How To Get Rid Of Fleas – 20 Extermination Options

Steps to get rid of fleas on the human skin, on dogs, and in your bed are the focus of discussion in this guide.

We are in an era where information on many problems is readily available. This includes pest problems.

Crawling and flying insect problems are common among pet lovers and hundreds of millions of pet lovers worldwide. Because of this, flea extermination is a crucial subject and resonates with many.

As long as you keep pets, you will likely have experienced a flea or several flea problems. This requires urgent treatment as well as preventive measures being taken.


Among preventive measures taken are medications that include oral preparations.

Flea Life Cycle

To get rid of fleas from your home and pets, you must understand their life cycle.

The life cycle of fleas is divided into four main stages: the egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages of development.

Fleas are known to be resilient and will delay development when ideal conditions aren’t perfect. By “ideal” conditions, we mean a warm and moist environment.

Flea DIY Treatment

When fleas infest your home through your pets, getting rid of them may pose a challenge. Most DIY flea extermination methods will only eliminate adult fleas while the eggs and pupae remain unaffected.

Under such circumstances, repeat infestation may occur when these fully hatch. Sometimes the eggs of these pests may be hatched in hard-to-reach areas, even in clean environments.

This poses a serious problem and requires professional help. Thankfully there is no short supply of professionals.

Pest control services offer many extermination services that fit clients’ needs. Because they have a more profound knowledge of flea behavior, they can provide highly efficient flea extermination services.

Broad-Based Flea Elimination

Whenever a flea is spotted on your pet or your skin, the chances are that they overrun your entire home. This is especially true if your pets are allowed indoors.

In such circumstances, you should be concerned because not only are your pets infested, but you have to also contend with the discomfort caused by bites on your body. This is in addition to having them spread around your home.

For many, this feeling can be overwhelming. Adopting the best flea control method is necessary to get rid of them.

How to Get Rid of Fleas Fast Using Extermination Services

You need to gain total control over your home for your peace and comfort. This calls for definite action to be taken. There are several ways to achieve this.

This section will cover the different ways to get rid of fleas. Some of these include DIY methods, natural as well as hiring the services of competent professionals.

  • Hiring the Services of Flea Exterminators

Flea control services offer a wide range of professional pest elimination services.

This includes flea control. This is one of the best options for persons with limited knowledge of flea extermination strategies. These are professionals who conduct an on-the-spot assessment of the situation.

Flea control technicians will ascertain the extent of the infestation and recommend the best treatment to apply.

To completely eliminate fleas from your home, your pets need to be quarantined and treated. You must wash your clothes thoroughly and your home and yard treated.

Here is when to call for flea exterminators.

How to Get Rid of Fleas in the House

Aside from calling a professional, there are natural or environmentally friendly ways to eliminate fleas on humans and animals. These can be used as a DIY strategy or a pest control service.

Such methods are generally harmless to humans but effective against fleas.

Some natural or non-toxic ways to get rid of fleas include the following;

  • Your Home Interior is Important

This involves many processes and can be continued as a preventive measure after you must have eliminated fleas.

Recall that we mentioned that fleas lay eggs which can be difficult to destroy when handling the job yourself. Ensure all your clothes are washed thoroughly. Fleas hardly survive this action.

Apart from your clothing, your carpet provides a haven for fleas to thrive.

To exterminate these pests, you will have to adopt a variety of treatments. Some of these include thorough vacuuming. Its suction power will suck in fleas and their eggs.

However, to make this strategy more effective in eliminating fleas, consider spraying human-grade diatomaceous earth all over your carpet. This should be left for two days before vacuuming your carpet.

It dehydrates fleas, thereby eliminating them. When vacuuming, you will have no fears when disposing of the contents outside.

For the best results, we recommend vacuuming your carpet and floors daily. Also, your pet should be temporarily (for the duration of treatment) relocated before applying diatomaceous earth.

