How To Get Rid Of Termites – 12 Protection Methods

Are there ways to get rid of termites permanently? Yes. Here are some remediation tips that can help you kill termites completely.

Termites are among the most difficult pests to deal with.

Though such is the case, it can be handled effectively using the right information. This article is aimed at providing you with all the information needed.

In addition to that, we’ve made it as comprehensive as possible.

As you read on, you’ll find that no matter how stubborn an insect pest problem is, there’s always a solution.

Why Is It Dangerous to Have a Termite Problem?

Termites are terrible pests to have around.

This is because there isn’t a period of inactivity. In other words, termites never sleep or rest. This is bad news for those having an infestation.

To make matters worse, most problems are discovered after significant termite damage has been done. Under such circumstances, you may incur huge treatment, and repair costs.

Termites also pose significant health risks to humans.

Hence, this calls for close monitoring or observation. You also need to carry out the preventive treatment as often as possible.

Termite Social Organisation

Termites have a well-organized social system. This is known as eusociality. This is similar to the caste system with members of a particular caste having specific roles or duties.

Let’s consider each caste as well as roles performed;

  • Worker Termites

These are the notorious and destructive members of the colony. As the name suggests, they carry out vital assignments.

Such assignments include scavenging for food, feeding soldiers, and aiding the queen with movement. While such termites have a soft and white body, their mouths are hard. This is well adapted for feeding.

In addition to the above responsibilities, worker termites also store food.

  • Soldier Termites

This caste of termites is responsible for keeping their colonies safe. They fend off attacks using their unique features.

Such features include strong mandibles and bodies, large heads, and fluids which are secreted in the event of a security breach. In the worst circumstances, soldier termites sacrifice themselves.

  • Reproductive Role/Duty

Termite populations will deplete without reproduction. Hence the function of the king and queen. It’s necessary to state that this duty can’t be carried out by any other caste.

In addition to this, the queen has the longest lifespan.

Such a queen may live up to forty years or more. Queens are also known to be very fertile. Due to this reality, getting rid of the problem from its source becomes necessary. This is the only way you can keep your home or property free from termite invasion.

  • How are Roles Determined?

How are roles determined? This question should come naturally after discussing the roles performed by each termite caste. It all starts with the queen.

Therefore, the type of pheromone, a termite, that is fed by a queen determines its role. So, are there multiple pheromones? You guessed right. These are secreted onto the Queen’s. The type secreted will determine what caste a termite grows into.

Signs of Termite Infestation

Although termite infestations mostly take people by surprise, there are still ways to notice such. However discreet termite activities may be, there are always telltale signs. Thus you must keep your eyes open for such.

Observation and inspection are the first steps to getting rid of a termite problem.

  • Frass

This tell-tale sign is mostly common with drywood termites.

While chewing on wood, frass is created from termite excrement as well as loosened or powdery wood. This is a sign you should be on the lookout for. This is likely to be seen around exposed wood.

Termite dropping alerts you about an existing problem even if you do not see one.

Therefore you need to act fast. However, other boring insects generate frass. Hence you’ll need to verify by using a pointed screwdriver.

Mud tubes are common with subterranean termites. This is needed for moisture. When termites invade your home, such tubes shield them from dehydration.

Hence, it offers an easy way to detect their presence. Therefore if you suspect an infestation, just take a walk around your home or property. The same should also be done indoors.

If this is noticed, immediate action should be taken.

  • Damage to Wood

Whenever there’s a termite problem, wooden structures and parts of a building are threatened. Thus, one way to find out if you have an existing termite problem is by tapping on different parts of the structure (wooden).

This tests for hollow signs because termites destroy wood from the inside out.

  • Be on the lookout for Swarmers

This mostly happens during a nuptial flight. Whenever you inspect your home surroundings and find scattered wings, you should be concerned. However, this may belong to ants.

In any case, further, inspection is necessary. Such signs may indicate that your home is in an active area for swarming termites.

  • A crack of Paint and Wall

This is another way to identify if there’s a termite infestation in your wall or not.

When termites attack a wall, you first notice that the paint and wall begin to crack. The wall cracks in unnatural ways that cannot be attributed to foundation defects.

How to Get Rid of Termites Completely Step by Step: Remediation

All our discussions had been targeted at providing a better understanding of termite activity.

However, this section will discuss the different ways to rid your home of these pests. All of the strategies mentioned have been tested. But the level of efficacy depends on what strategies you deploy.

What kills termites? Let’s find out using the remediation guide below.

  • Calling the Pros

Termite activity can be devastating if not urgently arrested.

Most times people have a limited understanding of termite behavior hence the need to seek professional help. When any of the above signs are identified, you should place a call to a pest management service.

This is most effective due to the comprehensive and professional approach to termite control.

Read: Breakdown Cost of Termite Extermination

Most pest control services start with an inspection. Because they are well trained and experienced, technicians will conduct a thorough assessment of the problem. All you need to do is to point at the problem and give way.

