How to Get Rid of Mites

In this guide, I’ll reveal the top ten treatment methods to get rid of mites in the house, especially removing them from bed and pets.

Mites are invincible (microscopic), yet are responsible for a lot of discomfort on humans and animals. They also cause allergies too.

So, if you’re experiencing inflammations, itchy skin as well as redness, mites might just be the culprits.

Such reactions give signals of severe mite activity. It’s time to find fast solutions to insect problems.

Is It Possible to Get Rid of Mites Completely?

Getting rid of mites completely isn’t possible. You can only reduce their numbers drastically.

As long as there’s dust, fabrics and shed skin, there’s always a feast. The feeding activity of mites generates a lot of waste. Waste generated leads to health problems.

One way to reduce this is by getting rid of them. A better way to put it will be to reduce their population drastically.

Allergies, Irritations, and Diseases Caused by Mites

Mite activity is accompanied by predictable allergies as well as irritations. These are caused by the waste product generated from their feeding. The most noticeable allergies and irritations include nasal congestion, watery eyes, and itchy skin.

Others are coughs and breathing difficulties.

The most common diseases caused by mites to include scabies, grain itch, and grocer’s itch. These can result in extreme discomforts. And unless treated, it may even worsen.

But not every mite species is considered harmful or cause diseases. Most species that live on our bodies will go about their feeding activities without your notice. It’s the harmful ones that will cause problems.

Signs of a Mite Problem

Different pests have their unique patterns of infestation. The same applies to mites. So, when your body can’t tolerate a worsening mite problem, it gives off certain signs or symptoms.

This includes rash and excessive itching. If you find this, female mites have likely burrowed holes on your skin to lay their eggs.

Other symptoms of mite presence include crusting and itchy skin (itchy skin may be due to different mite activity). In the case of crusting, an unusually large concentration of mites may be feeding.

Excessive itching with no visible cause may also be due to feeding. Mites feed on blood too! So, when biting to feed, itchy sensations result.

How to Get Rid of Mites in the House

When the above symptoms are noticed, urgent action must be taken to get rid of the problem. This is where this section comes handy.

Mites’ activity can be contained.

In other words, they can be reduced by extermination. We have included several mite extermination methods you can easily deploy. These are straightforward and easy to implement.

  • Change Bed Covers as Often as Possible

Over time, there’s a buildup of mites on your bed. You can’t avoid it but can only control it. You should also take preventive measures seriously.

One of these is the use of bed covers. Isn’t this obvious? It may be to you, but some people don’t mind leaving their beds without covers. Bed covers aren’t only necessary but must also be changed frequently.

Clean bed covers and pillowcases help reduce the mite population on your bed. Thus, saving you from a lot of allergies and diseases which may result.

  • Use Steam Cleaners

Not every fabric is suitable for washing. For these, steam cleaners get the job done efficiently.

Steam cleaners can raise temperatures to as high as 250 degrees Fahrenheit. This will kill off all mites on couches, furniture and hard-to-reach areas of your homes such as walls.

Steam cleaners help kill other pests as well as bacteria.

  • Don’t Be in a Hurry to Make Your Bed

Whenever you wake up in the mornings, never be in a hurry to make your bed. Your bed holds the biggest mite population compared to other areas of your home.

This is strange right? Yes, but aerating it helps make your bedding less attractive. Thus, reducing moisture resulting from your sweats.

Doing this every day will make less moisture available to mites. This makes your bed less inviting. As a result, more suitable areas will have to be sought.

i. Anti-Allergen Protectors and Covers

Anti-Allergen protectors and covers are bedding material that makes your bed less inviting to mites. These bedding covers are made from materials that are almost impermeable to mites.

Thus, greatly reducing their numbers on your bed. It also discourages mites from breeding on your mattress.

An even better alternative is to buy an anti-allergenic mattress. This has the entire mattress covered with protective material. This is difficult to penetrate even for mites.

But this is a more costly alternative effort at removing mites.

  • Dust as Often As Possible

Mites love dusty areas. They thrive in such areas. But you can make your environments less inviting to them by cleaning up.