  • Your Home Surroundings

Taking care of your surroundings is as crucial as your home interior. In all situations, fleas will find their way indoors from your surroundings.

If you only focus on the interior and ignore your surroundings, you will only be treating an effect without concentrating on the cause.

Doing this will only be a matter of time before the problem returns.

There are several natural and effective ways to eliminate fleas from your home.

One such is planting shrubs or plants that repel fleas.

Popular ones include peppermint, mothballs, and lemongrass, among others. Another way to repel fleas from your yard is to mow the overgrown lawn.

Fleas thrive in lawns left untended. By mowing such lawns, you are making your yard unattractive to fleas.

To gain total control of your home, you should look for damp and dark places. Such areas of your yard are likely to harbor fleas. They immediately hop onto their bodies whenever your pet steps out in the open. The same happens to you as well.

By clearing such areas, you will have succeeded in denying fleas an excellent location to thrive.

Other DIY Methods to Rid Your Home of Fleas

There are several other natural ways to rid your home of fleas.

Such include using salt, lemon spray, and liquid soap (for dishwashing). These remedies have proven time and again to be quite effective against fleas.

These cost little to nothing, hence are some of the cost-effective ways to tackle flea problems. To discuss these briefly, we begin with;

  • Salt

Salt is common in most households as it is used in cooking. However, it has several other beneficial uses. This includes using it as a dehydrating agent for fleas and similar pests.

Much like diatomaceous earth, salt will dehydrate fleas. This should be applied to your carpets and vacuumed after they must have been allowed to remain for a while.

Fleas will not survive this.

An advantage of using salt over diatomaceous earth is that it isn’t toxic to your pets. Under such circumstances, you have no cause for alarm.

  • Lemon Spray

Sometimes fleas will find their way to your furniture.

This includes your chair and bed etc. In most cases, exterminating them using some of the aforementioned strategies may prove difficult. Natural treatment using a lemon spray is ideal for such situations.

You can get rid of fleas effectively by making a lemon spray.

This is made by slicing some lemon and adding it to some water. This is boiled and left overnight. The next day, the contents should be emptied into a spray bottle and applied to the affected areas.

This natural flea extermination technique will eliminate fleas from affected areas.

Lime has also been found to be effective.

  • Liquid Dish Washing Soap

Earlier, we mentioned that fleas, like all insects, will not survive in soapy water. Therefore this can be used as a trap.

Although fleas will feed on your blood or those of your pets at any time of day, they are most active at night.

To solve this problem, get a water bowl and add dishwashing soap. Its viscosity enhances its effect on fleas by trapping them.

How to Get Rid of Fleas in Bed – Here is What to Do

Do you know how to get rid of fleas in beds naturally? Are there effective flea powders for bedding? Find out more about this flea treatment guide.

Everyone loves to keep pets around.

However, this comes at a price. Our pets can easily pick up fleas outside, and in no time, these pests find their way into our homes. Having fleas in your room and bed can be very frustrating and annoying.

So what do you do? This is a question we seek to answer as we show you how to get rid of fleas on your bed.

When you notice fleas on your clothes or bed, you should know that you have a bigger problem with your hands. By then, these would have infested the entire room.

In such a situation, you will concentrate on your bed alone and everywhere within your home, starting with your dog or cat bedding.

Flea in Bed Treatment is a Step-by-Step Process

There is no quick fix for flea problems. It will involve a series of procedures that will be covered. These are carried out systematically to tackle the problem from the ground up.

Whenever you see a flea on your bed, that is only an effect. You need to trace this problem to its roots to achieve lasting solutions.

  • Identifying the Problem – Flea Infestation in Bed

An immediate question you are likely to ask is how these got to your bed in the first place. In most cases, the answers are not far-fetched, especially when you keep pets. Your cats and dogs may love to relax on your bed.

These pets play a lot outside and may bring in these pests, which may fall off their bodies onto your bed, cushions, or floors/carpets.

