How To Get Rid of Woodpeckers

A lot of people want to know how to get rid of woodpeckers from houses in a bid to avoid their damaging behaviors.

Apart from the noise created by Woodpeckers, they also cause damage to trees and other wooden structures around homes.


This problem is most noticeable during Springtime.

The noise created through their pecking activities is used to mark their territory as well as to attract mates. But more than anything else, these birds feed on insects found within the wood.

You may want to ask; why is a woodpecker pecking at my house?

Here is the answer. The pecking sound is made:

  • in the process of marking territories and attracting mates for breeding purposes.
  • when a Woodpecker is creating its nest cavity to excavate a nest or roost hole.
  • in the process of feeding on insects that are present in your siding.
  • while the birds are storing foods in holes made in different parts of your home.

So, are you faced with how to solve this bird pest problem? If you are, we will show you ways to get rid of Woodpeckers completely. These approaches have been quite effective in the past and will be for you when applied correctly.

Woodpecker Feeding and Breeding

It is important to understand the feeding and breeding behavior of Woodpeckers. This is to know the right action to be taken. These are vital characteristics of the survival of these birds.

Woodpeckers are beneficial to trees because they feed on all sorts of insects including destructive insects. They also feed on live tree saps, nuts, and fruits.

These birds build their nests in tree cavities as well as holes they dig on properties. Of course, such holes are carved out from exposed wood around your home or other properties. Though some Woodpeckers are known to dig holes on the ground as well. The same holes they excavate are used as their nests for breeding.

Typically, they lay between 3 to 5 eggs. This lasts for 2 weeks before they are hatched.

Woodpecker Damage to Home Vs Damage to Trees

Most people want to get rid of woodpeckers due to damage caused to homes. Damage to trees for many can be ignored. In most cases, damage to homes isn’t noticed until major damage has been caused. This is even more common with vacation homes which are mostly vacant for extended periods.

Given the above reasons, damage to homes and property is considered more serious. This requires urgent actions to be taken. Hence the methods are provided below.

Use of Humane Methods for Controlling Woodpeckers

Getting rid of woodpeckers mostly has to do with the use of humane methods. This is because these birds are covered by federal legislation. In other words, killing them makes you at odds with the law.

As a result, we’ve deliberately chosen humane control strategies. This ensures that your surroundings become unfavorable to them.

How to Get Rid of Woodpeckers Pecking on Cedar Siding of Your Home

Having given you a head start, this section focuses on the different ways woodpeckers can be gotten rid of. Each of these removal methods has proven to be effective.

You can also use a combination of strategies if you so wish. They include the following;

  • Inspecting the Woodpecker Problem

Luckily for home and property owners, woodpeckers are noisy birds. This means that the problem is easily traceable. You can easily find out areas most affected by woodpeckers by simply listening.

You don’t need to strain your ear as such sounds are loud enough. Once these are found, appropriate measures should be taken to get rid of them.

  • Woodpecker Scare Devices

These are devices that create a sense of danger. Woodpeckers view these as potentially harmful, hence the need to stay away. Scare devices are effective because they target the senses of hearing and sight.

Bird-X balloons are popularly used to keep away woodpeckers. These balloons bear holographic eye images. These, to the birds, seem like eyes that watch their every move. Plus, the balloon is moved about by the wind.

  • Eliminating Food Sources

Food sources pose a major attraction for woodpeckers.

Without them, you are unlikely to experience woodpecker activities around. Recall that we mentioned what these birds feed on. These insects are likely to infest your homes.

They include termites (which are very damaging too), ants, bees, and more.

To eliminate the problem, you’d have to apply the right treatment. This will include the use of insecticides as well as other insect control strategies. But we all know that insecticides are toxic.

As a result, you may end up poisoning the birds if they feed on dead insects.

You can avoid this by using non-toxic strategies to exterminate them.

To deny woodpeckers their sources of food, you should also deny the insects their food sources too. Insects are known to congregate around refuse dumps. This is in addition to areas with lots of food crumbs.

By cleaning such areas, there won’t be insects such as ants in the first place.

