How To Get Grants And Financial Help For Tree Removal

Are you interested in a tree removal assistance program? Do you need financial help and government grants for tree removal?

This is the core of our discussion today.

Tree removal can cost quite an amount of money, which you may not have or cannot spare when the tree needs to be removed.

Free tree removal is hard to come by (at no cost), but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen.

Also, many people can’t afford tree removal by expert services.

This is why we will focus on tree removal financial assistance in this guide.

Federal Government Grant For Tree Removal

Quite a few city councils and organizations have provisions for financing the removal of trees that are a problem to local commerce.

Certain fruit trees may harbor pests that can affect local fruit-growing operations.

If so, the council can offer subsidized tree removal to eliminate the infestation threat. Such action also goes a long way in encouraging others to dispose of problematic trees.

They can also provide a grant, which can be used to foot the bill for the tree’s removal. This money will, of course, be paid to a tree removal expert.

You can also find similar provisions for some introduced species of trees.

These trees may be legally planted and may have been produced in good faith. However, there may be potential risks to the local environment from the tree.

In this case, the council will be concerned about the tree and can issue grants, subsidies, or even call on their removal expert to dispose of the hazardous trees.

You can visit your local government or council website or even call the environmental department to see if it’s possible.

These Trees Can be Removed for Free

In searching for grants and financial help for tree removal, assessing the type(s) of tree you have is essential. This determines whether you get such assistance or not.

So, why do some trees attract removal incentives than others? It comes down to perceived value to the removal company.

Some trees are valued for their wood, hence the likelihood of being assisted with removal services.

These trees include oak, black cherry, mahogany, rosewood, and red maple kingwood. Some other tree types are considered valuable by landscaping companies.

Such trees include sea grapes, palm, frangipani, silk, and jacaranda. Having any of these trees on your property increases the chance of finding removal grants or assistance.

Hazardous Tree Removal Programs

Have you ever heard about hazardous tree removal? Some states run such programs as a measure to safeguard the property of citizens from wildfires.

You can take advantage of this program if you live in any of the following states: California, Hawaii, Illinois, or Alabama. Each state’s intervention program has its unique benefits as well as requirements.

To access such financial assistance, you’ll have to determine the requirements. So, what exactly are hazardous trees? These are dead trees or those considered a nuisance.

Also, decaying or diseased are classified as dangerous trees. In what specific ways are grants or financial help provided for such trees?

Critical assistance is offered through reimbursements for half the amount spent on tree removal. Of course, you’ll have to show proof of a written estimate from an arborist.

There may be other conditions that apply. What more? Part of the requirements for accessing tree removal grants in some states may include being a senior, etc.

Financial Help For Tree Removal

Government employees can benefit from local government grants in certain circumstances.

Your local tree removal specialist can also help you with some helpful information about grants for tree removal.

All you need to do is ask and gather as much information as possible regarding financial assistance for tree removal.

Do Insurance Companies Pay For Tree Removal?

They can do that if the tree has caused some damage to your insured property and continues to be a threat to your building.

In this instance, your insurance policy should be able to cover its removal.

Here’s an example – If the tree falls or drops heavy branches courtesy of a storm and damages any part of your house, you can claim the cost of its removal as part of the insurance claim for the damage done to the house.

In another instance, if the tree falls and blocks any entrance to your home, your insurance can also cover the tree’s removal.

To fully understand how many claims you can make, you must thoroughly study and understand your insurance policy’s terms.

You can also ask your insurance company’s customer support what viable options you have. You can also go through their website’s FAQ page or any other knowledge-based area that can give you the answers you seek.

If it’s a case where you want the tree removed, but it’s not a threat to your building, then you will most likely not be able to claim it on your homeowner’s insurance.

Usually, tree removal can only be covered if the tree causes damage to your property or if leaving it in place causes some hazardous situation that needs to be taken care of.

Council / Neighbor’s Tree

If the tree doesn’t sit on your property, you mustn’t pay for its removal.

If the case is that your neighbor’s tree is over-handing your property and you want to trim it, then it’s on you to foot the bill. However, your neighbor must sort out the bill if it needs removal.

They will handle any tree on government land that needs to be removed. Similarly, if you have an issue with a tree and call the government’s attention, they will have to prune or remove it for you.

Tree Removal Assistance Program

As mentioned in the article, tree removal can cost a reasonable sum. Many low-income earners or pensioners can enjoy some privileges as far as tree removal is concerned.

In America, there are some grants for tree removal.

Do you need help paying for tree removal? Then, let’s take a look at some of them.


VBRR stands for Victorian Bushfire Reconstruction and Recovery. They provide grants to people who have had their compound or property ravaged by bushfires.

This grant assists with the cost of assessing and removing any hazardous trees around.

This grant can be as much as $4,000.


This is the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. They provide a grant to help remove trees from Ohio residents’ property.

This grant totals up to $380,000. As many as 27 counties in Ohio are eligible to apply for this grant.

Harold K.L Castle Foundation

The Harold K.L Castle Foundation offers a 4-year grant, which can be applied for.