In some cases, fleas will not be seen on your bed. If you do see them, you shouldn’t conclude, but try finding out more.

Make sure these do not bed bugs (a much bigger problem). Fleas mostly cling to the bodies of our pets. Investigate by spreading their furs apart. You are likely to see them moving between hairs.

You also need to carry out a further examination of your mattress. You will easily spot bed bugs on mattresses and hidden corners of your bed than fleas.

If you cannot see any, you have a flea problem that is easier to deal with.

  • Flea Bites

Fleas, like bed bugs, will bite when feeding. But how do you distinguish the two? Typically both flea and bed bug bites leave tiny red welts.

To quickly identify the problem you are faced with, check your pet. If your pet continuously scratches its body, you will likely have a flea problem.

  • Human Fleas

Pets cause not every flea problem you notice. Sometimes you could have visited an infected area like a hotel or on a commute.

Fleas migrate by hopping onto their new hosts. These pests feed on blood and will immediately commence feeding once an excellent location that provides coverage is found.

Targets are in the hairiest areas of your body. This is a possible way flea finds its way to your bed.

How to Get Rid of Fleas in Bed Fast

Immediately fleas are spotted on your bed or body. You should waste no time swinging to action. This section will provide practical ways to get rid of fleas on your bed and surroundings.

  • Treating your Pets

Pets are mainly the source of fleas in your home and your bed.

These should be immediately isolated and treated. This first line of defense is effective as it kills off fleas on your pets. There are several treatments you can apply.

The most common include bathing pets. Flea shampoo is used for this. The shampoo is worked into a lather and left for a few minutes.

A flea comb is used on the fur to comb out dead fleas. After doing this on its entire body, it should be rinsed and dried. Several other types of treatments exist, including medication.

Now you have treated the likely source.

  • Washing your Bedding

You want to kill off fleas that have found their way to your bird.

You should remove your bedspreads, sheets, pillowcases, blankets, and other bedding for washing. You also need to wash flea-infested clothing too.

These would include your pajamas and any other clothes you have. You should set your machine to clean these at the highest setting.

No flea will survive these conditions.

  • Also, Wash Pet Bedding

Most pet owners are likely to keep pet bedding indoors.

These are in the form of rugs or blankets. You should use hot soapy water to soak them for later washing. This will kill off the fleas, their eggs, and larvae.

If you do not want to follow this process, you can discard these bedding altogether for new ones.

  • Treating your Floors, Carpets Cushions, and Mattress

Before you took notice of the presence of fleas, they had been spreading all along by falling off pets and laying eggs on your carpets, cushions, and mattress.

This requires radical measures to be taken to eliminate adult fleas, eggs, and larvae. Using food-grade diatomaceous earth is a great way to eliminate these pests.

You should apply this to all surfaces they may be hiding.

Food-grade diatomaceous earth is safe to use around pets and will pose no harm to your kids. For best results, you can leave this to stay for a day or more.

A vacuum cleaner will get the work done in sucking up dead fleas, eggs, and larvae.

A thorough cleaning will ensure that the problem is comprehensively treated.

  • Using Flea Powder

This is an alternative you can use in place of diatomaceous earth.

When treating fleas on your bed, you should use only non-toxic substances. This is because doing the contrary may affect your health. Flea powder is harmless and non-toxic to humans.

You can use this the same way food-grade diatomaceous earth is used for fleas.

  • Vacuuming

This is the best method of cleaning up your floors and cushions after a thorough treatment. Fleas, their eggs, and larvae are sucked into the vacuum machine.

When disposing of vacuum bags and filters, you should do this with care to avoid re-infestation.

  • Get Rid of Fleas on your Body

Your body may harbor fleas that may hide in hairy parts of your body.

The good news is that these are easy to eliminate with just a bath. The more often you take your bath, the less likely you will have fleas on your body. With a flea comb or brush, you should brush and wash your hair thoroughly.

