7 Plants That Repel Snakes And Keep Them Away

In this guide, we’ll focus on what plants keep snakes away. Here are seven species that repel these vermins.

Snakes are among the most feared reptiles that most people will want to stay as far away from as possible. The problem is, these reptiles invade spaces and get too close for comfort.

Although there are wildlife removal services, most people will rather prevent snake incursion than having to fix one by calling for its removal.

Here, we bring you information on how to safeguard your home, family, and pets from snakes in a natural way. This is a very effective strategy and involves the use of plants to repel these reptiles.

Another popular option is the use of snake-away products and vinegar.

So, what snake-deterring plants should be used exactly, read on for more on this.

7 Powerful Snake Repellent Plants

The mere mention of snakes will make some people cringe with fear. This fear is understandable due to the dangers they pose. Your best bet is to find preventive measures to forestall the possibility of dealing with a future problem

Several plants possess snake repellent properties. Some of these include Onion & Garlic, Marigolds, West Indian Lemongrass, Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, and Snakeroot.

Others include Mugwort, Pink Agapanthus, and Andrographis paniculata.

Some of these plant names are quite a mouthful but the most important fact is that they protect your home from snake presence.

  1. Onion & Garlic

You’d hardly find anyone who hasn’t heard about or used these plants. These are widely used for food and also have medicinal value among other things.

However, what you may not know is the fact that onion and garlic plants can be used as snake repellents.

  • How they Work

Garlic plants most especially serve to effectively repel snakes.

When snakes come around your home and slither over these plants or their cloves, it triggers the release of an oily substance or residue which acts in a much similar way to when onions are sliced.

In other words, snakes find it very uncomfortable and will rather keep a distance.

  • How to Use

Onion and garlic plants only need to be present among plants grown in your garden or yard. Areas, where you’ve witnessed snake presence in the past, should be targeted.

The best way to apply this is by creating a snake barrier with these plants around your home’s perimeter.

  • Side Effects

Garlic and onion plants are widely used with very few cases of side effects. If you notice any, it’s best to discontinue the use of these plants and seek other options. Try out other plants listed in this article.

  1. Marigolds

Marigold plants are known to add some visual appeal to a property due to their attractiveness.

Beyond this attractiveness is the ability of marigold plants to serve as natural pest repellents. The root system of this plant is known to penetrate and deep into the soil in addition to growing quite aggressively.

  • How It Works

Marigold roots are known to give off a strong odor.

Although these also serve as a cover for rodents that are considered as prey for a snake, the strong odor given off by the plant greatly helps to repel snakes.

Snakes are overwhelmed by this smell and will seek more favorable conditions elsewhere.

  • How to Use

The use of marigolds for snake control begins with having them planted around your home’s perimeter.

This creates an impenetrable barrier, thus keeping out these dangerous reptiles. These can also be grown in yards and areas where snakes are likely to use as hideouts.

  • Side Effects

Generally, marigolds will have no side effects for most people. Nevertheless, some persons may notice irritations due to contact with marigold plants. Seek medical advice if such is noticed.

You may also find better ways of using this plant or ditching it all together for other alternatives as provided here.

  1. West Indian Lemongrass

The West Indian lemongrass is a great snake repellent that also extends to other pests. In other words, this plant also repels a wide range of pests such as mosquitoes, and ticks, etc.

What more? It doesn’t take much effort to maintain a lemongrass plant, plus, it’s drought resistant.

  • How it Works

Snakes are known to detest citrus scents. This is the scent given off by lemongrass plants. Wherever this drought-resistant plant is grown, snakes find such areas unwelcoming and keep their distance.

You may also want to use it for landscaping purposes.

  • How to Use

Using lemongrass plants for snake control isn’t a complicated process.

One effective way to do this is by forming a barrier around your property with it. Populating parts of your garden area and yard with lemongrass will go a long way in keeping snakes at bay.

  • Side Effects

As long as lemongrass plants aren’t ingested (some varieties are used for cooking & food such as the East and West Indian varieties) chances of side effects are minimal. However, skin irritations may result when you come in contact with them.

Try using protective gear like gloves to limit such side effects.

  1. Mother-in-Law’s Tongue

This is quite a name, isn’t it? Well, it has been used to name a snake repellent plant which is quite effective.

Snakes consider this plant scary and like most things scary, they try to keep as far away as possible from such plants. This easy-to-maintain plant also serves to beautify your surroundings.

  • How it Works

One common characteristic of mother-in-law’s tongue plants is their sharp leaves. This looks scary and intimidating to snakes and makes them keep their distance.

At the same it, it can be used both outdoor (in warm climates) and indoors in cool weather conditions.

  • How to Use

Using Mother-in-law’s tongue for snake control isn’t that complicated. This is an easy-to-maintain plant that only needs minimal care. Like most snake repellent plants, this perennial plant should be grown around your home to serve as a barrier.

Also target areas you’ve seen or suspect snake presence.

  • Side Effects

Mother-in-law’s tongue isn’t known to cause any side effects. Nevertheless, this shouldn’t be ruled out completely.

When using or whenever you come in contact with it, observe to find if there are any reactions. If there are, consider adopting precautionary measures.

  1. Snakeroot

This is a snake-repellent plant of Asian origin.

As the name suggests, this plant is widely used for snake control due to its properties which do not support snake presence. Wherever snakeroot plants are, snakes are wary of such areas and keep their distance; thus serving the purpose.

  • How it Works

Snakeroot has unique properties that snakes find unwelcoming and unsafe. It contains reserpine which is known to cause a slowdown in snake heartbeat. This also results in dizziness.

All of these are adverse conditions that make it difficult for snakes to thrive.

  • How to Use

Most snake repellent plants are used in much the same way.

To forestall a possible snake incursion, you only need to grow snakeroot plants around your yard. The best way will be to create a barrier around your home’s perimeter. This stops snakes in their tracks from gaining access to your surroundings.

  1. Mugwort

Mugworts are among plants having snake repellent properties. However, one common thing with them is the fact that they’re quite invasive. In other words, these plants grow fast and spread easily. This may not be a problem if you have enough space.

However, for those with limited spaces, mugworts may prove quite challenging to maintain. These snake-repellent plants may also affect other plants.

  • How it Works

There is no clear understanding of specific parts of this plant that repels snakes. However, the general knowledge is that snakes will keep their distance from this plant as it’s believed to scare them.

  • How to Use

Do you need to keep snakes out of your surroundings? All you need to do is have as many mugworts planted around. You’ll need to take into consideration the invasive nature of these plants before growing them.

  • Side Effects

There may be side effects associated with mugwort use. Although this isn’t common, immediate solutions should be found for it. One such involves discontinuing its use and find alternative options as made available in this article.

  1. Pink Agapanthus

Pink agapanthus is among plants that can be used both for decorative purposes as well as pest control. Snakes find this plant highly repulsive due mainly to its strong scent.

By adding them to your surroundings, you’ll be applying a preventing measure that keeps snakes off.

  • How it Works

The working principle of the Pink Agapanthus is quite easy. This plant gives off a strong scent that is quite overwhelming for snakes. These won’t hang around for long but find more favorable locations to hang around.

To use this plant for snake control, have it planted around areas of your surroundings where you’ve noticed snake presence. It is also visually appealing and adds to your home’s beauty.

  • Side Effects

Side effects are not common with the use of this plant for snake control.

Despite this, you should be careful to observe any adverse reactions or symptoms that may arise when first using it. If such is noticed, stop its use immediately and seek medical advice.

Snake problems don’t need to weigh you down as you can take back control of your property by planting any, or a combination of the above-listed snake repellent plants.

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