How to Get Rid of Japanese Beetles

Do you need tips on how to get rid of Japanese beetles naturally or by the use of repellents? You have your answers below.

Japanese beetles have a reputation for causing significant crop damage. Their presence creates a nightmare for farmers and gardeners.

Though this is the case, it doesn’t mean beetle infestation can’t be tackled. You’re likely reading this because you need a solution. We won’t disappoint either.

This article will show you several ways to get rid of these beetles. We will also include ways to ward them off. That is, you’d find great preventive measures you can apply to keep these insects away.

Let’s cut the chase and jump right in.

Backyard Destruction By Japanese Beetles

Do you love gardening? If you do, Japanese beetles would be a nightmare to deal with.

This is because they are only present between 6 to 8 weeks in a year. Yet, the damage they leave in their wake is massive. You should be rightly worried when they are around because they can cause significant destruction within a short time.

Your garden plants and flowers are the targets here. Which is why it’s important to be fully armed with information.

  • Signs of Beetle Damage

Damage caused by Japanese beetles follow a particular pattern, that is, skeletonized flowers and leaves. They only feed on foliage and flowers but will leave the veins behind. This is always the case.

So, you don’t need to see them before knowing they are present. Nevertheless, they can still be spotted around.

Japanese Beetle Extermination: Identification

Identification is the first step to getting rid of Japanese beetles. Luckily, these bugs aren’t so difficult to identify.

Apart from the small white hairs along the sides of their abdomen, they also are multi-colored. These consist of copper-colored backs, blue-green metallic heads as well as tan wings.

When you find this, it’s proof enough that you’re dealing with a Japanese beetles problem.

Best Ways to Get Rid of Japanese Beetles on Roses and Other Trees

Japanese beetles can be exterminated using multiple methods. Some of these will include a natural approach.

Other beetle control methods will consist of seeking professional help, while some may include the use of pesticides. These are provided for the sake of choice.

So what methods are used to control the Japanese beetle? Let’s discuss this.

  • Handpicking

Japanese beetles are a bit sluggish when they feed.

This allows you to shake them off into a waiting bucket beneath the plant. Such a bucket must not be empty.

You can get some hot water mixed with some soap. But this may be a whole lot of work to do especially when you have a big garden. This is true, some persons may prefer this alternative.

It all boils down to preference.

  • Use of Beetle Traps

Nowadays, there are traps for a vast range of pests. You’d find those for Japanese beetles too. These come in different designs and act by luring them. There has to be some bait right?

Exactly! They come baited with floral scents. These distract them from your plants and make them come in droves. They end up getting trapped in a bag at the base of the trap.

Before using this, note that you may end up attracting more than you bargained for.

In other words, Japanese beetles who ordinarily won’t be around your garden are attracted. This is due to the strong floral scents used as baits.

But who cares as long as the problem is solved right?

  • Go the Natural Way

There are many natural ways. But the one we are talking about is the introduction of a predator.

Beneficial nematodes are tiny organisms that penetrate their bodies. Especially when Japanese beetles are at their larval stage. They feed on them from within, thereby killing them in the process.

This is an environmentally beneficial way to solve the problem. If you are looking for what kills Japanese beetles naturally, here is one.

  • Parasitic Wasps

This is another natural way of introducing prey to your garden. While beneficial to your plants, they help chase away Japanese beetles.

You will notice a drop in their population within a short time. Why are we talking about a drop? Why not total elimination? Well, it won’t give you a 100% result because we are talking about an outdoor environment.

Nevertheless, it improves the state of your garden. It also makes it less attractive to the prey.

  • Plant Some Geranium

Geraniums are a favorite target for Japanese beetles. If so, why plant them?

These plants have intoxicating effects on them. When they feed on them, they get dizzy. This leads to them falling off. You can easily pick them off and get rid of them the best way possible. You can save your most valuable garden plants by having these (geraniums) in abundance.

Their blossoming nature also makes them more inviting.

