How To Get Rid Of No-See-Ums In Your Home

I’ll give you tips on getting rid of no-see-ums in houses.

If you’ve experienced a mosquito-like bite, but couldn’t even see the insect that bit you, then you’ve most likely been bitten by a no-see-um.

These insects are so tiny you can barely see them. They can also make life in the yard or the home unbearable. If you’ve got no-see-ums around, then I suggest you keep reading.

Here is what attracts no-see-ums.

About No-See-Um Bugs

Like mosquitoes, no-see-ums habitually lay their eggs in moist or wet areas. The young ones begin to fly and search for food just as soon as their eggs are hatched.

Male and female no-see-ums can eat nectar and other sweet fluids. The females add blood to their diet, as it helps them improve the production of their eggs.

For this reason, the female species attack mammals (including humans) and suck on their blood.

After the females have had enough blood, they will find an environment suitable for their eggs to be laid. These include many forms of standing water and other damp areas.

These areas could be in your yard or right inside your home.

It takes about 28 days for the eggs to hatch, then a new batch of no-see-ums will emerge.

These insects are very tiny, about 0.03 inches in length.

How Do You Know If There Are No-See-Ums In Your Home?

Since they are tiny insects, it would be tough for you to spot them, especially when they are flying alone. However, you can tell they are around when you find bite marks around your body.

As the females bite, they inject fluid into the victim’s skin. Doing this will cause blood to pile up under the skin surface where the bite occurred.

This would form a reddish patch on the skin, which can cause the victim to itch. The bites usually expand into welts, about 2 inches in diameter.

If you notice such big marks across your arm or legs, then it’s a no-see-um that’s responsible.

Luckily, there are several means by which you can get rid of them.

Follow the tips below.

How To Remove No-See-Ums From Your Home

Here’s what you can do –

Make Your Home Uncomfortable For Them

No-see-ums lay their eggs in standing water or other moist areas. This means they will perch around leaking pipes in the bathroom or kitchen.

You can make your home displeasing to them by hiring a plumber to fix all the leakages in your home. Once the leakages are fixed, water will stop dripping, and the area will dry.

If you have a cabinet under your sink, there’s probably a tiny pool of water due to the leaking pipe.

Get a mop and dry it up. Go to your bathroom and check around the bathtub as well. Mop up all patches of water and keep these areas dry.

If the female no-see-ums cannot find a convenient place to lay their eggs, they will leave and search for a more suitable location.

Keep Your Home Well Ventilated

A proper flow of air will keep indoor moisture to a minimum. Develop a habit of keeping your windows open, so there will be constant airflow.

Remember that no-see-ums can fly into your home through the windows (that’s how they must have gotten in). For this reason, you should have protective nets behind all home windows.

These nets will keep the no-see-ums out but still allow the air in.

Remember to install mesh screens that have very tight weaves. No-see-ums are tiny and can creep through regular-sized screens.

A well-ventilated home will have little moisture, so the insects will be uninterested in making your home their base.

Reduce The Temperature In Your Home

No-see-ums cannot stand cold temperatures.

This is why they are primarily found in areas with warmth. If you find them in your home, you can chase them away by reducing the room temperature.

You can do this by simply turning on your air conditioner. If you have an air conditioner in all the rooms, then put them on.

Leave the A/C on for about 4 hours and let the cold do the trick.

When the environment becomes unbearable, they will find escape routes and exit your home.

This can be considered a temporary fix, as you cannot leave your A/C on forever. Nonetheless, this can help you have a good night’s sleep.

You can take some steps the next day for a more permanent solution.

Also, expect to pay some extra on electricity bills since air conditioners consume a reasonable amount of power.

Use CO2 Traps

No-see-ums and mosquitoes have the same tracking habits, meaning you can equally use CO2 traps to get rid of them.

CO2 traps give off an attractant that lures no-see-ums close. When they fly within range, the CO2 vacuum sucks them in and traps them in the net. Here, they will dehydrate and die.

These insects are tiny and are not strong enough to resist the suction from the vacuum.

These traps are also budget-friendly, and you can get them around stores in your neighborhood.

Use Insecticides

Several commercial insecticides can kill no-see-ums upon contact. Visit a pesticide store to get one.

Chemical-based insecticides have to be handled with care, though. They can be harmful if inhaled. Also, keep out of reach of children and house pets like dogs and cats.

If you’re buying a spray-can insecticide, then all you need to do is go to the room where you sleep or the areas where the no-see-ums have nested.

Spray into the spaces and leave the insecticide to work. It would be best if you also sprayed into tight corners where they may be hiding. These include under your kitchen sink and beneath the bathtub.

Before spraying a chemical-based insecticide, you must take some protective measures. Wear a pair of rubber gloves to avoid contacting the content, and wear a facemask to avoid inhaling it.

Close the windows and doors of the room you are spraying for the best results. Also, read the instructions on the spray can before use.

I have to point out that Insecticides will only work on adult no-see-ums; their eggs will remain intact and hatch when due.

For a more permanent fix, make sure you mop up all wet surfaces to scoop up the eggs. You can also do a quick vacuum after spraying the insecticide.

Remove Nectar Producing Plants From Your Home

If you’re determined to eliminate no-see-ums, then an option would be to remove all nectar-producing plants inside the house.

As mentioned earlier, adult no-see-ums love nectar and other sweet juices, most likely found around nectar-producing plants in your home.

Please remove them; one of their primary food sources will be gone.

How To Prevent No-See-Um Bites

These insects have very unpleasant bites that can leave sores on your skin. There are several things you can do to protect yourself against these bites.

They are listed below.

Use A Repellent

Similar to mosquitoes, there are no-see-um repellents you can rub or spray on your skin to keep the females away.

These substances irritate the no-see-ums, and even though they would love to suck on your blood, the repellant will not allow them to come close.

Cover Up Your Body

No-see-ums love to bite around the hands and legs.

To protect yourself as you sleep, it would be wise to wear long sleeves at night and long trousers. A pair of socks will also keep them away from your feet.

If you start getting too hot inside, you can turn on your air conditioner to help balance your body temperature. The air conditioner makes the room cold, and no-see-ums dislike cold temperatures.

How To Keep No-See-Ums Out Of Your Home

Follow these tips –

Use Mesh Screens

I have already pointed this out earlier. Have tightly woven mesh screens installed by your windows and doors. This will prevent them from gaining access to your home.

The spaces in the mesh screen should be tiny, so the insects won’t be able to creep through.

Eliminate Standing Water Around Your Yard

If you have standing water around your house, it will only be a matter of time before they make its way into your home.

Fix all leakages that can cause standing water. A plumber can help you with that (for a fee).

If you have a pool, keep it covered anytime you’re not swimming to deny the no-see-ums access.


I trust the tips in this article have enlightened you on how to get rid of no-see-ums in the house.

Take care!

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