How to Get Rid of Harvester Ants

We will be looking at how to get rid of harvester ants completely.

There are many known ant species, with some of these found in homes while others seldom get into human dwellings. In other words, some of these ant species may mainly operate indoors, outdoors, or both.

To give you an idea of the different species, a few include citronella and field ants.

Others include carpenter ants, fire ants, acrobat ants, Argentine ants, ghost ants, pavement ants, black ants, odorous house ants, etc. Out of the many species, we’re only interested in discussing the harvester ant.

Unlike some ant species (like the house ant), you rarely find harvester ants indoors.

Do I Face Any Real Danger with Harvester Ants?

It’s essential to assess the level of risk when faced with a pest problem like harvester ants.

First, these ants live in large colonies and build their nests in open areas like playgrounds, plains, etc. Now the real danger arises from their painful stings.

Harvester ant stings have been known to cause anaphylactic reactions in persons with known allergies. No one wants to face such danger. Besides their bites, harvester ants will also cause damage through their nesting behavior.

Because they build their nests in the soil, crop damage has been experienced. Such injury involves stripping away vegetation, which can quickly deteriorate the soil structure, resulting in erosion.

What more? Harvester’s ant nesting behavior has resulted in the formation of potholes.

How so? Well, when these ants choose to nest along or near roadways, their continuous nesting activity weakens the road leading to the formation of potholes.

Based on these reasons, you’ll need to act fast to get rid of these ants. So, how do you go about it? Read on for effective strategies.

Harvester Ant Treatments and Prevention

Ordinarily, there’ll be no need to get rid of these ants if they aren’t causing any issues.

As long as these creatures aren’t causing damage through their nesting and feeding habits, you’ll not need to attack them. Harvester ants only attack when they feel threatened.

Harvester ant control strategies include using poisoned ant baits, nest toxicants, applying boiling water diatomaceous earth, baking soda treatment, and prevention.

Let’s discuss each of these points in more detail.

i. Use of Poisoned Ant Baits

One of several effective strategies to eliminate harvester ants is using poisoned traps and baits. These come in different types, but all achieve the same objective.

Some of the best products include TERRO 2600, Raid Max Double Control, TERRO T300B, Optigard Ant Bait, and Maxforce Quantum.

Other effective bait products on Harvester ants include Advance 375a, Syngenta 68078, TERRO 1806, and Syngenta TRTD11568. Now you might wish to know how poisoned ant bait works.

These baits are essentially a mixture of food and poison.

These are mixed because harvester ants gather food like many ant species. These walk significant distances to haul food back to their nests. With poisoned bait, eliminating harvester ants becomes a lot easier.

While the food content attracts them to a feast, the slow-acting poison eventually wipes out a significant portion of their colony. Using ant bait the right way can give excellent results.

Your garden is free from their presence and damaging activity.

ii. Nest Toxicants

Nest toxicants are aimed at harvester ant nests.

The goal is to apply pesticides that help destroy the entire colony. Not everyone is skilled for this job, so it’s best to call the pros.

Pest technicians are in the best position to perform this type of treatment.

Their experience, expertise, and understanding of harvester ant behavior allow technicians to offer far-reaching solutions using reliable techniques.

Can a novice use this treatment method with any luck? Without the expertise, your efforts are unlikely to produce any actual results.

iii. Dumping Boiling Water

One of the natural ways to eliminate harvester ants is by having boiling water dumped into the nest.

Here, you’ll need to boil sufficient water, pour it into a bucket or bowl, and head to your yard or wherever these ants are nesting.

Now pour a good amount of this water into the nest. You can make this method even more effective by adding some liquid soap to it. Once applied, it’s likely to kill many harvester ants.

Can the boiling water method completely decimate harvester ant nest?

It’s unlikely to eradicate harvester ants using the boiling water method. Your best bet of getting that level of success relies on who does the job.

Trained & experienced technicians have a higher chance of eliminating harvester ants using other methods.

iv. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is widely used for different pest issues, including ant control. You can take care of your harvester ant problem by sprinkling affected areas with this powder.

Insects are killed by ground diatomaceous earth due to the absorption of the protective layer of fats and oils on their exoskeletons.

After absorbing these oils, moisture is lost easily through the harvester ant exoskeleton. Diatomaceous earth particles also have sharp edges that pierce the body of ants, thus making them dehydrate faster.

With this knowledge, all you have to do is sprinkle your food-grade diatomaceous earth.

v. Baking Soda Treatment

Harvester ants are also known to target plants. That is why vegetation close to nesting sites is cleared. With baking soda treatments, your plants are protected from the destructive action of harvester ants.

Plus, no harm is caused to the environment. It’s important to note that baking soda might not eliminate harvester ants from your garden.

vi. Prevention

While treating your yard of harvester ants, it is crucial to ensure they don’t return.

The only way to do that is by adopting preventive measures. Luckily, harvester ants have no business in your home; there may be no need for prevention.

Despite this, you’ll have to seal any cracks and damaged window and door screens and ensure all mulch is kept off your home.

Getting rid of harvester ants involves all techniques listed above. Your preferred treatment strategy allows you to choose what procedure to adopt.

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