How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes

Learn how to get rid of mosquitoes using the best tips and natural products.

Mosquitoes are a nightmare to have around and removing them completely is a major challenge to public health.

Though these pests are commonly linked to Malaria, several other diseases will be mentioned shortly. Due to mosquito-borne diseases, it becomes necessary to take urgent action.

This article will help you achieve that as we discuss strategies on how to get rid of these insects.

We’ve chosen tested extermination methods to bring about lasting results.

Diseases Transmitted by Mosquitoes

Malaria is the most common disease associated with mosquitoes. Although such is the case, there are several other diseases spread by mosquitoes. These include dengue, Ross River fever, Filariasis, Saint Louis encephalitis, Japanese encephalitis, West Nile virus, yellow fever, and Zika fever.

Others include Western Equine encephalitis, Barmah forest fever, and La Cross encephalitis among others. All of these diseases are known to be deadly and require the most effective extermination methods.

Mosquito Species

Mosquitoes fall under various species. Also, certain species are common with particular geographic locations. Hence some species include Culex pipiens, yellow fever mosquito, Asian Tiger mosquito, Aedes vexans, Anopheles freeborni, Psorophora ciliata, Culex nigripalpus, and Anopheles crucians.

Others include Anopheles walkeri, Psorophora columbiae, and Culex territans, etc.

Mosquito Life Cycle

To keep mosquitoes in check, an understanding of their life cycle is necessary. This enables you to disrupt their development process.

Hence, there are four stages of development. These include the egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages. It’s also necessary to state the importance of water in the development process.

Thus to complete its life cycle, the first, second, and third stages must occur in water. Let’s briefly discuss each stage.

  • Egg Stage

Female mosquitoes are responsible for the spread of diseases as well as reproduction. Hence after having a blood meal, they lay their eggs on water or close to water bodies.

However, the length of time taken before the eggs are hatched depends on multiple factors. Such include mosquito species or type, temperature, and food.

As such, the more favorable the conditions are, the faster the eggs hatch.

  • The Larva Stage

This stage happens after the eggs hatch. Here, the larvae will live and develop in water for the time required. For development to occur, feeding is a vital activity during this stage of development.

  • Pupa

This is the last stage before attaining full maturity. At this stage, feeding activity is diminished. Hence it will take between 2 days to a week until it develops into an adult mosquito.

  • Adult

This is the only stage that takes place outside water. Here, mosquitoes emerge and the reproductive process begins all over.

Discomfort from Mosquito Bites

Apart from diseases caused by mosquitoes, there’s also the issue of discomfort. This is largely caused by their feeding activity.

As a result, such sharp bites can become unbearable. Thankfully there are several remedies for keeping these pests in check.

We’ll discuss some of the most effective strategies shortly.

Where to Apply Mosquito Treatment

When tackling a mosquito problem, treatment should be applied to both indoor and outdoor areas. Wherever you are around your home, mosquitoes are bound to show up.

More so, when no measure has been taken to keep your home free from them. As such, you need to adopt a holistic approach to keep them at bay.

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

Having shed light on diseases caused by mosquitoes, life-cycle as well as the level of discomfort they can cause, let’s shift our focus back to available control methods.

Most of the measures mentioned below can be used by anyone. Also, these methods have had a high success rate. As such, it is expected that the same will apply to your situation.

  • Begin with Inspection

Without an inspection, little or nothing is known about the extent of the problem. As a result, you are clueless about what step to take. Before the inspection, certain tools are necessary. These include protective clothing, a shovel, a bucket as well as a bug spray.

i. Protective Clothing

Before embarking on an inspection, you need to first protect yourself from bites. Protective clothing is the solution. This needs to cover all exposed areas of your body. Next is;

ii. Bucket

Areas with severe mosquito problems are likely to have stagnant water. Hence you can use a bucket to dump out such water. This is most effective during the rainy season.

As a result, you can address the cause instead of the effect.

iii. Shovel

So what is this tool used for? Sometimes, water may collect in depressions. This is where your shovel comes in handy.

iv. Use a Bug Spray

Apart from protective clothing, having a bug spray is very important. This is because mosquitoes can be quite unrelenting. This enables you to keep them at a distance.

