How To Get Rid Of Mice In Apartments And Garages

Are you interested in proven methods to eliminate mice from your home? Here is a practical guide.

Mice are unwanted guests in most homes. This is because of the damage caused as well as their disease-carrying potential. These are significant issues for many who want their homes free of these rodents.

Here is why you have mice.

Mouse Solutions

Do you know how to get rid of mice in your house for good, naturally, and without killing them?

Getting rid of house mice can depend on what strategies you adopt. The easiest option is calling an exterminator like Orkin or Terminix to get the job done.

We have written this article for this sole purpose; to help homeowners with methods to get rid of these rodents most effectively.

Here are some common questions on mouse extermination:

What scent will keep mice away from my house? What home remedy can I use to eliminate mice in my apartment? Can mice ascend walls and climb into your bed? What attracts mice in your house? Do cats get rid of mice in your home?

Find all the answers you need as you read on.

We provide a variety of ways you can achieve this without having to spend a fortune.

After treatment, here is how to know when mice are all gone.

Begin with Mouse Identification

Effective mouse control starts with identifying the problem at hand. Most times, people confuse mice with rats.

Although both belong to the rodent family, it is necessary to identify the type of rodent involved. This helps you know their breeding and feeding behavior and enables getting rid of them fast.

If you notice your wiring and insulation getting chewed, you are likely faced with a mouse problem.

The reason is that their teeth are constantly growing. To trim them to the correct size, they need to gnaw on all sorts of hard material. This helps in filling the teeth.

  • Common Characteristics

Apart from the length of their tales, fully grown mice range from 2 to 3 inches in length. However, some can grow as much as 7 inches. Most mouse species are black, grey, or brown. They have large ears and eyes in addition to whiskers.

One of the main reasons mice constantly chew on hard stuff is to file their teeth which grow continuously.

  • Are There Differences Between Mice and Rats?

There are significant differences between the two. These differences include burrowing through walls which mice are known for.

  • How Can Mice and Rats be differentiated?

Most times, people are confused about the differences between mice and rats. There are apparent differences you can easily spot between the two.

Such include the smaller size of mice compared to rats. Rats are usually smaller in size.

If you notice burrowed holes in your walls, you will likely face a mice problem because rats usually dig under your property/building.

It is easier to spot mice than rats because of their curiosity which is more than those of rats. Hence, mice can move around your home even during the day.

Common Mouse Species that Infest Homes and Farms

We earlier said there are multiple mouse species. What are these species, and how do you recognize them?

The most common species include the White-Footed Mouse, House Mouse, and Deer Mouse.

Let’s briefly describe each of these;

  • The White-Footed Mouse

These species will flock into your home when there is a drop in temperature (around winter and fall).

The average length for a full-grown adult ranges between 6 to 8 inches and is most active in bushy areas. These are primarily found in colder regions of the United States and Canada.

They are omnivorous and feed on various food substances ranging from fruit, insects, seeds, wood, etc.

  • House Mouse

As the name suggests, these are most notorious around homes. This species is likely to be found in your house.

They feed on decaying and wet wood, can cause significant damage to your house structure, are primarily nocturnal, and thrive across the United States.

  • Deer Mouse

These species are primarily found in barns and sheds. They also take shelter in cracks around your property.

Excluding the tale, Deer mice can grow to an average length of 5 to 8 inches. They have white bellies and are mostly light or dark brown.

They destroy by chewing on car wires, home wire insulations, wood, and clothing.

Identifying Mouse Entry Points

If you are getting the job done yourself, you must find their entry points.

Doing this is essential to eliminate them effectively. When using chemical or humane mouse traps, for instance, you need to know precisely where to place these traps. This enhances the efficiency of the traps.

Mice will typically find their way into your home and build their nests.

Without knowledge of their most-used routes, entry points, and nests, you can hardly get rid of them. Most likely, places to check include the basement, car hood, and garage.

What are the Tell-Tale Signs of Mouse Infestation?

Like most pests, some signs confirm the presence of mice. The most common symptoms of a mouse infestation are their droppings in the form of pellets.

Apart from mouse droppings scattered on your countertops, other signs of mouse activity include gnawing markings on wood (shelves, drawers, etc.) and debris from chewed boxes.

Any or a combination of these is an instant sign that you have a mouse problem. Still yet, you may even see them running around, especially at night.

Other times they can be heard gnawing on wood. Taking urgent action when you notice any of the above is very important. This is because they reproduce at an alarming rate!

Peak Periods of Mouse Infestation

Most people facing a mouse infestation problem will notice a rise in mouse activity during winter. This is because of the accompanying cold. To this effect, mice seek warmer environments and a steady food source. Your home presents ideal conditions for mice to thrive.