It is safe to use flea shampoo for dogs occasionally. This is best for people with long hair.

  • Flea Bombs

This is as ominous as it sounds. The use of flea bombs is an extreme measure. This is mainly used when the flea problem is overwhelming.

Although it is highly effective, the problem lies in its toxicity. You should only use this option when you are not around. You and your pets shouldn’t be around when this is applied.

You can move out for a few days and return after the pests must have been bombed!

  • Call a Flea Pest Control Service

There are people with little time on their hands to rid their beds and homes of fleas.

If you fall under this category, your best alternative is to call in a pest control service. This is also the best method for people with an overwhelming flea problem.

Most pest control services charge affordable fees for flea treatment services.

These can be called for a one-time treatment or can be retained on a contract basis. Past treatments are usually costlier than agreeing to a contract.

For contracts, pest control services schedule visits which may be fortnightly, monthly, or quarterly.

These pest control services have trained and experienced technicians that examine the problem and apply the safest and best strategies for your home.

You never need to worry as you are given a comprehensive pest removal service that removes fleas on your bed.

Getting Rid of Fleas Using Preventive Measures

It is not enough to apply flea treatments.

These may give you relief for a short time before the problem returns. Preventive measures are always better because they cost you little or nothing. Keeping your surroundings clean is an effective strategy.

This includes vacuuming your floors regularly in addition to cleaning your yard.

Flea populations fester without cleaning the yard regularly and easily migrate by hopping onto your pets or legs.

Knowing how to get rid of fleas in bed includes many strategies. We have highlighted several of these for your consideration.

You can do the job yourself if you have the time or call professionals. Flea infestations are problems that can be effectively dealt with.

Taking quick action will save yourself from embarrassment and your pets from restlessness caused by flea bites.

How to Get Rid of Fleas on Humans – the Easy and Affordable Way

What is the best way to get rid of human fleas fast? Are there safe home remedies to eliminate fleas on human skin and hair? Read on.

Fleas are pests commonly associated with pets. However, humans are not spared from these pests. This is an embarrassing situation that will require urgent action.

Knowing how to get rid of fleas on humans is our focus. We will provide several practical measures that, when used, will give you total relief.

Causes of Flea Infestation

Fleas are common to animals, especially pets.

Due to people’s proximity to their pets, it becomes super easy for these pests to latch onto human hosts. These are blood-sucking insects that can create a lot of discomfort. It is equally embarrassing to be faced with this problem.

You need to focus or target the source and your surroundings to eliminate this problem.

Identifying Flea Bite Symptoms

Flea infestation is easy to detect. It all starts with having itchy skin.

This itchy feeling springs from the feeding activities of fleas. You will likely quickly notice one around areas of your body with light hair.

Fleas can be found in areas of the body with hair. This gives them a covering and makes it more challenging to spot them. However, fleas rarely live in these hairy areas.

The following are some symptoms to look out for;

  • Excessive Scratching, Biting, and Licking by Pets

This is one of the primary signs that you have a flea situation.

Flea bites create a lot of discomfort for pets. This leads to excessive biting, scratching, and licking. Once this is noticed, you should take immediate action to limit further expansion.

One of the easiest ways to do this is by placing all pets under quarantine for proper treatment.

  • Having Itchy Legs and Feet

Legs and feet provide a perfect landing ground for hopping fleas. Fleas move by hopping and will likely transfer by jumping onto your feet. These pests waste no time in feeding.

While feeding on your blood, it generates an itchy sensation on your feet and legs.

  • Swelling

The areas bitten by fleas turn into swollen red spots. This is easy to identify. It even gets worse when scratched.

Scratching these swollen spots results in wounds that can lead to infections when exposed. Aloe Vera gel is an excellent remedy for those itchy feelings.

