How To Get Rid Of Pest Birds

Do you know how to get rid of pest birds?

The need for nuisance bird control methods has become increasingly important due to the damage caused by these bird pests.

These harmful activities range from crop damage and droppings, which can cause property damage, among several others.

Practical Nuisance Bird Control Methods

Here are some strategies to get rid of common pest bird problems:

This article will discuss some of the damages caused by birds and the most effective measures to eliminate them.

1) Health Risks Posed By Birds

Birds pose multiple health risks.

By coming in close contact with humans, there is a heightened likelihood of people contracting diseases. Some of these health risks include the following;

  • Food-Borne Illnesses

The Centre for Disease Control has reported that nearly 2,000 people die of foodborne illnesses annually. This is caused in large part by disease-causing bacteria carried by birds.

Campylobacter, Salmonella, Listeria, E. Coli, Yersinia, and Cryptococcus are the most common.

These are fatal and are mainly found in bird droppings.

  • Bird Mites

Bird mites are usually too small and cannot be seen with the naked eye. These are typically found on birds, bird habitats, or trees.

Generally, wherever birds are nested are likely places these mites are found. So how do they spread diseases to humans? They jump onto humans as feeding hosts.

This results in severe itchy sensations, small red bumps, and discomfort.

Infections result when there is excessive scratching. This breaks the bumps, creating the perfect condition for the wounds to get infected.

  • Blood Sucking Insects

Bloodsucking insects are yet another type of pests that birds spread. These feed mainly on blood. However, in the absence of birds, these turn on humans too.

  • Harmful Fungi

Areas having bird droppings provide perfect conditions for the growth of harmful fungi that thrive in such soils. The Histoplasma capsulatum is the primary cause of the pulmonary disease known as Histoplasmosis.

The main symptoms of this disease include chest pain, fatigue, and fever. It can be easily transmitted to humans by inhaling the fungus while clearing the droppings.

Also airborne is Cryptococcus, which can be inhaled from dry bird droppings. Common symptoms include blurred vision, fatigue, headache, and fever.

Contacting these diseases is highly likely when you are not wearing protective gear, and there is no disinfection of the surroundings.

  • Viral Infections

Birds are the chief hosts for dangerous viruses related to viral diseases such as St. Louis encephalitis, western and eastern Equine Encephalitis, Influenza, and West Nile viruses.

These are some of the health risks posed by birds that require adequate measures to be adopted to contain these risks.

2) Damage to Property

Another need for adopting extermination measures is the damage caused to property. These can either be residential or commercial properties.

In either case, heavy losses can be incurred from damaging such properties. Let’s discuss some of the typical damage to property that birds can inflict;

  • Denting a Business Brand Image

How is this possible?

When birds nest around business premises, their droppings can create uncomfortable situations for clients. Smell oozing from decomposing droppings is likely to negatively affect a client’s perception of your business.

To avoid this, you will need to seek help for nest removal to save your property or business.

  • Spiraling Costs of Maintenance and Repair

This is common for properties having bird infestation problems. Bird droppings are acidic. This erodes roofing sheets and other parts of the building leading to a decrease in the property’s value.

To fix this, you will incur frequent repair and maintenance costs.

The best option is first to seek the best bird removal services. These are very affordable and effective.

  • Expensive Settlements

If far-reaching steps are not taken to minimize bird infestation, you will likely be drawn into costly settlement cases. This is especially true for businesses.

Bird droppings may result in someone slipping and falling. This can be dangerous and fatal. People are likely to seek costly settlements that can bankrupt your business.

3) Damage to Crops

We have discussed diseases spread by birds and the damage they can cause to our private or commercial properties.

However, the type of birds considered pests can also be very destructive to crops and orchards. You may need to use one or multiple control measures to contain their activities.

These will be discussed shortly.

Dealing With Apartment and Agriculture Birds

Licensed bird control companies adopt several types of effective bird removal strategies. These are designed to fit the specific needs of the client.

The following are some of the most effective ways to get rid of pest birds;

  • Bird Control Spikes

This is an anti-roosting spike placed on buildings to keep birds away. These spikes can be easily mounted on rooftops, commercial signs, and street lighting.

These spikes come in both plastic and steel variants.

Whatever your birds’ problems are, this is one of the safest bird control strategies that kill the birds but make it uncomfortable for them to be around.

Apart from bird feces, the noise made by birds is also taken care of. Although this has proven effective, the downside to spikes is that these leaves and debris get clogged over time.

By gradually covering the spikes, the birds can return to rest on the debris.

  • Scarecrows

This is arguably the oldest strategy to keep birds away.

Scarecrows can be built with a variety of materials. The aim is for it to take the form of humans to scare birds away. A famous example is a bird decoy.

Although the results obtained have been positive, it is not very effective, especially for certain species of birds.

  • Bird Scarers

These are much similar to scarecrows. However, the main difference is that bird scarers are categorized into visual and auditory. They are also used on farms to keep birds away.

This method is in frequent use in airfields. They help keep birds from staying close to the runway. This is to reduce incidences of bird strikes that may cause damage to aircraft.

  • Laser Technology

This technology has been deployed in pest bird management. Pest birds that cause damage to crops are kept at bay by laser beams.

However, this technique works best during particular times of the day.

The advantage of using this strategy is that wavelengths can be adjusted to specific frequencies considered harmful to certain types or species of birds.

  • Dead Carcass

This is a strange yet effective method to eliminate pest birds. You can choose to use an actual carcass or a model.

This serves as a warning to other birds. The birds immediately recognize the sight of a bird carcass, and the message is spread around quickly about how unsuitable an area is.

Only an unnatural death position is effective in keeping birds away. This strategy is used in several situations, including airports.

  • Balloons

Inflated balloons with eyes drawn on them are among the most cost-effective bird removal strategies.

Balloons with holographic eyes can disorient birds as these eyes follow their every move. These balloons are not kept stationary but are moved periodically to enhance their control use of balloons may be subject to obtaining clearance from the relevant civil aviation authorities.

  • Bird Netting

This measure is used mainly for agricultural purposes. Pest birds frequently target crops and fruits. This significantly cuts down on productivity and reduces the value of crops.

With bird netting, however, these are protected from such pests.

There are several ways bird netting can be applied. The most important thing is that this should be a barrier to keeping birds away from these crops or fruits.

  • Shell crackers or Pyrotechnics

This is in the form of fireworks that keep birds away from restricted areas.

These are used in the agricultural and aviation industries to keep birds from crops and aircraft. When shell crackers are fired, they help disperse birds quite effectively.

However, these explosions may become regular for these birds, resulting in them getting used to them.

  • Helikite

To make a Helikite, you should fill a balloon with helium and air combined.

Helium is used because it is lighter than air, making the balloon float effortlessly. This does not require wind to fly. It will easily take to the atmosphere when filled with helium gas.

These are perceived as birds of prey by pest birds, thereby making them keep away. There are several varieties of Helikites designed to fit different climatic conditions.

  • Mist Nets

Mist nets are nets invincible to birds and mounted along their flight paths.

They run into it and get stuck. When using mist nets, it is necessary to keep watch. This is done to set the trapped bird free and keep it from getting injured or worse.

SEE: Birds That Lay Blue Eggs

These are effective ways to keep pest birds away. While keeping your property and crops safe, these strategies protect you from diseases that may be contracted through contact with bird droppings, etc.

To save your business, you need to seek the services of a wild bird extermination company.

They assess the situation and offer the best pest bird removal services that will keep your business free of interruption.

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