Because of this, the most effective ways of getting rid of these pests become necessary.

Mice will use openings like cracks or spaces beneath your home to access your door or windows. If immediate action is not taken, they breed within your home, which compounds the problem.

Dangers of Mouse Infestation

An incentive to get rid of mice is to have an understanding of the dangers posed by them. Mice are very destructive.

Apart from gnawing on wood and making holes in boxes (which may lead to the damage of important documents), they can cause house fires.

How? Mice are known to chew on everything, including electrical cables and wirings.

The removal/damage to insulation from electric wires has led to electric sparks that trigger fires. Mice are also carriers of diseases. These can be spread through their droppings on food.

Also, the buildup of mouse droppings can increase allergies as well.

Common Diseases Spread by Mice

We said that mice are disease carriers and can quickly spread these through contact with your food. If your food isn’t kept safe, it provides them with the necessary nourishment.

While they feed, their droppings get mixed with such food.

Consuming the same will lead to several health complications, including Bubonic plague, Salmonella, Hantavirus, Lymphocytic, and Choriomeningitis.

Other diseases spread by mouse activity include Colorado tick fever, Rickettsialpox, and Lyme disease. These diseases are life-threatening and are reasons enough why you shouldn’t tolerate their presence within your home.

How to Get Rid of Mice in Attics, Walls, Garage, and Apartments

Getting rid of mice involves a whole lot of processes.

However, there is no single way of doing this; we will provide you with some of the most effective ways of ridding your home of these rodents.

This section will consider both professional mouse extermination as well as DIY methods.

We will also look into preventive treatments. These three sum up the whole process of mouse control.

  • Seeking Professional Help

Getting rid of mice may seem easy, but it is not. Most people find out after trying several that this can be an overwhelming process that still doesn’t guarantee a solution.

The easiest way to approach a mouse infestation problem is by calling in the experts. Experienced pest technicians will visit your property to inspect the level of damage and infestation.

This thorough process includes identifying entry points, routes, and nests.

You can use an almost endless list of professional pest control providers.

However, some of the most reputable ones include Terminix, Orkin Pest Control, Bulwark Exterminating, Bell Environmental Services, Riddex Plus Pest Repeller, and Ecolab Pest Control.

Others include Black and Decker Pest Control, McCloud Services, Southern Pest Control, and Abell Pest Control.

READ: Exterminator Cost of Getting Rid of Mice

With this option, you do not need to worry about how the job gets done. The pest technician recommends the best pest control plan which fits your situation and preferences.

DIY Mouse Pest Control Strategies

The second option available to you is the DIY strategy. This is best for persons who prefer to get the job done themselves.

However, we must state that this can be a stressful undertaking. It would be best if you also understood mouse behavior (such as reproduction, feeding, etc.).

The following are DIY methods you can use to get rid of mice in your home;

Traps are a popular method of ridding your home of mice.

These range from humane to snap traps, glue, and electric traps designed to kill mice on contact. All types of mouse traps work with baits. Humane traps will cause no harm to mice but will trap them alive.

For such, you must check if a mouse has been trapped frequently. With humane traps, you must release them far away from your home to avoid returning quickly.

When setting traps, you need to identify a commonly used route. Depending on the severity of the infestation, you may also need to purchase several units. These could be set in several rooms.

Despite the effectiveness of mouse traps, there is no guarantee that this will solve your mouse problem.

Mice are known to be clever and can sometimes avoid the traps altogether. In such circumstances, you will need to change location.

Placing your Trap Correctly

When using a trap, it is necessary to place it correctly. Traps are best-placed perpendicular to the wall. This increases the chance of mice running into the baits.

Also, such traps should be placed at least 10 to 20 feet from their food source and nesting areas. Rotating or changing your trap locations every two days is also really important.

Keeping such traps in the exact location(s) for a long will make the mice avoid such areas.

Also, the type of trap you use should depend on whether pets and kids are around. Some surprises are designed for safety around both pets and kids. You should make inquiries before purchasing any.

  • Get a Cat

Mice are a favorite prey of cats. This option is best for pet lovers.

Whenever there is a cat around, mice automatically keep their distance. This strategy of mouse control has been used over the ages and is still influential today.

You only need to buy yourself a cat and watch the problem disappear.

This natural method can be combined with other DIY ways to eliminate your home of mice.

This applies to both an existing mouse infestation problem as well as applying it as a preventive measure.

  • Use of Mouse Poison

Although there has been a decline in the use of poison to exterminate mice, its use continues. There are several types of mouse poisons you can use.

However, the downside to using this control method is that mice could die in difficult-to-reach areas, resulting in a stench.