Whenever you dust, you are eliminating their food source. We recommend using a damp cloth when dusting. This helps pick them up instead of just pushing them around.

Never allow so much dust to settle before you think of cleaning.

Do this as frequent as you can. Even when you can’t see the dust with your visible eyes. The motivation should be that you are cleaning up an invincible and unwanted pest which can cause a lot of discomfort.

  • Eucalyptus and Tea Tree Oil Spray

This spray acts as a disinfectant. It is also effective in killing mites.

To make it, get 2 cups distilled water and mix 2 tablespoons each of both oils. It’s important to use a dark spray bottle. Why? Because light renders them ineffective.

Spray the contents on surfaces you suspect mite presence. Your bed shouldn’t be left out either.

Doing this every day should help drastically reduce the mite population around your home. This, in turn, reduces the chance of experiencing allergies and irritations.

  • Reduce Humidity

Humidity plays a huge role in the presence of mites within homes.

Mold mites thrive in very humid areas and will flock to such areas. But you can discourage that by using a dehumidifier.

This should be set to be at least half the level of what usually obtains. Such conditions will make your home less inviting. Mites will have to find newer surroundings to survive.

You don’t own one (dehumidifier)? No problem. Your air condition unit should suffice. Put this on and leave for as long as you wish. This should keep them in check.

Doing this often will discourage them from expanding.

  • Freeze them to Death

Mites won’t survive extreme temperatures whether hot or cold. Certain fabrics aren’t suitable to be washed.

For these, the freezing option is just what you need. Pack such fabrics or dolls into a plastic bag. These should be placed in a freezer and left for as long as possible (at least 24 hours).

Mites are frozen to death in the process. Take these out and use them as normal. However, don’t forget their droppings.

These aren’t affected by the freezing treatment and will have the same effect. So, shake these off or vacuum them to remove mite droppings.

  • Vacuum Your Floors, Carpets, and Couches

Your floors, couches, and carpets are primary locations for mites. But when cleaned frequently, these pests are greatly reduced.

One way to clean effectively is through vacuuming. It helps suck up all dust as well as mites from your floors and carpets.

During an existing mite infestation, consider vacuuming as much as 3 times daily.

Remember that it’s impossible to eliminate mites. All actions taken are geared towards reducing their populations as much as possible.

  • Seek Expert Help

Mite exterminators offer a wide range of solutions. Hence, they can also be called in for a mite problem.

However, not many products are developed for mite treatment. Therefore, services provided by them will include identification of the problem in living areas. This is followed by guidance on the best ways to contain the problem.

This option still gives you an edge because they approach mite control with professionalism. They are also experienced. Which is why you should take their recommendations seriously.

  • Focus on Your Pets

Mites are likely to become unbearable when you leave your pets untreated. Your dogs or cats attract mites. So, focus on finding the best mite treatments available.

One of the ways you can get the job done yourself is by using mineral oil. Using a common earwax dropper, apply a few drops into the ear of pets. This kills and repels mites easily.

Also, consider paying a visit to the veterinary doctor. Here, you get the best medication as well as useful tips to keep your pets mite free.

Remember while doing this to also apply other strategies to rid your home of mites. Pet bedding should also be cleaned and treated.

  • Apply Diatomaceous Earth on Affected Areas

Diatomaceous earth works effectively as a desiccant. Mites are pierced and lose bodily fluids in the process. So, to begin, get some diatomaceous earth and sprinkle on surfaces such as your carpets, couches, bedding, pet bedding, furniture, and floors.

This includes all other areas you suspect mites to be in. Leave this for 24 hours and vacuum the entire areas applied.

This can be repeated for as much as a week until symptoms disappear. Diatomaceous earth is also non-toxic. So, it won’t cause problems for pets and kids. Be careful to store out of the reach of kids to avoid ingestion.

Getting rid of mites as we’ve seen is challenging but possible. Challenging in the sense that it can’t be seen. However, several symptoms point to the existence of the problem.

By using any of the above strategies, you can greatly reduce the mite population within your home.

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