How To Get Rid Of Tree And Pond Frogs

Not to worry, I’ll be giving you practical tips on how to get rid of tree frogs and frog ponds.

Frogs are an important part of the eco-system, as they help control the bug population. No doubt they have their benefits, but they can also be annoying, especially when they invade your pond or trees.

So, how do you get rid of them? Well, killing them is out of the question, I have already given you a hint to how important they are.

How do you get rid of tree frogs around your house? Keep reading!

About Tree / Pond Frogs

These beautiful amphibians thrive in the water and areas with green vegetation. These are the kind of environments where they breed and lay their eggs.

They feed on smaller fish and insects, which the water and trees provide, so you can understand how difficult it would be to remove a group of them from a place where they have become so attached to.

These amphibians also make a loud, croaking sound that will drive you crazy, especially at night when you’re trying to get some sleep.

Frogs pose no threat to humans, they are just an inconvenience which must be dealt with in a manner that’s safe for you and them.

How To Get Rid Of Frogs From Ponds And Pools

Follow these tips to remove frogs from your fish pond.

  • Introduce Predators

But wait, I just said you shouldn’t kill the frogs, won’t the predators eat them?

Well, yes, the predators will eat them, but it will still be part of the larger life cycle and it will still you positive results for the ecosystem as a whole.

There are species of fish that eat tadpoles, these species include carp and bass fish. You can also inquire about other fish species that love feasting on tadpoles.

Get as many of the fish you need and let them loose into your pond. Sooner or later, all the frogs will be gone, as your pond has now become a high-risk environment for them to live and lay their eggs.

  • Use Ornamental Water Falls

Installing an ornamental waterfall or water fountain in your pond is an ideal way to chase the frogs away from your pond.

The waterfall will disrupt the natural flow of water, which the frogs don’t like. Remember, frogs love water that is not only fresh but calm.

A water fountain or waterfall is too chaotic for the frogs. They will not be able to bear the turmoil and they will leave.

Also, a waterfall will reduce the number of mosquitoes around your pond. Frogs eat mosquitoes, and if they can’t find any around your pond, they will leave to other places in search of food.

  • Keep Pond Lighting Off

Pond lighting makes your pond area look magical. It creates an ambiance that everyone would love, including bugs!

Remember, many bugs are attracted to lights, and guess who eats a lot of bugs? The frogs!

As long as there is an endless supply of bugs around your pond area, then you can expect to find bug-eating frogs there.

Turning off the lights or uninstalling them all together is a tactic you can employ to reduce the occurrence of insects around your pond, hence reducing the occurrence of frogs in your pond.

  • Use A Scoop Net To Catch Them

You can have some fun and exercise with this frog removal method. Get your kids to come along with you and hand them their scoop nets.

Move around your pond looking for frogs and scoop them up with the net as you come across them.

You could turn it into a fun game for the whole family. The person who scoops up the most frogs gets to eat the largest piece of chicken during dinner or gets some other form of reward.

When you catch the frogs, make sure you or other partakers do not harm them. Instead, take them to another pond away from your residence and release them.

  • Build A Fence To Keep Them Out

After you have successfully removed the frogs from your pond, then you should consider building a short silt fence to keep them out.

The fence should be about 3 feet high and should go at least one foot into the ground.

This kind of set up will discourage frogs from making their way into your pond.

How To Keep Frogs Away From Your Trees

Chasing the frogs away from your pond doesn’t mean your mission is accomplished. You’d be surprised that you can still hear their noises when you’re trying to sleep at night.

But I got them out of the pond, where could they be now? In your trees!

Yes, frogs love trees just as much as they love calm, fresh, water. Trees provide a lot of cover for them, and most importantly, the trees provide food!

Many insects can be found in trees, many of which are pests, which the frogs would love to eat.

All things being considered, it’s a good thing that frogs eat garden bugs since most of them cause problems for your tree, and the frogs help to reduce their numbers.

However, the loud noises the frogs make at night isn’t just worth it. They need to go.

Follow these tips below to get rid of tree frogs from your yards and lawns.

  • Reduce The Insect Population In The Tree

As I just mentioned, frogs love bugs, and there are plenty that can be found in trees. As long as the bugs are there, it means the frogs will keep hanging around there in search of food.

All you need to do is get rid of the bugs, and the frog population will reduce.

You can use a garlic and cayenne pepper solution to fight off the insects from your tree. Spray around the affected trees to kill the bugs.

You can also use a pesticide that has long-lasting effects. It will not only kill the bugs but will repel them from ever coming back.

When there are no insects in your trees, you will hardly find a frog there.

  • Expose Them To The Open

The last thing a frog wants is to be seen in open spaces, as these are the kind of places where a predator can get them. Such predators include snakes and large birds.

The more Co a frog has, the safer it will feel. So what do you do? You reduce or remove the cover it has around your trees.

Keep tall grasses cut to ground level. Also, clear off all weeds and unwanted bushy shrubs. You would also want to keep your trees well pruned, as that will also reduce the frog’s cover.

If the frogs no longer feel safe around your trees, then they will have no choice but to leave. Especially when one or two of their friends has just been scooped up by a hawk.

  • Get Rid Of Patches Of Water In Your Yard

If your irrigator is leaking, then it will create a mini-pond around your trees. This will encourage frogs to visit these spots and lay their eggs.

The more there are patches of water close to your trees, the higher the chances of them climbing up the trees in search of food.

Keep the ground areas around your trees as dry as possible to discourage them from laying their eggs around your trees.

  • Use A Scoop Net

The same way you can have fun scooping frogs from the pond is the same way you can have fun scooping them off the grass.

Apply the same formula and turn it into a game, so you and your family (especially the kids) can have some fun with it.

Once again, do not kill the frogs when you catch them, remember their importance to the ecosystem. Take them somewhere else where they can thrive and release them.

  • Buy Birds Of Prey

As you can use predatory fish to remove frogs from your pond, so can you use birds of prey to remove frogs from your trees.

There are many falconry birds which you can keep. Inquire with the relevant authorities to know which species you are allowed to.

Introducing these birds to your garden will be a big problem for the frog, especially the ones in the trees.

We all know that birds love trees, as it also provides a source of food and they can build their nests there.

Sadly for the frogs, the birds will never share their tree with them, instead, they will hunt them down and eat them. They can feed pieces of the frog to their young birds (if they have any).

Try out the Harris’s Hawk, it is one of the easiest prey birds to train and it is a fantastic hunter.


Frogs are important to both humans and the ecosystem, but they can also be an inconvenience.

Use the tips above to safely get rid of them.

I trust this article on how to get rid of tree frogs and pond frogs has been helpful.

Take care!

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