  • Searching Out Areas with Poor Drainage

This is an essential part of eliminating these pests. As such, you need to search out areas around your home with stagnant water. Culex and Anopheles are likely to be found in such habitats.

If the drainage is blocked, it’s best you clear it to avoid stagnant water, especially in water tanks.

Mosquitoes are unable to breed in moving water.

  • Dump Out Water

This is best for areas where there are holes or depressions. Using your bucket, you can clear out such areas by dumping out water. In addition to that, you can fill up the hole or depression with the earth. This prevents further collection of water.

  • Tend your Lawns

An untended or overgrown lawn is a recipe for attracting mosquitoes. As such, mowing your lawn is necessary. This should be done as often as possible.

  • Treating Large Water Bodies

Not all water bodies can be cleared. For large ones, treatment is essential. As such, pools should be chlorinated and filters in water fountains cleaned regularly. This helps in ridding such surroundings of mosquitoes. Prevention has proven to be the best form of treatment.

  • If you Must Treat your Yard

While it’s not advisable to use either natural or synthetic pyrethrins, such may be used as a last resort. However, you should know that these may be harmful to other beneficial organisms.

In addition to that, such may cause irritations on both humans and pets. There are different types of insecticides available for use. These are also in various forms and consist of both natural and synthetic.

You can find out which best fits your needs when getting rid of mosquitoes in your yard.

Fogging is a practical way to treat your yard and make it mosquito-free.

Natural Ways to Rid your Home of Mosquitoes

Natural mosquito extermination strategies are often preferred over unnatural ones. This is due to their non-toxic nature. These are also known to be safe around pets and humans.

This section will discuss some natural mosquito remedies you can use.

i. Coffee Grounds

This has proven effective in treating stagnant water containing mosquito eggs. These eggs need to be submerged in water for adequate oxygen intake.

However, by sprinkling coffee grounds, such eggs will eventually float to the surface. This limits the level of oxygen required thereby interrupting the developmental process.

ii. Dry Ice

Dry ice is a perfect bait for attracting mosquitoes. These pests are naturally attracted to carbon dioxide. Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide and should be placed in a plastic container. The narrow part of the bottle should be cut and inverted.

By placing this anywhere, mosquitoes will be attracted by it and eventually trapped.

iii. Camphor

This is yet another natural remedy to keep mosquitoes away. For this to be most effective, you need to close all doors and windows. This should be lighted and left for about an hour and more. You’ll find them gone when you return.

Another way to use camphor is by adding it to Neem oil. Two to three balls of camphor are added to a cup of Neem oil. This is allowed to dissolve and poured into a spray bottle. This should be sprayed in areas or rooms having mosquitoes.

iv. Holy Basil

This plant is known to irritate and kill mosquitoes.

As such, you can either have it planted at strategic locations around and within your home or spray the oil. Either way, it kills these pests efficiently.

Here are some other species of plants that repel mosquitoes.

v. Mint

Like holy Basil, mint shrub or oil is used to get rid of mosquitoes. It has a strong and pleasant smell and can be applied directly to the skin. You can also use a spray bottle to apply this around your home.

vi. Tea Tree Oil

This is a very beneficial remedy due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties.

To apply, you only need to mix a few drops of it with water. This gives you complete protection over mosquitoes.

This can be done as often as necessary.

vii. Pinon Wood

Smoke from burning or smoldering pinon kills off mosquitoes. As such, we recommend that you burn this outside your home to prevent these pests from gaining access to your home.

In addition to this, it can be used in the garden whenever you need to relax, thereby enabling you to enjoy your time without interruptions.

viii. Garlic

Garlic is known to have a pungent smell that repels mosquitoes.

Hence may not be appealing for some people. However, it gives results. To use this, you need to crush some cloves and boil them in water. This is then poured in a spray bottle when cold.

When sprayed around, it gives instant results. Another way is by chewing on the cloves directly.

These are easy ways to get rid of mosquitoes from your home. You only need to follow these methods outlined above. You are also at liberty to use one or more of these steps.

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