  • Get Guinea Fowl

When introduced into your garden, these birds will hardly disappoint.

It is a cost-effective, yet natural way to address the problem. If you can afford to keep more than one, then, by all means, do so. They take a stroll around your yard in search of food. Among their favorites are Japanese beetles.

This predator can save you the stress of dealing with a difficult problem.

  • Make Some Dish Wash Spray

Dish wash soap is an important ingredient when making this spray. Liquid dish wash soap is recommended as it melts nice and easy! You also need a bottle to produce this Japanese beetle killer spray.

Find a gallon having a spray head and fill with water. This should be followed by 2 tablespoonfuls of liquid dish soap. This should be mixed and sprayed around your garden.

Japanese beetles develop in stages. The final stage is the beetle you know. But before this stage is the larval or grub stage.

Spraying this mixture will make them come out of the surface. They then become easy prey to predators such as guinea fowl.

  • Neem Oil

This is slow acting, but sure way to impede Japanese beetle development. This, in turn, reduces their destruction in your garden. Wonder how?

Neem oil when ingested messes up their reproductive system. In other words, it means that larvae have some of this within their system. This affects their full development, and they die off before attaining maturity.

So, how is Neem oil applied in the first instance? By making a spray? This spray should be applied liberally on plants.

The good news is that it doesn’t affect plant growth. It remains on leave or plant surface until when ingested in the process of feeding.

Neem oil is one of the practical home remedies for Japanese beetle control to consider.

  • Apply Baby Powder

Are you kidding me? How does baby powder apply to this situation?

In a very effective way, baby power will mess with the taste of plants and leaves. So, this powder must be applied to leaves or plants. You don’t need to make a heap on leaves. It should only be dusted on plants.

When Japanese beetles around, they find the taste unwelcoming.

The amount of baby powder you will need in your garden will depend on its size. So, the smaller your garden, the better.

Frequent applications will be necessary during the rainy season. This is due to washing off of previously applied baby powder.

  • Companion Planting

What the heck is companion planting? It’s a creative way to mix up Japanese beetle repellent plants with vulnerable plants. Vulnerable plants are used in this sense to represent easily target plants.

The outcome of this method is that it helps scare Jap beetles away. They can’t stand the presence of such plants.

Repellent plants will scare them away through scents. An added advantage is that they help beautify your garden. Some of them even have medicinal properties. Some also drive away other insect pests.

Plants you can use for companion planting include tansy, garlic, and rue.

  • Morning Covering

Japanese beetles are most active in the mornings. Knowing this gives you an edge. This is because you can focus your whole attention on fighting back.

But how do you do this? Using large sheets of fabric may just get the job done. Especially when your garden is small. Such sheets can be used as a covering. By covering your plants, Japanese beetles are unable to get to such plants.

You can take these sheets off when they are less active. This can be used during an infestation until you find better treatment alternatives. While this keeps them at bay, it won’t give you total relief.

A few beetles will still find a way to your plants.

  • Milky Spore

How about infecting Japanese beetles with a disease for a change? This may sound ominous but it isn’t. At least not to humans.

This method was developed in the early 20th century. Milky spore powder can be bought in home improvement stores.

It has directions for use, though these are well known. They are applied to lawn and garden areas at least once a year for three years.

This length of time (3 years) is necessary to enable it to become full-blown. Full-blown in the sense that its effect continues to be felt by infecting and killing them for a long period. This is most effective when Japanese beetles aren’t fully developed. That’s at the grub stages.

This is a very effective Japanese beetle grub control option.

  • Insecticides

Insecticides are readily available products that can be added to other strategies. These exist in different forms. That is either liquid or solid form. When buying this, you should be more specific about the type you need.

In other words, get insecticides specially made for Japanese beetles. Though some are general-purpose insecticides and insect repellents.

Above, we have shared 13 ways to get rid of Japanese beetles that guarantee results at affordable rates. What do you think?

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