnets, black tinamous, and common mynas. More of these include the American robin, starling, and magpies.

We’ll be briefly discussing each of these bird species with key aspects covered.

i. Snowy Egrets

These black-billed white herons have black legs and yellow feet.

Those (legs and feet) of juvenile snowy egrets are greenish-yellow. This bird is among several known for its blue eggs. Snowy egrets can be distinguished by their yellow lores and medium-sized growth which they attain at maturity.

Snowy egrets are sometimes confused with great egrets. However, one area of distinction between the two is the snowy egret’s more active or agile movement compared to the great egret’s slow movement.

ii. Red-Winged Blackbirds

This is yet another bird species known for its blue eggs.

The red-winged blackbird has certain characteristics that distinguish the male from the female. For the male, they can be identified by their predominantly black color with red and yellow patches on the shoulder.

The female red-winged blackbird is dark-brown with white eyebrows. A close observation of this bird will show a breast that’s a bit pale compared to the rest of the body.

iii. Eastern Bluebirds

Another bird with blue eggs is the eastern bluebird.

You’ll mostly find these in summer resting on installations like telephone lines or poles. Like the red-winged blackbirds, eastern bluebirds have color variations differentiating the males and females.

You’ll find males with reddish-brown breasts and royal blue on their backs and heads. Females can be identified by their grayish color accompanied by blue tinges on wings and tails.

iv. Dunnocks

This tiny bird has an appetite for seeds, small insects, and worms. It lays blue eggs and tends to form lifetime bonds. However, such bonding isn’t exclusive for the female as they have other partners they mate with.

Dunnocks are mostly common around gardens, hedgerows, and woodland edges among other areas.

v. Song Thrushes

The song thrush is a bird with blue eggs that are known for its melodious sounds. There are multiple subspecies of the song thrush bird.

The physical features of this bird include brown upper parts with black-spotted underparts. A brief online search will reveal clearer pictures of what it looks like.

vi. House of Finches

House of finches is another bird species known to have blue eggs. The diet of this bird species is mostly vegetarian. Adult house finches can be identified by their long brown tails.

Such tails are square-tipped. What more? Females can be distinguished from their streaked underparts with mostly brown upperparts.

vii. Blue Jays

These forest birds are known for their blue eggs.

Another major characteristic they’re known for is the noise they make. They are known to mimic some bird species and are highly intelligent.

Like for other bird species discussed, you can quickly search for detailed pictures of what they look like.

viii. Gray Catbirds

Gray catbirds are known for their melodies and the blue eggs they lay. The varieties of sounds produced easily stand them out among several species.

As the name suggests, these birds have a gray appearance with the only exception being their black tails and cap or patch on the head.

ix. Linnets

The linnet is yet another bird known for its small size and blue eggs.

This social bird has an appetite for flax and hemp seeds. They often move in groups and are mostly found in the open countryside and meadows during winters.

Linnets breed in Europe, North Africa, and Asia.

x. Black Tinamous

This rare bird species are also known to lay blue eggs.

The montane forests of the Andes are home to the black tinamous. It’s mostly larger than most of the bird species mentioned here and is ground-dwelling.

Its sooty gray body color forms a camouflage with the dark or poorly lit forest floor.

xi. Common Mynas

Another bird species with blue eggs is the common mynas. It’s a brown bird with a black head and a yellow bill. The common myna is native to India and southern Asia.

This tropical bird belongs to the starling family. In-flight, white wing patches are observed. This bird is quite popular as it serves as a pest control agent.

xii. American Robin

This migratory songbird is among those with blue eggs. It’s a common lawn bird known to feed on earthworms that are fairly large with round bodies and long legs.

It’s easily identified as one of the most widespread songbirds common in backyards, forests, fields, and parks among other places.

xiii. Starling

This small to medium-sized bird is among those with blue eggs.

They have triangular wings with long pointed bills and short tails. Starlings are also among the most common birds known for their noisiness. Their Asian cousins are known as the mynas.

These birds are known by the scientific name Sturnidae.

xiv. Magpies

Magpies live in a wide range of habitats that include dense forest edges, grasslands, meadows, etc. They’re also among bird species with blue eggs.

They’re omnivorous and feed on small rodents, insects, nuts, and berries among others.

Now you know some of the birds with blue eggs. We’ve provided information on common habitats, diets, and basic features.

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