Diseases Transmitted by Fleas

Fleas do not only cause discomfort through their bites. They also transmit diseases. These diseases include flea tapeworm, plague (also known as Yersinia pestis), typhus, bartonellosis, and tungiasis.

What You Should Know about Human Fleas

Is there anything like human fleas? Yes, there is.

This is a species of fleas that feed on human hosts. Hairy areas of the human body provide the perfect feeding spots for fleas. People who do not take regular baths are most affected.

However, this is not only caused by irregular hygiene. Fleas can quickly spread from pets to humans (at least temporarily).

Persons with lots of hair will likely harbor more fleas than those with little or no. No matter your situation, we will reveal steps you need to take to rid yourself of these fleas.

How to Get Rid of Fleas on Humans Fast

There are several flea treatments you can use. These treatment options enable you to choose what works best for you.

This section of the article will discuss the different flea treatment options you can use to rid yourself of all flea bites.

  • Washing Your Clothes

Apart from living on their hosts, human fleas will also cling to your clothes.

No matter how well you scrub yourself in the shower, putting on untreated clothing will void your efforts. You need first to take care of all your clothing.

To have flea-free clothes, you need to wash them thoroughly.

  • Hair Treatment for Fleas

We mentioned earlier that these provide the perfect hiding spots for fleas.

You need to take a hot shower and properly soap your hair to ensure they are killed. If you keep a lot of hair, you may need to do a bit more to rid them of your body.

To kill lice in the hair, you could do any of the following;

  • Apply a Mixture of Salt and Baking Powder

A paste of salt and baking powder mixed in water is applied to the hair. This is left for 10 to 15 minutes before it is washed off.

After rinsing off the mixture, you should comb your hair to remove dead fleas.

  • Flea Shampoo

These are most common in dogs. However, it is safe to use this a few times. It does no damage to your scalp and will kill off fleas in your hair.

In the absence of flea shampoo, you can use homemade shampoo by adding a few drops of tea tree oil to it. Its anti-parasitic properties will kill off every flea on your hair.

  • Dawn Dish Soap

This is also a great way of removing fleas from your hair. It would help if you made a lather on your hair, leaving it for 10 to 15 minutes.

For both the flea shampoo and dawn dish soap treatments, you should use a lice comb to comb the lathered hair from the root outward to the tip. This is an efficient way of getting the dead fleas out.

After this is done sufficiently, the lather is rinsed.

How to Keep Staying Flea-Free

Taking a good bath and wearing clothes free of fleas is not enough. Without prevention/treatment, staying free of fleas will only be temporary.

To eliminate these, consider spraying flea repellents on your clothing and body.

We will discuss some natural flea repellents shortly. This measure ensures that your body is unfavorable to fleas.

  • Focus on the Source

While you may successfully get rid of fleas from your body, this will only be a temporary measure as long as the source is ignored. The primary source of these fleas is likely your pet(s).

Therefore you need to apply the necessary treatment.

Such include using flea shampoos designed for pet use. The same approach used in ridding your hair of fleas is also applied to pets. A Lice comb is used in combing the hair from the root out to the tips.

The lather on the pets is rinsed after this process. There are several ways to get rid of mice from pets as well.

Consider seeking the help of a veterinarian for proper treatment of flea infestation on pets.

  • Your Surroundings

Getting rid of fleas involves taking care of your entire surroundings.

Fleas are likely to lurk everywhere from your bed, pillow, walls, carpets, curtains, and cushions—all of these need to be taken care of in the following ways.

Your pillowcases, bedsheets, and curtains should be washed warm and thoroughly. Fleas will die off in the lather.

You should well vacuum your carpets and cushions to ensure they are clean of every hidden flea. Also, you can spray your beds with homemade or natural flea repellents.

Using boric acid is also an effective way of getting rid of fleas. These can be sprayed onto upholstery and carpets after a thorough vacuuming session.

It should be left for 10 to 12 hours to ensure that hidden fleas are killed.