Termites and Carpenter bees require a different approach. This is a comprehensive way to deal with the problem of woodpeckers.

  • Using Predator Decoys

Woodpeckers will often avoid predators.

Using this fact, companies have cashed in on this by creating artificial decoy predators such as owls. You can easily purchase any of these to place around your home.

These have proven to be effective in keeping these birds at bay.

Artificial decoys having reflective eyes are even more effective.

  • Building a Nest for Them

Sounds contradictory right? Well, it isn’t. This method has and continues to offer some of the best results for property owners. We have mentioned earlier that woodpeckers are territorial birds.

By providing them with a nest as well as feeders, you are in effect placing a guard against further invasion by others. This is best used in areas with a heavy woodpecker population.

It also limits the damage caused significantly.

Though effective, this method requires a specialized approach. You may want to find out the details of how best to go about the whole thing before commencement.

The reason is simple; you may end up escalating the problem without the right knowledge.

  • Placing Spikes on Cornices and Fences

Spikes have long been used to control bird activities including woodpeckers. However, there’s a downside to it.

And it is the fact that it affects the aesthetic look of your home. But that isn’t much of a problem for many as long as they find a solution to their woodpecker problems.

Spikes will prevent woodpeckers from landing. This, in turn, truncates their destructive and noisy activities.

  • Using Exclusion Netting

Exclusion netting is often used when the damage has been spotted. These nets are placed over damaged wood surfaces as deterrents against continuous pecking activity. It is made of plastic material and functions as a barrier.

But for this to be effective, there should be at least a three-inch space between the net and wood. This will help woodpeckers from touching the wooden surface.

  • Carrying Out Repairs of Affected Areas of Your Home

Whenever a woodpecker successfully drills a hole, it attracts others too.

With this knowledge, such holes will need to be repaired as soon as possible when spotted. You should consider searching for other holes around too.

Such holes can be filled with putty and then painted over using oil paints when it dries up.

By doing this, you are actively preventing further woodpecker activity.

  • Using Ultrasonic Recordings

There are ultrasonic recordings that mimic the cry of distressed woodpeckers. This is in addition to other predator sounds. But first, you need to locate affected or damaged areas of your home. Such devices are placed there.

Within a short time, woodpeckers will find such areas of your home very uncomfortable. You can salvage your home from further destruction and damage using a cost-effective method.

  • Use of Visual Woodpecker Deterrents

Consider hanging decorative material such as ropes or colorful strings around affected areas. These move with the wind and helps to scare away woodpeckers.

While providing a form of decoration, it also serves the purpose of keeping these birds at bay.

There are also other types of visual deterrents. These include foil strips, compact discs as well as aluminum pie plates. These, when hanged make noises. But most importantly, they have reflective properties.

This helps in no small measure in keeping woodpeckers away.

  • The Use of Woodpecker Repellents

There are so many woodpecker repellents you’d find.

These pest exterminating products are designed to give the best results and are mostly eco-friendly. They are cost-effective too.

Such products include the Bird Chase Supersonic, Scare Diverters by Bird-B-Gone, Woodpecker Kit, Irri-Tape, Woodpecker Deterrent and Coating, and Woodpecker Deterrent Paint and Stain Additive.

Others are BeakGuard Woodpecker Deterrent, Polycarbonate 8-Pack Strips, among so many products. These come in several brands with detailed instructions for use.

However, there may be some scanty information. For such, we recommend you avoid them and go for trusted products having all the information you need.

  • Hire the Services of Professional Woodpecker Exterminators

While almost anyone can get the job done using the above information, not everyone is will prefer this approach. For this reason, you have yet another alternative.

Calling a pest control professional. You can choose your most preferred service provider from so many others. Their Woodpecker removal services start with an inspection.

This is followed by recommendations and treatment. They are likely to choose the most effective strategy to rid your home of these birds. Their services are also backed by guarantees.

  • Conclusion

Finding the right solutions to your Woodpecker problems is easy when you have the right information. This article has provided you with such. We have also shown you how to get rid of woodpeckers.

By going through the methods outlined above, you get to choose whichever Woodpecker extermination option that works best for you.

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