How To Remove A Small Tree

Do you have a small tree around your property you want to remove?

Removing a small tree can be more challenging than you think. This can be even more challenging for persons having no idea what to do.

Our assumption is, you’re reading this article to learn how to perform this task.

If so, we’re glad to inform you that you’re in the right place. The only thing you need to do is simply read on to learn more about how to remove a small tree.

Small Tree Removal Options

Tree removal starts with an important decision.

You’re to decide whether you want to remove the tree yourself or call for professional help. Your choice in deciding your preferred option will determine if you’ll need a guide or not.

  1. Calling for Professional Help

This is about the easiest option available to you. Here, you only need to contact a reputable tree removal service and book an appointment.

In most cases, an inspection team comes over to take a look at the tree.

Such an inspection helps determine the methods to be used as well as providing a price quote for such removal services. The terrain, location, and condition of the tree all contribute to determining tree removal costs.

Not all tree removal services are reliable. You’ll need to search for reviews about tree removal services nearest to you.

Your search turns up tones of the result. With these results, you get to compare the quality of service as well as client satisfaction among others. That’s as far as it goes!

Here, you don’t need to learn how to remove a small tree as you won’t be performing the task yourself. Instead, you’re hiring competent hands to handle all the processes without any stress on your part.

  1. DIY Small Tree Removal

This is the focus of our discussion. Knowing how to remove a small tree plays an important role in performing a decent job.

To be able to remove a tree yourself, you’ll need to know how to proceed with such a task. Luckily we’re here to help.

The following are steps for DIY tree removal;

  • Research Local Ordinances

Depending on where you live, there are likely to be local ordinances guiding or regulating tree removal.

These cover every area relating to removal, hence the need to fully understand what these ordinances are and how to abide by them.

Proper research on applicable regulations is necessary to enable you to acquire all necessary documentation among other things. Skipping this step is quite risky as you could attract sanctions in the form of heavy fines or worse.

  • Planning

Things work much better when you planned than they do when actions are taken hastily.

The same applies to small tree removal. Consider working or sorting out all that needs to be done before moving ahead.

So, what does this process entail? There are several things involved.

Important steps include getting all your equipment ready and safety gear ready.

Small tree removal equipment includes a chainsaw, brush mower, brush grubber, and tree shear. You can opt for their alternatives. Safety gear includes a helmet, boots, gloves, goggles, and thick long-sleeved clothing.

Having obtained the necessary tools, you’ll need to wet the soil around the small tree with sufficient water. This action is necessary as it helps loosen the soil, thus making it easier to remove the tree.

You’ll need to ensure that no one comes close when you perform this risky task. Both kids and pets should be kept as far away as possible. Before you commence, you might want to take a look at where the tree is leaning most.

This would likely be the direction it will fall.

It’s important to plan for a worst-case scenario when removing trees because the outcomes don’t always turn out as expected. In other words, a tree might fall in the wrong direction.

You should be able to escape injury if this ever happens.

  • Safety Is Paramount

Your safety and those of others around should be given all the seriousness it deserves.

Remember, the unexpected could happen while removing the small tree. The removal proper begins with making an angled cut (about 70 degrees) on the tree.

This angled cut isn’t made on any random side of the tree but only on the side or direction, you want the tree to fall.

This cut isn’t made all the way through the trunk but should stop at about a quarter of its (the tree’s) diameter.

What results from your effort is an L-shaped portion. The next step is to cut (straight) horizontally from the opposite side. Be careful not to let your chainsaw go all the way through. Instead, you should allow a space of about one-tenth of the tree’s diameter untouched.

If it doesn’t begin to fall, some push should be enough to send it crashing. As it begins to fall slowly, you have ample time to get out of the way as fast as possible.

  • Do You Wish to Go All the Way?

Having successfully removed the small tree, you’re left with the stump. If the presence of such a stump is okay to you, you can overlook it. However, if you wish to go all the way, you’ll have to remove the stump left behind.

Removal can be done by digging it up (which is more difficult) or grinding it out.

A stump grinder will prove handy in this regard.

Stump grinders can be hired and used for this task. These are more efficient as they enable you to complete the job in record time compared to digging.

  • Seek Assistance when the Need Arises

Removing a small tree yourself won’t pose much of a problem when done right. However, assistance may be necessary in some cases when there are challenges you handle yourself.

In such cases, calling a tree removal service may be your best bet.

Removing a small tree isn’t much of a big deal. So far, we’ve seen that you can either call to have it removed by professionals or carry out the task yourself. The option you choose is entirely up to you.

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