How To Get Rid Of Voles

Are you interested in some of the best ways to get rid of voles naturally or with the use of traps and repellents? You have your answers in this extermination guide.

Voles are often mistaken for mice due to their similarities.

As a result, having a vole problem will require understanding the situation on the ground before proceeding with treatment.

We will distinguish these differences as well as show you how to get rid of them. You’d also find a whole lot of options you can select from.

So, to waste no more time, let’s start now;

How To Identify a Vole

Identification is of the essence in tackling a vole problem. This is due to the similarities with mice.

Voles can be differentiated by their rounded and stocky body. They have short claws and feet with black underbellies.

Additional characteristics include sharp teeth well adapted to feeding, and also short snout and tail.

Voles cause a lot of damage. These mostly involve crops as well as lawns. Voles are also known to cause damage to ornamental plants and yards.

When such problems are noticed, urgent action will be required. Read on as we discuss more such actions.

Another rodent of such destructive capacity you should get rid of is gophers.

Vole Species

Identifying a vole species is the first step to finding a lasting solution. There are 4 major species in the United States.

They include water voles, meadow voles, prairie voles, and woodland voles. As suggested by the names, each of these categories are specific to certain regions.

Nevertheless, their physical characteristics are constant.

How to Get Rid of Voles in House and Garden

The strategies for getting rid of voles are varied. However, the most important factor remains to get the job done effectively!

We have included as many of these vole control methods as necessary.

The purpose is to avail you of the opportunity to go for what works best.

  • Introducing Barriers

Trees and crops are major targets for voles.

By introducing barriers, you are making it harder for them to reach their food sources. The most common signs of their activities include gnawing marks on plants and crops.

Barriers include trunk protectors. These are coverings (wire mesh) that are wrapped around tree trunks.

Another option is fencing around the trees. Fencing is done in such a way that it penetrates the ground. This is to prevent voles from burrowing below the fence.

Your fence should go at least a foot deep below.

  • Disrupt their Habitat

Voles feed mainly on plants. But they won’t stay away from trees either. Especially when such trees are young. One way to fight back is through disruption. Their habitat can be disrupted by removing all sources of food.

These include leaves, pulling out plants, wood, clearing out all forms of debris as well as sweeping off all nuts and fruits.

When this is done, voles will have to move out to new locations. This is necessary for their survival. And when this can’t be found within your surroundings, you’d have succeeded in getting rid of them.

  • Sauce and Peppers

These are common food items that are very effective on voles.

One of the best ways to get rid of them is by making a mixture. It doesn’t matter if you use only pepper, sauce, or both. It has similar effects on them. You only need to apply this mixture around your garden or crops and trees.

The heat sensation from sauce and peppers is dreaded by voles.

  • Garlic

Garlic has similar effects to peppers. However, the difference is in the smell.

Garlic has a strong pungent smell. While this may be highly beneficial to humans, the same cannot be said for voles. Its strong smell keeps them far away. So, make a solution of crushed garlic. You can also make use of its powder.

The solution should be sprayed around affected areas. This should be reapplied as often as necessary for the best results.

  • Add Some Gravel to Your Garden Soil

The soil within your yard or garden is easy to burrow through. This is one reason voles find it easy to gain access to their surroundings.

But you can make things more difficult for them. This is by adding some gravel. When digging, voles hate it when there are so many obstacles.

As a result, they abandon such areas in search of more favorable grounds.

  • Vole Repellent Plants

Certain plants are known to repel voles. Apart from their repellent properties, such plants can also be toxic when ingested. So, you may want to consider having these around your yard or garden.

Such plants include bulbs (such as daffodils, grape hyacinths, and Italian arum), Castor bean, and hellebore.

  • Vole Traps

Getting rid of voles can be achieved using traps.

However, this may require a setting as many as required in severe circumstances. This method has been largely successful because voles have to move around.

Vole traps can also be set at the entrance to their burrow openings.

What more? Grass and vegetation are a delicacy. These can be used as vole bait to cover the traps.

  • Set up a Fence

Fencing is another way to get rid of voles without poison or repellents. But not every type of fencing will do.

This is because voles are small and can get into tiny spaces. These pests can also burrow beneath the fence. To overcome this challenge, consider using metal netting with tight spacing.

Also, ensure your fence penetrates at least a foot below the ground. This helps prevent any form of burrowing under the fence.

  • Your Pets Can Help

Don’t underestimate what your dog can do.

Dogs are very inquisitive and will dig holes as well as chase voles away. Bigger dogs are best suited for the task. Dogs will want to patrol your yard and garden during most parts of the day.

For as long as they do, voles will need to keep their distance. This is a cost-effective way to find a solution to your pest issue.

  • Seal Up All Vents

Voles find all openings inviting. So, while dealing with a garden infestation, they can easily walk through crawl spaces. This also includes other vents such as chimneys.

Find some screens or covers for such areas. This helps keep them out while helping you focus on getting them out of your yard.

  • Introduce Noise and Vibration

Loud noise and vibration will make your home surroundings unfavorable to voles. But won’t such noise disturb your neighbors?

Never! As long as you use ultrasonic devices. Some of these come pre-installed with both noise and vibration capabilities. These would need to be installed at strategic points.

The size of your yard or garden will also determine how many such devices will be required.

Ultrasonic devices make high-pitched noise. Such noises can’t be picked up by the human ear. As such, it’s safe to use within your neighborhood.

Vibration is also triggered by sensors that pick up vole movements.

  • Vole Poison

Poison can be applied to plants which voles feed on. When ingested, it kicks in by affecting normal functioning and ultimately leading to death. Though effective, it comes with significant risks. Your kids and pets are likely to be affected.

Getting rid of voles using this option isn’t advisable if you have kids or keep pets. You should consider other alternatives. This is to avoid putting yourself in harm’s way.

  • Motion Sensor Lights and Sprinklers

Voles, like most rodents, get scared whenever there’s sudden movement. You can take advantage of this by introducing motion sensor lights and sprinklers. These are triggered at the slightest movement of rodents. Lights are most effective during the night time while sprinklers are effective at any time of day.

Voles will rather seek newer territories than getting frightened and sprinkled with water at every turn. Sprinklers should be installed to cover all affected areas of your yard.

  • Castor Oil Vole Repellents

Do you know how to get rid of voles with castor oil?

Well, castor oil repellents come in different variants, including granules. These granules give off a scent that is disliked by voles. They keep as far away as possible when they smell it.

This can be used along the borders or perimeter of your home. It should be reapplied when finished. This is to prevent voles from making advances.

  • Neem Oil

Voles feed on insects too! This is where Neem oil comes in handy. It takes away this source of food.

Neem oil can be bought in local stores and applied around your home. It also gives the added advantage of driving away insect pests like a mosquito. Thereby providing you with multiple benefits.

Target areas most likely to harbor mosquitoes and other insects.

  • Vole Extermination Services

If you consider these steps too demanding, never mind!

Rodent management companies exist to solve such problems. A little online search will bring up many of these vole exterminators.

After calling, an inspection is scheduled. This may be a free service for most companies. After inspection, the best removal strategy is recommended and treatment follows as soon as you approve.

There are several advantages to using this option for controlling vole infestation. One of such is that you don’t have to deal with the difficulties.

Also, a thorough job is done and services are backed by a guarantee. This means the job will be repeated if the problem persists. So, you choose! These are several effective solutions to get rid of voles and take control of your home.

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