How To Get Rid Of Flying Termites (Winged Swarmers)

I’ll be using this article to give you tips on how to get rid of flying termites that swarm.

Termites are among the most destructive insects in the world.

They chew on your wood and damage it, leaving you with repair or replacement expenses to handle. If you spot one flying termite in your home, then I’m sorry to say this, but there are more around.

Keep reading

About Swarming Termites

One of the main similarities between termites, ants, and bees, is that they all live in colonies. Every member of the colony is also assigned a specific task from its birth.

The ones with wings are also known as swarming termites, winged termites, or Flying termites. They are also responsible for reproduction.

During the spring, male and female flying termites move out in swarms in search of suitable places to mate and lay their eggs. Your yard or inside your home could be one of such places!

Flying Termites After Rain

They prefer to nest in moist ground or damp wooden structures. The underground nests usually have a mound by the side of them, as evidence of the burrows that have been dug.

Once they find a suitable spot, they shed their wings and start building a new colony. This means flying termites don’t fly for long.

Attraction To Light

These insects are attracted to warm areas and lights. Two of which inside your home provides.

Not to worry, there are things you can do to get rid of them.

How To Get Rid Of Swarmer Termites

Follow these tips to get rid of swarming termites/flying termite infestations.

Locate The Nest

As I mentioned earlier, flying termites can nest in moist soil or wooden structures. These are the first places you should look if you suspect a flying termite infestation.

Other signs can give you clues as to where they may be nested. One such sign is wood dust.

If the termites have invaded your home and made a nest in one of your wooden structures, then you will find a small pile of wood dust right beside where they have taken residence.

To be 100% certain, you can give the wood a slight knock to see if it is hollow inside. If it is, then they are in there.

As for your yard, carefully look around to see if there are any small mounds on the surface. Flying termites can bore into moist soil and nest there. A mound will be a result of all the digging.

If you spot any small mounds, then they are probably lodged there too.

Keep in mind that you may find more than one mound, as they could have invaded your yard in numbers. Also note that a termite mound may be similar to that of an Anthill, but they aren’t the same.

An Anthill is usually bigger than a flying termite mound, especially when the ant colony has already been established there. Flying termite mound is built by winged male and winged female and they dig only to create a mating spot and to start a new colony.

Locating the nests is the very first step to take in exterminating them.

Attack The Ground Nest

If the termites have nested underground, then there are things you can do to get rid of them. One of which is attacking the nest with a hot water bath.

Termites usually go out during the day in search of food, but return to their nests at night. This is when you should Lau your attack.

You will need a funnel to channel the hot water into the entrance of the nest. Boil an adequate amount of water and head to the nesting area.

Clear off the mound if you cannot find the entry point, be careful when you do since termites are very territorial creatures and will come out to attack an intruder.

Termite bites are generally not painful. Luckily, they aren’t poisonous too.

Insert the funnel into the nest’s entry point and pour the hot water in. They won’t be able to withstand the heat, and they will drown at the same time.

Do this to as many flying termite nests as you find in your yard.

Use A Pesticide

If the termites have nested inside outdoor wood, then you can use a chemical-based pesticide to kill them.

There are many brands available for pest control purposes so you can just go to the nearest pest control store to get one.

Visit the areas where they have nested and apply the pesticide to the wood and inside the nest. The termites will die a few minutes after they have made contact with the poisonous pesticide.

A chemical-based pesticide is ideal because you’re using it on wood that is already dead and decaying so there will be no harm caused.

You should also get rid of all the rotten wood piles after about 24 hours of pesticide application.

If you leave the woodpiles there, another set of flying termites may nest in the same spot. Although some pesticides have lasting effects and can keep termites away for as long as 90 days.

All the same, why keep a pile of dead and rotten wood in your yard, knowing full well it can attract flying termites?

Burn Dead And Rotting Wood

Burning all piles of deadwood in your yard would be helpful, as this will reduce the options of the flying termites.

A lack or absence of nesting environments will make them uninterested in your yard and they will explore other options.

This is not a permanent solution, as moist or decayed wood is just one out of 3 to 4 nesting options for these insects. However, it’s a good way to limit their occurrence in your yard.

Use A Bug Zapper

If the termites have nested in your home, then you can use a bug zapper to get rid of them.

Termites like warm areas and they are attracted to light. A bug zapper offers both.

Since the termites are attracted to the light, they will approach the zapper and be electrocuted upon contact.

You can have more than one zapper at home and place them around the areas where they have built their nests.

This works very well for indoor flying termites.

Use An Insecticide

If you have wooden structures that have been drilled by these insects, then you can get an Insecticide and spray it right into the entry points of their nests.

These wooden structures will usually be the damp ones since that’s the kind of environment these creatures prefer.

It may be the cabinet under the kitchen sink or doorposts.

Apply the insecticide in those areas and the termites will be dead.

You have the option of using a chemical-based termiticide or an organic insecticide.

If you’re going to use the former, then be sure to take protective measures before you apply. This includes wearing a nose mask to avoid inhaling the Insecticide, and a pair of gloves to avoid coming in contact with it.

You also need to keep it out of the reach of children and pets!

Using an organic insecticide is a much safer option, as it causes no harm to humans.

A neem oil-based insecticide can work. It is an organic substance that is gotten from the seeds of neem trees. Apply to areas that have been infested and the nesting termites will be gone.

Hire A Termite Control Service

If you’re not the type that can stomach the sight of insects, or the infestation has gone beyond your control, then the wise move would be to hire a pest control service.

The first thing they will do is assess the infested areas and figure out the best means to eradicate the termites.

If the infestation is full-blown, then you and your family would be required to vacate the house for a few days, during which the pest control service will disinfect your home.

This would cost you more than the other extermination methods listed above, so you need to have a budget for that.

How To Control Swarming Termites

Keeping them out is the best way to spare yourself from flying termite activities.

Here’s what you can do to keep them away from your home.

Clear Out Wood Piles

If there are piles of deadwood in your yard, then you’re inviting them into the nest. Clear them out.

Reduce The Lights Outside

Since they are fond of lights, reducing the ones around your front porch and patio will help keep them at bay

Apply Repellents In Your Garden

Do this regularly to drive them away when they arrive. Repellents have lasting effects, some are potent for as long as 3 months. Apply when due.


Flying termites can cause damage to property so they aren’t welcome in the home or yard. Follow the tips above to get rid of them.

I hope this article on how to get rid of flying termites has been of help.

Good luck!

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