How to Get Rid of Starlings

We have outlined how to get rid of starlings birds using natural repellents and exclusion devices.

Starlings are among the least wanted backyard birds. This is due to several reasons. But one of the most dominant is the diseases they can transmit.

Getting rid of starlings isn’t so straightforward either. If you’ve tried removing them from your garden with little success, we are confident that the bird removal methods here will be of help.

But before focusing on ways to control starlings, it will be necessary to have some background information on this bird species.

European Starlings

European starlings are the most common types known for their pesky behavior.

But do not let the mention of Europe fool you. This bird isn’t restricted to Europe but is found across the United States. Other locations where starlings are active include Southern Canada, Southern Alaska, and the northern part of Mexico.

The name ‘Starlings‘ came about when these birds were imported into the United States, New York precisely. Since then, they’ve thrived and increased in numbers. This has led to a situation where people are beginning to get fed up with their activities.

What activities actually? Activities, as used here, refers to the threats caused by starlings which leads us to the next point;

Threats Posed by Starlings

Starlings pose several threats. These include health, damage to property, as well as bird strikes.

As regards health threats, lots of diseases are known to be spread by them. These medical conditions include Newcastle disease, Salmonellosis, Histoplasmosis, Chlamydiosis, and Encephalitis among several others.

Starlings also carry mites that can be transferred to animals and then to humans too.

One of the easiest ways these diseases can be transmitted is through starling droppings. When the droppings dry, disease pathogens are picked up and easily become airborne.

These pathogens get into the body via the respiratory system leading to different kinds of ailments.

Starling droppings also cause property damage. Structural damage results when steel components of structures get eroded. The same applies to rooftops and metal sheds.

But the scariest is of them all is a bird strike.

Imagine traveling in a plane and being told the engines have been knocked out due to a bird strike! That is scary! Confronting the problem head-on is the best approach to take. We will discuss multiple ways to get rid of the starling problem shortly.

  • Why Starlings are Likely to Be a Problem

We’ve established the fact that these birds are likely to spread diseases, as well as cause damage to property. But there are other reasons for getting rid of them.

Starlings are aggressive, move in large flocks, make a lot of noise, unfavorable habitats (to humans), and are very fertile.

i. Aggression

One of the things starlings are known for is their aggression toward other birds. These come in to bully and even kill other harmless bird varieties. They fight for anything; from food to nesting spaces, etc.

This calls for immediate action to save other vulnerable bird species.

ii. Moving in Large Flocks

This has been a problem in the aviation industry. Bird strikes are commonplace.

Bird strikes have been known to cause plane crashes in 1962, 1973, and 1975. Such large flocks look menacing and continue to be a problem to this day.

Not only that, other birds are starved when such herds raid feeding stations.  To solve this, you can install starling-proof feeders.

iii. Making a Lot of Noise

A lot of bird species are known to create melodious tunes but the same cannot be said of starlings.

These birds create loud shrieks and inharmonious tunes. In other words, starlings generate pure noise which you’d rather do without.

iv. Unfavorable Habitats

One of the most annoying behaviors of starlings is their habitat preferences. These birds target open spaces and areas such as lawns and parks.

After spending quality time beautifying your lawn, it becomes so annoying finding it being messed up by droppings.

These habitat areas also serve as hubs where starlings launch their devastating activities.

v. Fertility

The high fertility rates of starlings are something to be worried about. These birds reproduce at an alarming rate to the detriment of other bird species.

It means there will be much competition for food, of which starlings will surely dominate other native species.

How to Get Rid of Starlings on Your Property

Having mentioned all the negatives starlings are known for, it’s only rational that immediate action is taken.

The benefits of a starling-free environment are enormous.

So, without further ado, let’s get to the specifics of starling pest control.

  • Call for Help

One of the easiest ways to rid your surroundings of starlings is by seeking the help of professionals. Experts include pest control and wildlife relocation services.

These are professionals that have developed a range of effective methods. The methods are applied systematically and are consistently successful.

Many of these companies have backup plans in case the methods are adopted to give desired results. While there are companies with nationwide coverage, others are regional.

Before calling for starling control services, we recommend going for reputable companies. So, how would you know that? Well, find out from your neighbors and friends. Also, check local directories for more information.

Checking out customer reviews is one way to know if you’re in safe hands. These reviews say a lot about the competence of such services. This way, you can make informed decisions in your quest for fighting starling invasion.

  • Bird Netting

When starlings invade, they do so in their numbers. This can be a very scary and overwhelming experience. To fight back, consider using bird netting. Netting comes in different sizes and is easy to install.

Bird netting blocks or cordons off your property from these birds. The larger the area, the more nets will be required.

Nets will remain to be effective for as long as they are hung. But you can bring them down if you feel you’ve gotten the results you seek.

When starlings fly, your nets are not so visible from afar. As a result, they are bounced off of the nets. You will be saving yourself a lot of unpleasant situations occasioned by starling presence.

  • Bird Spikes

Bird spikes continue to be highly effective against a wide range of birds. When starlings come around, they take up every space available. You can reclaim your spaces by making such resting spots uncomfortable. Spikes should be purchased and installed around such areas. The most common areas they rest on include window sills and elevated (pointed) roof lines.

Others are railings and tree branches. Bird spikes come in different sizes. This means they can be installed almost everywhere starlings are found. Bird spikes also come in 2 main variants. Steel bird spikes and plastic spikes. They also don’t come cheap. But when installed, lasts a long time and will remain effective.

i. Steel Spikes

Steel spikes are durable and last much longer than plastic spikes. They are more permanent and will cost more.

All other information regarding their use remains the same. You can find these in hardware stores nearest to you.

ii. Plastic Spikes

These spikes are less durable and less expensive too. The installation isn’t that difficult. You only need to know how many you need to get the job done.

When installing, however, you’d notice a sharp drop in the number of starlings that perch around your home.

  • Electronic Scare Devices

Electronic scare devices are sometimes used for starling control.

These control devices come prerecorded with predator sounds with are emitted to scare. Their purpose is to scare. Such devices also come in different brands. You only need to install them around your home and they will get the job done.

But there’s a problem with its use.

When these devices are switched on, other bird species are affected. It means installing such, will scare not only starlings but also friendly birds. You can still go ahead and use them if you don’t mind.

Otherwise, you’d need to find a more suitable starling removal alternative.

  • Sonic Repellents

In a way, sonic devices are similar to electronic scare devices. The difference is in the type of sounds emitted.

Sonic repellents create a high-pitched sound that disturbs and disorients starlings. These sounds are beyond our auditory frequency, so the human ear won’t pick up such. But for these birds, it can be a hellish experience, forcing them to fly out of reach.

Sonic repellents come in different brands. They are installed around surroundings where starlings frequent. The devices also have a range of coverage which you should find out before the purchase.

  • Transparent Bird Gel

Transparent bird gels are repellent products that are non-toxic.

The gel should be evenly applied to surface areas starlings are known to frequent. It has a sticky feel which can be very uncomfortable. Plus, its smell is also unpleasant. So, before starlings even get to settle, the smell puts them away.

When using the transparent bird gel, make sure to read and follow every instruction. It helps a lot because you can obtain the best results possible.

Starlings are considered pests due to the reasons provided above. No one wants to deal with an infestation because it can be overwhelming. However, when it happens, the above control strategies are sufficient enough to keep starlings away. You only need to keep your environment uninviting to this bird.

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