Also, it is a dangerous method requiring all the care, especially if you keep pets and have kids around.

We recommend avoiding this method, as children or pets can mistakenly ingest it. If you must use it, it should be applied in places only mice can reach. Areas that are out of reach to kids.

If you don’t live alone, consider telling others what it is to avoid careless handling.

How to Keep Mice Away from Your House, Bed, Camper, and Car

What scent will keep mice away? How do you stop these pests from entering your home? Find out more.

Mouse invasion can be a difficult situation to deal with. This is more so when effective control strategies are not deployed.

You will find this guide very useful if you have a mouse situation in your home, business, or both. We will provide practical ways how to keep mice away.

We understand that people will prefer specific mouse control methods over others. We believe that you will find the most suitable ways to keep mice at bay among the listed methods.

1. Use of Mouse Traps

This method of mouse control has been in use for a very long time. Over the years, innovative ways of trapping mice have been developed.

This has led to the introduction of different types of traps. Such include;

  • Snap Traps

This trap, like all the others, uses bait to lure mice.

The mousetrap bait is placed on a plate on the trap. Once it is stepped on, it gets triggered and snaps. This crushes the mice in the process.

For some people, this method is considered too harsh or cruel to rodents. They prefer more humane traps.

This takes us to our next point;

  • Electronic Mouse Traps

Electronic mouse traps are considered more humane than snap traps. These run-on batteries deliver a sharp shock to mice, killing them fast.

When using electronic mouse traps, you must frequently check to dispose of dead mice before they start smelling from decomposition.

  • Catch and Release Traps

These are the most humane types of traps. It helps you keep mice away by trapping them without causing them harm. You will need to take the web out to release them.

To make this control strategy effective, you must close/block all points of entry used by mice.

2. Calling a Mouse Exterminator

People with complex infestation problems prefer to hire a mouse exterminator when they see the signs.

Sometimes, mice can become evasive and prove impossible to contain themselves. No matter how complicated the situation is, it is no match for professionals.


A. Experience and Training

While you are not trained in pest management, the same cannot be said for exterminators. These professionals have been well-trained and experienced in the art of mouse elimination.

B. An Investigation of the Property

When these experts are called in, they listen to understand your concern before investigating it. They are knowledgeable about mouse behavior and breeding patterns.

This helps them identify the nesting grounds and the entry and exit points.

C. Treatment

Treatment depends on the findings and recommendations provided. The advantage here is that mice are wholly exterminated, and your property is reinforced to keep them away.

Treatment is repeated if you notice a mouse incident within a stipulated time frame after treatment.

3. Use of Home Remedies

These are standard yet highly effective methods of keeping mice away. They include different techniques that are popular among users due to their non-toxic nature.

These include some of the most effective natural ways to keep mice away;

So what keeps mice away naturally?

  • Natural Predators

Some natural predators serve as pets and as well as prey on mice. Although this strategy has been used for ages, it’s still as effective as ever.

Cats are excellent mouse predators. While this is true, responsibilities are attached to caring for cats. Many pet lovers will not mind the roles they have to play and will gladly do so.

On the other hand, some will prefer using other predators. Barn owls prey on mice and can be used with cats or alone, depending on your needs. If you have trees around your home, you can hang nests on these trees.

Before long, the presence of these predators will keep mice at bay.

  • Using Onions

This is yet another natural method of keeping mice off your property. All you need to do is slice these onions and keep them out of the reach of pets. This is because some pets may find it toxic.

Mice hate the pungent smell given off by onions and will stay away.

However, it would help if you replaced these onions to avoid decay. The resulting smell can create a lot of discomforts.

  • Apply Essential Oils

Essential oils play an important role in keeping pests at bay.

Such oils include eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, and peppermint oil. This is a highly efficient irritant to mice. Although it may have a pleasant smell, the same cannot be said for mice.

Apart from peppermint oil, the peppermint plant achieves the same result.

You can also plant repellent herbs around your home to ensure mice never come close.

All you need is cotton wool or cotton buds when applying this oil. These are dipped into the oil and placed at different entry points to your home.

The smell will only drive mice away to another location in your home.

Due to popular belief, this is one of the most widely used essential oils to keep mice away. Unfortunately, the results are not impressive as there are better, more effective ways of handling mice problems.

One of the easiest ways mice enter properties is through available entry points. These can be holes or spaces around doors and windows etc. To keep mice away, you need to seal these openings or holes.

This can be done with steel wool.

This material is used because they cannot burrow their way in again.

Another method is to use patches of cement to cover these holes. Sometimes finding such spots can be difficult. However, you will know where they are when you observe the movement of these mice.