After an inspection, you get a detailed report as well as the best extermination method to apply.

Reputable pest management services also offer a guarantee for services. This means that treatment will be repeated for free if termites are found within a space of time.

  • Are DIY Termite Control Methods as Effective?

If you are concerned about termite extermination costs then DIY strategies like the use of bleach may seem attractive. However, the sad reality is that these methods may cost more in the long term.

Although this is the case, a combination of any of the following methods may prove quite effective.

  • Using Cardboard as Bait

Cardboard is a good source of cellulose that termites love. Thus it can be used as a perfect trap.

All you need is to make it damp by applying some water. This should be placed in corrugated boxes and kept in areas where termites are most active.

Before long, you’d have the colony closing in for the feast. So, what happens? You should set fire to the box to kill them.

  • Using Nematodes

The use of nematodes is a biological approach that has proven to be effective.

These are predators that prey on termites. Therefore all you need to do is locate a termite colony. Once this is found, an opening can be dug and the nematodes applied.

Although it is considered one of the most cost-effective methods, it can still be quite effective.

  • Keeping Wood at a Safe Distance

We all know wood is an easy target for termites.

Thus, keeping them stacked against your home walls can be inviting for termites. This is more of a preventive measure that will help keep your home unattractive to these pests.

If you must keep wood, it should be kept at a safe distance.

  • Proper Tending of your Garden

Most times, termites are attracted to homes due to the type of mulch used in the garden.

In addition to that, how this is applied also matters. Mulch material having wood is the perfect recipe for termites activity. Termites are always searching for sources of cellulose, thus, you should consider using other materials.

Such may include rubber or gravel.

READ: List Of Termite-Repelling Plants

Also, how this is applied is important. It shouldn’t be applied right up to the walls of your home. Doing so might create a suitable environment for termites to gain quicker access.

  • Channeling Water Away

This is a necessary step that has largely been ignored by homeowners.

Termites are more likely to infest an area having sufficient moisture. Therefore homes or properties without proper drainage are likely to become targets.

Hence to get rid of such, you need to create an effective drainage system around your home. This channels water as far away as necessary.

  • Frequently Monitor Exposed Wood

Exposed woods are prime targets for termites. Thus to rid your home of such, you need to frequently observe. Such exposed wood includes wooden doors and window frames and furniture.

  • Exposing Termites to the Sun

Termites can’t survive direct sunlight. As a result, they create mud tunnels to protect against dehydration.

Therefore this reality can be used against them. But placing a bait (such as moist or wet cardboard) can be taken out and placed under direct sunlight. Of course, this only happens after such pests are feasting on the bait.

How to Kill Termites – in Wood, House, Furniture, Yard, Tree

Do you know how to kill them off in furniture and walls? Find out more in the second part of this termite removal guide.

Termites are some of the most difficult pests to control. One of the main reasons for this is because they are likely to attack your property from below the surface.

In other words, they are subterranean insects. Before you notice a termite infestation, the problem is likely to have existed for some time.

This article will show you how to take care of the problem with the topic ‘how to kill termites.

How Do You Kill Termites?

Under this section of the article, you will learn a variety of ways you can get the job done. This includes the adoption of different techniques towards achieving desired results.

Efficient methods of termite elimination include;

  • Applying Ortho Home Defence Max

This is a highly effective treatment method that kills termites instantly. It has an after-effect that lingers on for 5 years, keeping termites at bay.

Whether you want to apply it as a preventive measure or to treat an active infestation, this chemical helps you take back control of your property.

It comes in a concentrated solution that produces 32 gallons of spray when diluted.

With Bifenthrin as its active ingredient, you can buy a 16-ounce bottle for $20.00.

  • The Use of Liquid Termite Barrier

Another method of killing termites is by using a liquid insecticide such as Taurus SC or any other effective liquid pesticide.

How is this applied? It is one of the simplest ways to kill termites. All you need to do is simply apply this around your property.

This is highly poisonous and locks these pests in.

Upon contact with the pesticides, termites retreat and mix with their colony members. This chemical is not fast-acting. It gives enough time for the termites to come in contact and spread this as much as possible.

This liquid pesticide kills off all termites within your property.

  • Termidor Foam

Termite foam is best used indoors.

For voids created by termites on the walls or below the floor, this is applied and covered for safety reasons (from kids and pets). It is thorough and absorbs into affected areas killing all termites.

Its effects still linger a long time after application.

Termidor as a chemical is widely used in injection treatment for termites.

  • Using Poisoned Baits

With poisoned baits, you do not need to spray chemicals around your home. This method addresses safety concerns.

All you need to do is to place it within the area of infestation. These termites are attracted, get poisoned, and return to the colony. It is not fast-acting and gives enough time for the other termites to mix up with the infected ones.

This leads to poisoning on a larger scale. This is similar to the use of insecticide barriers. The only difference is that this is more contained and easier.

