How to Sell Trees From Your Yard

Are the types of trees in your yard in high demand?

Then, consider selling them to make extra cash. Lumber trees, such as white or red Oak, pine, black cherry, black Walnut, etc., can be expensive.

They contain impressive quality wood. Therefore, many wood companies may be interested in purchasing them for various applications. All you have to do is advertise your trees for sale.

Can You Sell Trees From Your Yard?

Do you want to know what it takes to sell trees from your yard?

Then, take a deep breath and read this article. We’ll tell you the monetary value of trees and how to determine their worth. Moreover, we’ll also tell you some factors that influence the price of trees.

  • Reasons to Sell Trees From Your Yard

Before scouting for buyers, ensure you have reasonable and satisfactory reasons for selling your trees. Without concrete reasons, the value of trees in your yard might be more significant than in a sawmill.

Large hardwoods typically provide shade, regulate temperature, and improve the air. They can also help in controlling water runoff and raising your property value.

You may only consider selling your trees when the roots damage your foundation and if its foliage overwhelms your home.

Sometimes, these trees might hinder you from having more lawns in your home. Apart from these reasons, selling trees from your yard may not be economically wise.

How to Sell Trees on Your Property for Lumber

Selling trees from your yard is a relatively simple activity.

However, the procedure for dealing with a single tree is different from selling multiple trees. As you keep reading this article, we’ll explain their differences.

  • Selling a Single Tree for Lumber

According to experts, selling trees in a woodlot harvest is easier. That’s because several of them can be harvested and sold at once. Before a tree is cut down, the buyer must bring in many laborers.

In addition to that, several pieces of equipment may be needed. These include a skidder, load truck, and loader. After cutting the tree into logs, the buyer will haul them to the mill to sell.

Having gone through all these stress and expenses, the buyer will unlikely make a tangible profit. Selling a single tree might only be profitable for you, the seller, but not for the buyer.

Only an extraordinary tree can be rewarding to a buyer.

If you must sell a single tree, find an operator with a portable sawmill. Such buyers often have less overhead. Plus, they can profit significantly from a single living or dead high-value tree.

  • Selling Multiple Trees

Do you know you can make good money selling trees to landscapers?

Selling multiple trees isn’t as easy as for one. One botched sale can cost you much of the value of decades-old timber. It can also influence future harvest negatively.

You should find a professional forestry partner to purchase your trees.

By using professional forestry partners, you can earn up to 50 percent or more per sale. These experts often sell trees for a living. As such, they know the value of different grades of trees.

Moreover, they are familiar with local timber buyers and the market.

However, private foresters may charge you a certain amount to offer such services. Therefore, this method may be more expensive than offset by the higher selling price.

To find a professional forester, you can contact your County Agricultural Extension. Alternatively, you can reach out to any forestry commission nearby.

How to Find Buyers for Your Home Trees

Finding who’ll buy your home trees isn’t a challenging task. The easiest way is to use a search engine (Internet). You’ll come across many companies interested in purchasing trees for different purposes.

Additionally, each state in the U.S. has a list of sawmills, wood buyers, and professional foresters. These parties will be interested in purchasing your trees.

However, you must be careful with the sites you navigate. There are fraudulent dealers online lurking to find trees they can prey on.

Besides searching online, you can also use word of mouth by talking to a friend or family. Some of them may have experience selling home trees to lumber companies.

Lastly, you can use the media to search for potential buyers. This could be through social media platforms, banners, flyers, billboards, etc.

Price of Trees in the Market

It would be best if you had an idea of how much trees cost in the market. That way, you will know what to expect for the type of tree you have.

The following paragraph will give you some estimated prices of tees nationwide.

Black cherry costs about $400-$800 per MBF, and California redwood $700 to $900. Hard Maple costs $300 to $800, Douglas Fir $150 to $300, and pine costs $75 to $250 per MBF.

Then Red Oak is around $300 to $600, Red Pine $50 to $160, and Walnut $900 to $1,400 per MBF. Finally, White Pine costs $100 to $250, white Oak $350 to $600, and White Ash $150 to $600 per MBF.

Factors that Determine the Price of Yard Trees

Certain factors influence the price of home trees.

Among them are accessibility, property location,  geographical setting, size, type, and tree condition. Allow us to review these influencing elements.

  • Location of your Yard

Generally, the less travel to locate your trees, the higher your payout.

This means you can earn reasonably if your property is near wood companies. But if otherwise, you should lower your expectations.

  • Type of Tree

The type of trees in your yard matters significantly when assessing their value.

Typically, trees with high-quality wood are more costly than those with less quality. For instance, wood such as cherry, Walnut, and Oak are more expensive than pine and firs.

  • Accessibility

No buyer will enjoy navigating rugged terrains to access your trees.

Some companies or buyers will even refuse to strike a deal with you. If you’re fortunate to find buyers willing to, their offer will not be reasonable.

There’s much more to talk about selling trees from your yard. But because of time shortage, we can’t provide you with all we got.

However, with the little we’ve put on the table, you can see what it means to sell home trees.

You can use this information as a guide.

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