How to Get Rid of German Roaches Forever

Read through as we discuss how to get rid of German roaches for good. These are among the most notorious due to their aggressive behavior.

Roaches cause a lot of damage. This includes the spread of diseases. There are several species of this pest.

How to Kill German Roaches

However, this article will focus on one species; the German roach.

Before delving into ways to control this set of insects, we will consider their habitats and characteristics.

How to Identify a German Roach (Characteristics)

Don’t be fooled by the name.

This is because German roaches thrive and are abundant in most parts of the world. If you suspect a German roach infestation, there’s only one way to find out: observation.

SEE: German Roach Bites

To correctly identify a German roach, there are three things to look out for. These include their color, size, well, and behavior. Let’s discuss each briefly;

  • German Roach Color

German roaches, especially adults, are light to medium brown.

This comes with easily identifiable dual stripes usually found at the shield region (the section of the body immediately after its head). Apart from the color of German roaches, you must also check out the size.

  • German Roach Size

There is no single size for German roaches. However, they vary in size from half an inch to over half an inch when fully grown.

  • German Roach Behavior

To get rid of German roaches, you need to understand their behavior. The German cockroach is a nocturnal creature.

This means they are most active at night. However, this does not mean you won’t come across one or several during the day. If you do, then you have a severe infestation on your hand and need to act fast!

Unlike some roach species, German roaches cannot fly. However, their movement compensates for this as they move very fast. German roach antennae are a bit longer than their body length.

This aids them in quickly locating food. These antennae perform several other vital actions as well.

Female roaches are slightly more giant and broader in the abdominal area than their male counterparts.

Another fact you will find gross is that younger German roaches feed on the fecal matter of droppings of adults.

  • German Roach Habitat

To effectively rid your home of German roaches, you need an understanding of their habitats. As long as there are water, warmth, food, and the proper humidity, German cockroaches are likely to infest such an area.

We all know homes provide such conditions, making your home a hot target for these pests. Most times, people notice an infestation when it is full-blown. This is common due to their mode of operation (nocturnal).

They make their homes in cracks, underneath kitchen sinks, garbage containers, furniture, electronics, and kitchen cabinets, among other places.

They come out in full force to feed or scavenge on anything considered good enough for food.

  • German Roach Nutrition

German roaches are scavengers and feed on various things, from leftover food kept carelessly to food crumbs, book bindings, soap, etc. These roach species will feed on almost every food eaten by humans.

  • Roach Lifecycle

In a bid to get rid of roaches, having an understanding of their lifecycle is necessary for finding a lasting solution. The lifecycle starts with the laying of eggs. The ootheca is a capsule-shaped case that houses the eggs. Each ootheca holds as many as 30 to 40 eggs.

A German roach will lay as much as 4 to 6 ootheca during its lifetime. This case is carried around until about a few days (usually a day or two) before it gets hatched.

From the time eggs are laid to adulthood, It takes as much as 100 days or more. Moreover, German roaches have a lifespan of 100 days or double that.

Diseases Spread by German Roaches

Because German Roaches target the food we eat, several diseases are spread.

Food poisoning organisms cling to the legs and bodies of roaches and are spread onto food whenever these pests come in contact with the food. This is in addition to allergies caused by roach droppings on food.

Common diseases include dysentery, diarrhea, leprosy, plague, salmonellosis, typhoid fever, cholera, and more.

Where and What to Lookout for during German Roach Inspection

To get rid of German roaches, you need to be able to identify infestation signs as well as know where to look. The easiest way to achieve this is by scheduling an inspection. Most reliable pest control services offer this service for free.

Here, inspection is thorough and systematic. Pest control technicians quickly pick out such areas because they know what to look for. However, looking out for roach droppings is an easy way to identify their presence.

It’s best to use a flashlight to inspect tight spaces, such as those behind furniture, large electronics like fridges, etc. It is essential to disinfect the droppings before vacuuming.

  • More Places to Search

There are lots of other places to inspect. If you prefer doing this yourself, try paying more attention to below table tops, ovens and microwaves, cash registers, trash cans, storage boxes, and behind cabinets.

These are likely hideouts German roaches may use to stay out of sight. Turning on your kitchen lights will reveal a lot about your pest problem. Roaches will dash for cover when you walk in on the party.

How to Get Rid of German Roaches

Getting rid of German roaches includes not one but several options. Here we will provide several of these and how to take action.

Here is the average time for German roach control.

  • Calling a Pest Management Expert

We always start with this option because most people can easily be overwhelmed with the process of German roach extermination if they were to do so themselves.

This is because they have limited experience with German roach behavior. Consider calling a professional pest control service if you fall under this category of people.

A brief online search will churn out tons of results. Most reputable pest control services have numbers you can call to schedule a free inspection. If you find a reputable pest control service, you are likely to benefit from a warranty.

  • Adopting Preventive Measures

This is of little or no use if you have an ongoing German roach infestation problem.

However, it is only effective after getting rid of the problem or as a precautionary measure to make your home unsuitable for them.

Several preventive measures should be taken to get rid of German roaches, including emptying all trash within the home frequently. Food shouldn’t be left exposed, and the kitchen and dining areas should be adequately cleaned of food particles and crumbs.

Other preventive measures include keeping food in tightly sealed containers, keeping electronic kitchen appliances free of grease and food particles after each use, cleaning up pet food and putting away soft drink bottles, etc.

You can also use the common insect repellent sprays in the market.

  • Using Insect Growth Regulator IGR

Insect Growth Regulators have been successful in challenging German roach infestations. The availability of multiple strategies has made German roach control a lot easier.

This can be used in combination with other roach exterminators or baits. It will not only combat the pest problem but will also inhibit reproduction.

This means that adult German roaches are unable to reproduce. This strategy enhances the safety of your home from a prolonged infestation caused by hatched eggs.

Some of the best Insect Growth Regulators available include Gentrol Complete Aerosol, Gentrol Point Source, Tekko Pro, and several more.

These pest removal products have proven to be quite effective against German roaches.

  • Roach Baits

Roach bait is an additional alternative for German roach control. Baits are among the best solutions you can find because they are slow acting.

As these roaches munch on baits, they ingest the slow-acting insecticide, allowing sufficient time for the bugs to reach their colony, and spreading it as much as possible. This takes its toll eventually and wipes out the entire colony.

German roaches are untidy and will leave fecal matter in their nests. As mentioned earlier, this serves as food for young bugs, making its effect more deadly on all colony members.

Some roach bait includes Combat 12 Month Roach Killing Bait, Maxforce FC Magnum, Advion Syngenta Cockroach Gel Bait, Raid Double Control Small Roach Bait, and Invicta Gold Cockroach Control Gel Bait.

There are several more effective roach baits worth mentioning, but we’ll have to move on to consider other equally important measures of combating German roach infestation.

  • Insecticide Dust

Insecticide dust works effectively against German roaches. There are also some perfect killer sprays.

For the best results, you need to follow its directions for use. We recommend that you only use insecticide dust lightly, mostly at night, and behind and around heavy furniture or electrical appliances.

Read: How Much Does Roach Extermination Cost? Find Out.

We have covered a lot on how to get rid of German roaches. This has included information on the German roach lifecycle, nutrition, and behavior, where to look, and what attracts them.

This guide provides practical steps to take to rid your home of roaches.

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