  • Boric Acid

This method of killing termites is best when there are no children or pets around.

You need protective gear such as gloves and masks when applying this treatment. Boric acid is toxic. You can spray this on wood or infested areas.

Borax treatment dehydrates the termites. It also affects their nervous system too.

  • Nematodes

This is a treatment method that uses the predatory approach in arresting termite infestation. Nematodes are parasitic worms that feed on termite hosts. Nematodes eliminate termite populations in no time.

If you are concerned with the safety of humans and pets, you need not get worried. These are harmless to both humans and pets.

A delay in applying them or keeping them exposed for too long will render them useless as they can easily die off.

If you are worried about the environmental impact of most treatments, then this may be one of the most environmentally friendly treatment methods.

  • Flooding

Another natural way to kill termites is by drowning them.

This method is only feasible when the property can withstand it without leading to further damage. When symptoms are found, you need to dig up infested areas and sufficient water applied.

This does the job and leaves no form of toxicity in its wake.

  • Using Salt

Did you know that salt could be used in killing termites? Yes, it can be used. To do this, you have to create a very salty solution. This is applied to infested areas.

This leads to dehydration. Before long, they all die off.

  • Permethrin Dust

Like Boric acid, this is a toxic treatment that needs careful application.

You will also need protective gear. It is easy to use. This measure is not only effective for killing termites but also other destructive pests as well.

Because it is widely used for pest control, you are likely to have used it or come across it.

  • Using Cardboard Traps

Damp cardboard strips should be placed close to areas of infestation. These serve as a favorite source of cellulose for termites.

When they must have invaded the cardboard strips, you can quickly take this outside, and burn them in an already prepared fire.

  • Exposure to Sunlight

Termites thrive in the dark. This is why their mode of attack is mostly subterraneous. To get rid of them on moveable furniture, for instance, you can simply take this out.

This should be exposed to direct sunlight. These pests detest sunlight and will be easily killed by the heat.

  • Get Professional Help

This option is for those who would rather have a pest control company to get the job done for them. There are several pest control services within your state. You can simply conduct a little online research to find out more about them.

Most pest extermination companies offer free quotes to clients.

You can request a free quote for your property.

A trained, certified and experienced technician will come over to conduct a thorough examination of the damage and level of infestation.

The cost implications are disclosed after this process. You can use this to compare the quality and professionalism of the different pest extermination companies.

After Killing Termites, What Next?

Preventive treatments must be done both before and after an infestation problem must have been addressed.

In other words, these are done to discourage the return of termites.

A popular option is termite proofing.

Other measures include;

  • Relocating Wood Farther Away from your Home or Property

Termites feed mainly on wood due to their cellulose content.

Keeping woods close by is simply calling for trouble. The best action to take is to move them away from your home. Another option is to store them properly and apply termite treatments to the wood.

Doing this reduces the chances of having an infestation problem.

  • Applying Treatment Around the Perimeter of your Home

This is another effective preventive treatment or property maintenance. It costs little compared with having to deal with treating an infestation.

For the best results, you will need to arrange a scheduled reapplication. Under such an arrangement, your home is kept free of termites.

  • Seal Openings and Cracks Which Can Serve as Entry Points

This is crucial to keeping your home free of termites. These pests will easily exploit open spaces no matter how little the openings or cracks may be.

To prevent this from happening, you need to seal up any open spaces or cracks.

  • Routine Inspection

This is crucial especially for persons living in termite-infested neighborhoods. You need to frequently go around your property to inspect. If your home has a wooden floor, you may want to take this more seriously as it could come under attack at any moment.

How Often Should You Treat Your House For Termites?

When using baits, termite treatment will only last for about a year. This necessitates that regular monitoring and maintenance be carried out to ensure that infestation does not re-occur.

If the soil of your home is treated with liquid termiticides, such solutions can last for as long as six to eight years.

Factors that determine how long termite treatment lasts lie with the nature of the exterior and interior of your home, especially how accessible infested materials and structures are.

The species of termite causing the problem may also determine termite treatment frequency. While subterranean termites create a network of tunnels in the soil where they inhabit, drywood termites burrow into the wood they infest.

How long do termite treatments last? I’ll say 5 years on average.

However, a termite inspection should be done more frequently.


These are some of the most effective ways to kill off termites. However, you need to choose which is most convenient for you.

We also mentioned that termites can remain unnoticed for a long time.

Hence, if you suspect termite activity, just use the information provided here or call a pest management service for immediate assessment.

We have discussed several strategies on how to kill termites. Among these are the natural extermination strategies as well as the use of chemical treatment. Most of these methods are DIY  strategies.

However, we included an option for calling in professional help if you prefer such an option.

This article has ended with the preventive treatment you can use as well. We believe you have found this useful and will be able to put its content to practice in your efforts to kill termites fast.

Getting rid of termites should be very easy if you follow these tips.

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