  • Cloves

Cloves, like peppermint, have a similar effect on mice. Its pungent smell is released even more when crushed. You also have the alternative of using clove oil.

For best results, apply to areas most used by mice. The smell drives and keeps them out of your home.

  • Good Old Instant Potatoes

This is one of the cheapest ways to keep mice away. You must keep it out of reach of pets if you have any. Once ingested, instant potatoes will expand in the gut and dehydrate.

The expansion kills the mouse.

  • Ammonia

Ammonia is also a good pest remedy for keeping mice at bay. The pungent smell it gives off irritates mice.

The downside to this method is that it can also be toxic to humans. Its pungent smell is awful. It is best to use it only in areas you will not visit constantly.

These may include basements or the attic etc.

  • Baking Soda

If there is a remedy for mouse infestation that is safe for pets, it is baking soda. All you need to do is to mix equal parts of flour, baking soda, and sugar. Mice love the combination of sugar and flour.

Without adding water, you only need to keep this in areas most infested with mice.

Upon feeding on the mixture, baking soda poisons mice by distorting the acid balance in the gut.

  • Electronic Ultrasound Waves

Electronic gadgets that release ultrasound waves are available for sale in stores.

These come in different variants and emit ultrasound waves that cause severe discomfort to mice. These require batteries or must be plugged into a socket or power source.

If your property is large, you may need to purchase multiple units of this gadget. These will enhance the spread of ultrasound waves.

  • Bay Leaves

These leaves are toxic to mice. For best results, pluck these leaves and crush them. This makes it even more effective. The crushed leaves should be spread along the routes most followed by mice.

This can be repeated at regular intervals (3 days).

  • Mothballs

The use of mothballs in keeping mice away is well known.

It gives off Naphthalene which is toxic to mice. It also harms humans and pets; therefore, extreme caution should be applied.

The best way to keep mice away using this technique is by blocking all mouse entry points.

  • Starvation

This strategy of mouse control is highly effective!

All you need to do is remove all traces of food leftovers. You can do this by properly disposing of unwanted food and storing all foodstuff. Water leakages should also be fixed.

Doing this eliminates all sources of feeding, making your home uninhabitable.

Another way is to dispose of waste properly. Your trashcan should have a lid. This should be sealed at all times.

  • Make a Hot Pepper Spray

This natural remedy involves mixing your hot pepper with hot pepper and habanero pepper as the primary ingredients. This mixture is boiled and cooled down.

It is filtered and then poured into a spray bottle.

When applying this, care should be taken to avoid getting into your eyes. Gloves are also recommended. Mice are unable to survive in an area where this is sprayed.

We have seen several ways you can keep mice away. These options enable you to choose the most preferred home mouse control methods that fit your needs.

It is important to note that you can combine these methods and choose a specific strategy.

Whichever you choose is absolutely up to you.

Using Preventive Measures for Mouse Control

Preventive treatments are the best ways to keep mice away.

It makes your home unattractive to these rodents. The best part is that this pest control strategy costs little to nothing and can be easily used.

Preventive mouse control strategies include the following;

  • Identify and Eliminate Possible Entry Points

Mice will use all available entry points to gain access to your home.

You need to find all cracks and seal open gaps in doors and windows to get rid of them. You also need to check your drainage to ensure no opening is large enough for mice to crawl through.

Identifying and blocking all possible entry points keeps your home safe and free from rats.

  • Good Hygiene

A clean environment contributes significantly to ridding your home of mice. This includes eliminating all sources of food too.

By storing your food in tightly covered containers and refrigerators, you will be discouraging an infestation. The dining area, kitchen, or any other place you choose should be properly cleaned.

Even the little crumb of unwanted food or dirty utensils can easily attract mice.

In addition to these measures, you should clean up all pet food. Most times, our pets have leftovers. If these are left overnight, it might be an inviting sign for mice.

  • Remove all Clutter and Debris Around your House

Ridding your home of mice includes removing all forms of clutter around your property. These are known to encourage mouse infestation. Also, weeds should be trimmed low and surroundings maintained.

Doing these discourage the activities of mice.

  • Use a Predator

To get rid of mice, you should consider introducing a predator.

Cats are natural predators that feed on mice. You are likely to see remarkable results within a few days of having a cat around. This is an excellent option for pet lovers.

Knowing how to get rid of mice in your house involves several strategies.

If you are interested in handling the process, you can use any combination of the abovementioned methods. These are sure to serve the purpose.

By adopting these measures, you are not only keeping your home free of damages caused by mice but also protecting yourself from diseases that can be easily transmitted from these rodents to humans.

After getting rid of mice, it is always essential to adopt preventive control methods. This saves you a lot of stress, time, and resources in the long run.

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