How to Get Rid of House Centipedes

Here, we’ll look at how to get rid of centipede naturally using preventive and extermination control methods.


Centipedes are easily identifiable by their many legs. They’re not the only insects with many legs though.

Millipedes are their closest competitor when it comes to the number of legs possessed.

But this isn’t our focus here. Getting rid of centipedes is, and we intend to show you just how to go about it.

These creatures are also called “the hundred legger” due to obvious reasons.

What Do Centipedes Look Like?

It’s unlikely that you haven’t come across centipedes. However, for clarity’s sake, it will be necessary to talk about their appearance. This helps you easily identify them.

Doing this also eliminates confusion that may result (as there are other similar looking creatures like millipedes). Centipedes can be identified by their yellowish or dark brown colors. They may bear markings on their bodies too.

There are different species of centipedes. Some of these are nocturnal while others aren’t. But one thing they all share in common is their habitats. They live in both soil or leaf litter environments.

You are also likely to spot them around log piles as well as in burrows.

The average house centipede lifespan is 3-6 years. Do centipedes travel in pairs? No. It only appears so, by the way, they drag their mouth over their 15 pairs of legs to reach them all, after each meal.

Are Centipedes Harmful?

Harm may have different meanings for different people. But the fact is that centipedes do sting. Though not as threatening as you may think.

You may only feel a little sting but won’t get any worse than that.

The only exception will be if your body reacts to bites. If that’s the case, seek medical attention urgently.

How to Get Rid of Centipedes: Extermination Methods

Though some people won’t mind having centipedes around their homes, others will. For the latter group of persons, several ways exist to limit centipede presence.

This section will discuss such effective centipede control methods you can use. They include the following;

  • Sticky Tapes

Sticky tapes have proven effective in containing centipede activity. The same can be used for centipede control.

These creepy creatures sometimes find their ways indoors which can be frightening. To contain them, place sticky tapes around entry points. Centipedes prey on other insects which is why they are likely to be found indoors.

Sticky tapes trap them including other types of insects you won’t want to have around. The good thing with this method is that it can be used for as long as you wish. You only need to change such tapes every day until it improves.

  • De-Clutter Your Home

Sometimes we forget or maybe too busy to keep things in place. This leads to a pileup of stuff around floors, basement, and in the sitting & living rooms.

What you may not know is that centipedes find such environments ideal for hangouts.

Try keeping things to limit the occurrence or incidences of centipedes. This preventive measure doesn’t take much to implement.

  • Insecticide Sprays

This is one strategy that offers a wide range of options. There are many insecticide products on the market. But one thing must be clear. Centipedes aren’t insects.

However, insecticides and repellent sprays work just fine in killing or repelling them. In making your choice of the best insecticide to use, be on the lookout for products with residual after-effects.

These offer extended protection against centipedes. It takes a longer period before you experience their presence.

Also, go for insecticides having certain active ingredients like permethrin and cyfluthrin. But safety should be the topmost in influencing your choice.

Ensure to follow all safety instructions related to its use. This helps limit exposure to toxic insecticides.

  • Dehumidifier

Centipedes love cold and damp areas of your home. Such conditions are made possible due to the presence of humidity.

You can use a dehumidifier to reduce your home’s humidity. This will require putting on your dehumidifier and letting it run for as long as necessary.

You may also want to increase your home’s temperature a bit as this eliminates the cold and creates a less favorable condition for centipedes to thrive.

  • Seal Up All Openings

Whenever you find centipedes around, just know there are openings they use. These openings should include cracks, crevices, open spaces around doors and windows, and holes in your foundation or basement.

To verify, you may need to conduct some inspection. There are many such services in Hawaii and your locality if you go online.

Find these openings and seal them up. This preventive strategy is applied while fighting them back using other alternatives.

  • Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth

Food-grade diatomaceous earth is useful in eliminating centipedes. This off-white powder is sprinkled on areas most frequented by these pests.

We recommend targeting cold and damp areas of your home. These are areas centipedes are likely to be found. But for this centipede killer to be effective, it must not be wet or be applied directly onto wet surfaces.

Sprinkle on dry surfaces only.

  • Get Rid of Other Pests

The presence of other pests within your home is an open invitation for centipedes to join. These other pests are food sources. So, getting rid of them takes away their (centipede’s) food source.

Such pests include roaches, ants, and all sorts of bugs.

Removing these centipede prey helps in no small measure. What else? You don’t have to deal with each pest separately. In other words, you will be tackling the problem unilaterally.

  • Outdoor Sanitation is Necessary

Your surroundings hold an important key to the presence of centipedes.

To get rid of centipedes, first, concentrate on taking back control of your surroundings. An easy way to achieve this is by cleaning your outdoor environments.

Cleaning will include removing scattered leaves as well as logs of piled wood and other building materials.

You should also consider trimming off tree branches. This is in addition to shrubs and bushes that encourage humidity. Doing this enables the penetration of sunlight. The centipedes will then have to migrate to more favorable surroundings.

  • Fix Leaky Roofs and Pipes

We’ve said that centipedes are attracted to moisture. But moisture itself doesn’t just happen, While it is contained in the air, it may also be caused by leakages.

Water is likely to leak from pipes and roofs. If it does leak from the roof, you may see some wall sections wet from the top. Fix the leakage to avoid this problem. You’d also be maintaining your home in the process.

It is necessary to always inspect your plumbing. This requires some maintenance after some time. Sometimes, you may be lucky to see such leakages without having to look hard.

Other times, pipes may leak from difficult to reach areas. Find and fix all pipe leakage problems to avoid centipedes from coming too close.

  • Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is useful in repelling series of pest types A lot of homeowners have claimed its efficacy in repelling centipedes. Based on this testimony, it won’t be out of place to try out this natural centipede repellent. It gives off a strong scent that irritates these creatures.

Find this and apply it to different areas of your home. Make an invisible wall around your private space by rubbing these oils onto walls as well as windows and doors.

Centipedes can’t help but turn back when greeted with the smell of peppermint oil. You can even go further by planting peppermint plants around your garden. This has almost similar effects to the oil.

  • Boric Acid

Boric acid has a lot of uses when it comes to pest control. Centipede control is no different. This product is readily available and comes in different brands.

Sometimes, you may find these products specifying certain pests. That is, without making mention of centipedes. Never mind if you encounter such situations. Get these so long as it’s boric acid.

Target damp and cold areas of your home. These are likely to provide cover for centipedes. Apply as instructed and get great results in no time.

Boric acid is considered toxic. So, be careful when using it. Follow all safety procedures too. This way, your risk exposure and that of your family are reduced.

  • Install Screens Around Openings

Your windows, crawl spaces, and attics are openings that may be used by centipedes. But this can be prevented by installing window screens as well as vent and attic screens. This significantly limits their movement into your home and keeps them out.

As a result, other centipede treatments can be applied without them migrating indoors.

  • Insect Catcher

It can be freaking scary to have centipedes fall onto our bodies. This is possible when left unchecked.

Centipedes climb up to ceilings and may likely fall off. So, apart from being unsightly, falling onto some person’s body can scare the hell out of them. This is where an insect catcher comes in handy.

This tool isn’t restricted to a specific type of insect alone. It can still be used long after solving your centipede problem. An insect catcher has a brush attached to the tip. This can be controlled at the handle to open and trap centipedes by closing them in.

Centipede problems aren’t difficult to solve. You only need to know and apply the strategies provided above.

We have included natural solutions as well as centipede preventive options for homeowners. Whichever insect control option you prefer, the point is to obtain the best results possible.

When using insecticides to get rid of centipedes, consider following all safety instructions.

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