This grant pays as much as $100,000 to help remove trees for fences, windbreaks, fire breaks, and site preparation.

Cheap Tree Removal Options

There are a few no or low-cost tree removal options you can explore.

Let’s take a look at some of them.

Power Company Removal

If the tree in question is close to a power line, the power company can remove it.

The cost would be theirs to bear.

Municipality Removal

Depending on the tree’s location, you can call your municipality and inform them of the tree you think should be removed.

Generally, the municipality owns the grass area between your sidewalk and the street. They are responsible for the tree since they are the ones who planted it there.

They can remove it if they know the tree roots are getting into the sewers or the branches have started encroaching on your property.

Advertise The Tree That Needs To Be Removed

This is another means by which you can remove a tree at no charge.

You can advertise in the local newspaper or community blogs that you have a tree that needs to be removed. Of course, in this case, you must give something back in return, not cash.

You can offer to give the wood from the tree out to whoever removes it and cleans up the mess.

There would likely be a few people interested in this offer, and if they respond positively to your ad, they will remove your tree promptly.

Reach Out To Loggers

You can check local Logger listings to see if your tree is a Pune or Fir tree.

Loggers could even pay you for the tree if it is of a desirable size.

They can cut the tree into commercial lengths and process it as lumber.

This is a great deal. By all means, you won’t pay to remove the tree, and you may even earn some cash from the loggers.

Get Quotes For Cheap Tree Removal

You can request a quote from a landscaping company. This will help you determine if you can remove your tree cheaply.

You’d be surprised. You may get a removal quote for as low as $75.

The landscaping company will handle all the cutting and hauling.

Cost Involved

For those who can’t get their tree removed, well, they have to pay for it.

Average tree removal prices range from as low as $75 to as high as $1,000. This, however, depends on the size of the tree in question and its location.

The condition of the tree can also influence the cost of its removal.

The more complex the job is, and the more expertise you need to handle it, the more expensive it will be to remove it.

The contractor will consider a few factors before working out a bill for you.

These factors include –

Location of the tree – Trees out in the open will cost less to remove than trees located next to buildings, fences, and other structures.

The more obstacles surrounding the tree, the more expensive it will be to remove it.

Height – You guessed suitable. Tall trees would be more expensive to remove than shorter trees. Removing a tall tree will require more advanced tools and more human resources.

A tall tree will also be more challenging to transport away from the location than a shorter tree.

Condition of the tree – A healthy tree is more difficult to cut than a weak or dead tree. The tree’s condition is an excellent determinant of the cost of removal.

Why Grants or Financial Help for Tree Removal are Essential

Most people needing tree removal grants or financial help are driven by the cost of the procedure. Removing a single tree may range from $400 to $1,200.

Also, more giant trees could cost as much as $7,000. With such implications, persons with several trees they want to be removed can incur steep removal costs.

With grants or financial help, the job is done at no cost.

So, if you’re looking to have your trees removed, you’re better off exploring grant options as well as financial help. These save you a lot of cost.

Knowing where to get assistance will save you a lot of stress as a farmer or private forest owner. Luckily, there are several ways to find help with tree assistance.

Exploring these examples saves you money.

Are you A Veteran or a Senior?

There are provisions also to offer assistance to veterans and seniors. For veterans, such gestures show appreciation for their service and sacrifices to the country.

Examples of such programs include Tree Work for Heroes and several others, which focus on offering free tree removal services. Here, grants may be provided in the form of loans or benefits.

The Area Agency on Aging has offices across several regions catering to seniors’ tree removal needs. You might want to research any of these programs to get started.


Getting grants or financial help for tree removal is possible, especially for seniors, although not everyone can enjoy this privilege.

I hope this article has been of great help.

Good luck!

5 thoughts on “How To Get Grants And Financial Help For Tree Removal”

  1. I have a green ash tree that is very dead in my front yard that is a hazard. It started dying when the Emerald bore was announced. I’m afraid it needs to be removed but I lack the money to pay for removal. I have one estimate of $4000 which is way too much for an elderly 80+woman living on a low income. I really need to do something about it. Your article has given me a few options , like finding out what my insurance co. can do of looking into a grant. I’ll do more research. I do not have a website.

  2. I need to get some trees around my mamas house cut down before they fall on her house, we have had 2 to fall already. Now is the time to get them cut while they have no leaves on them,

  3. Live in Leeds, Maine need one tall tree cut down. (pine) 2 big limbs came down in the storm, through my garage roof – 1 hole each 2 storms. This tree looks real dangerous ! I’m afraid if it comes down on my kids’ & autistic grandson’ single wide mobile home, our home, or garage ,or neighbor’s fence or animals, or property . Coming down another storm , or weakened from the last 2 or 3. Live in Androscoggin County . 60 years of age. Any idea where to go to apply for grant for this tree removal ? Thanks a bunch ! God bless !

    • need some pine trees cut down 6 of them ,you can keep the wood, but I need you to remove the stumps and clean up when you finish


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