Selling Palm Trees – Young & Mature Species For Sale

We’ll be discussing a wide range of factors relating to the selling of palm trees. Whatever it is you want to learn, stick with us to find out more about this subject matter.

Palm trees are known to have offer lots of economic and aesthetic value to man.

As such, they’re among the category of trees used for a variety of purposes including growing them for palm oil as well as for landscaping among others.

This article is all about palm tree sales.

Offering Young Seedlings & Fully Grown Palm Trees For Sale

Getting the Best Stock

One of the things you’ll need to learn before venturing into this area of business is to determine the most appealing palm tree varieties. When selling palm trees, certain varieties are in more demand than others.

This is due to the beauty they add to your surroundings.

These varieties are often demanded by landscapers. You want to go with the flow. In other words, you’ll need to add the most sought-after palm tree varieties to your stock.

So, what are these varieties? There are several! They include the following;

Butterfly palm, cat palm, Canary Island date palm, Chinese fountain palm, and parlor palm. Others include lady palm, queen palm, and fishtail palm.

Any further details about these palm tree varieties? Of course, there are.

Let’s briefly discuss each of these varieties for better understanding.

  • Butterfly Palm

This is one palm tree variety that attracts sales. It’s also known as Areca palm.

Butterfly palm is among the easiest to raise and can be placed indoors as well as in outdoor surroundings. However, when placed outdoors, it should be planted in areas with a limited amount of sunlight.

This prevents it from getting scorched. With butterfly species, palm buyers will never be in short supply once told about its availability. The good part is you can add it to your rich stock of other beautiful palm trees listed below.

  • Cat Palm

The Cat palm is yet another palm tree variety to consider adding to your nursery.

People get this tree variety for a variety of purposes including decorative and economic value. This tree can be grown in both indoor and outdoor surroundings.

When clients come around, they have different needs. Some will be seeking mature cat palm trees for sale while others may be seeking young ones to grow. In the case of mature cat palm trees, it will thrive in both outdoor and indoor areas. You only need to make these available for clients to patronize.

Prices of palm trees vary based on many factors.

These include the size as well as the nursery. The starting price for an average cat palm tree is around $74. You should be able to structure your palm tree prices based on your findings

  • Canary Island Date Palm

For clients needing a palm tree that isn’t so demanding, the Canary island date palm will be the perfect sell.

This variety of palm trees grow to be quite sizeable (as much as 65 feet tall) when taken care of.

  • Chinese Fountain Palm

This palm variety is one that’s known to tolerate a variety of harsh conditions. It also adds to the beauty of your surroundings in addition to being easy to grow or maintain.

You may want to take advantage of its popularity to sell to clients.

  • Parlor Palm

This is one of the most common indoor palm trees sold.

The parlor palm is bought in clusters and used for its aesthetic value. Consider adding this palm to your nursery as clients are likely to inquire about it.

  • Lady Palm

Lady’s palm is another beautiful palm tree you can sell to clients in need of them.

However, it doesn’t grow as fast as other varieties. Nevertheless, when it matures, it’s worth the wait.

  • Queen Palm & Fishtail Palm

If you aim to launch or start a nursery, queen palm and fishtail palm are among those you should consider.

Customers always have different preferences when it comes to selecting a suitable palm for their homes. As such, you don’t want to disappoint when they come calling.

Step By Step Guide To Selling Palm Trees For Cash

Being Realistic

When growing palm trees for sale, you’ll need to be realistic when it comes to pricing. You don’t want to scare customers or diggers away with ridiculous prices.

At the same time, you don’t want to sell yourself short.

So, it’s best to ask to make inquiries for competitive pricing. You just need to get the right pricing structure to begin with. Next, you need to adequately market your products.

Only Deal With Honest and Reliable Professionals

Trust is a major factor when it comes to business transactions.

As such when you need to sell a palm tree, ensure you only do business with trusted people. This may be difficult figuring out at first.

However, with some inquiries and digging around, you’ll come across reliable people to do business with.

If you find a palm tree relocator or mover, ensure such a person meets the basic criteria of doing business. Such include being bonded, having an insurance policy, and having a license to operate his crane.

You’ll need to fully understand the terms of doing business before commencing.

Jumping right into business without fully understanding the terms of doing business will likely cost you dearly in the future. This can be avoided by reading through the terms and asking questions.

When this process is carefully followed, you’re likely to enjoy doing business with your palm tree relocator or mover.

Find Out What the Market Needs

It’s not enough to want to sell palm trees.

A lot of work goes into researching what the market demands are. We’ve included some palm tree varieties that sell fast due to their appeal.

However, this might not be true for all areas. Plus, customer preferences might change with time.

Get an Appraisal

One of the many options you have to sell your palm trees is by getting an appraisal. This is done when you want to know the true value of your palm trees. An appraisal enables you to determine the worth of your trees.

Local arborists offer these services.

Some palm tree donations to institutions such as schools and churches may also place you in good standing. This enables you to qualify for a taxable donation among other things.

The points stated above are all related to palm tree sales. This is an exciting area of business you can engage in with significant returns when done well.

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