Using Natural Flea Repellents

Natural repellents are effective ways of ridding your body and surroundings of fleas. Natural flea repellents are usually environmentally safe.

These include the following;

  • Lemon Spray Repellent

Lemon spray repellent is made by cutting a fresh lemon into four pieces.

This is put into a container, and hot water is poured. This should be left until the next day. The water is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed on your pet.

While using this strategy, you should avoid spraying it into your pet’s eyes. Every other part of the pet’s body should be spread, including its tail.

  • Essential Oils

These tremendous natural remedies, like lavender oil, have proven effective in repelling fleas.

Others include mint oil, citronella, and more. While repelling fleas, essential oils have a medicinal effect on the skin.

Eucalyptus leaves are also effective in treating flea infestation.

  • Cedar Wood

Cedarwood gets rid of fleas in no time. These are broken into chips and placed at strategic locations in your home. These are also placed under the bedding of pets and close to entrances.

This natural repellent drives away fleas from your home.

Call a Flea Control Service

If taking care of your flea problems feels overwhelming, you can call the experts. Pest control services provide comprehensive flea extermination treatments.

These cover a variety of pests, including fleas.

Experienced technicians with years of experience are dispatched to your home to assess the situation and apply appropriate treatment methods thoroughly.

We have seen the different ways to get rid of fleas on humans. These are all effective strategies that will give you relief in no time.

After successfully treating yourself for fleas, your surroundings, including your bedding, home, furniture, and pets, should also be treated. This is an all-around method to get rid of fleas completely!

How to Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs at Home Quickly

What kills fleas on dogs instantly? Are there safe home remedies that will kill dog fleas?

Discover more in this dog flea treatment guide.

Apart from the itchy discomfort caused by fleas, they are also disease-causing pests that can, in extreme cases, be life-threatening to pets. The dog is man’s most loyal and closest friend.

Flea infestation in dogs usually creates uneasiness by continuous scratching, biting, and licking. This is easily noticeable, and you can learn how to eliminate fleas by reading about it.

  • You are Vulnerable too!

Dogs are pets we allow to stay indoors. Therefore, a flea-infested dog is equal to a flea-infested home! Before long, you, too, will start experiencing itchy feelings caused by fleas feeding on your blood.

So what do you do? You must come to the rescue of your pet immediately. Acting fast benefits not only your dog(s) but also you.

  • Understand A Flea Life Cycle

Understand the life cycle of a flea. This is of utmost importance if you want your effort to be effective. A flea has four stages in its life cycle. These include the egg, the larva, the pupa, and the adult. The adults probably hopped onto your dog from outside.

While feeding, they lay eggs on their host. The discomfort caused by itchy feelings makes the dog scratch and shake its body.

This disperses the eggs around your home. The rest of the developmental process happens fast and in no time. Knowing this gives you an edge as you apply necessary treatment to your surroundings to kill off fleas and their eggs.

  • Checking for Fleas

Fleas cause not every sign of discomfort in dogs. In certain situations, it may be due to some form of skin irritation that needs to be treated.

So how do you know? You need to carry out some examinations. All you need to do is open your dog’s furs or hairs and examine them. If there are fleas, you will see them running through the skin.

This is one of the easiest ways to find out.

Getting Rid of Fleas off Your Dog

Upon noticing your dog has fleas, you need to quarantine your dog immediately.

If you have multiple pets, all of them need to be quarantined. This is because pets mingle, and fleas will likely hop onto the next pet(s).

This step contains the spread of fleas and helps properly treat the host.

Fleas on your dog mean fleas are already present in your home. Therefore you need to immediately take care of dog bedding, your bedspreads or sheets, pillowcases, cushions, curtains, and even your clothing.

Washing these under high temperatures kills adult fleas and eggs latched onto any clothing.

  • Give Your Dog a Flea Bath

Cats and dogs are not only pets to humans but are also feeding hosts fleas.

To rid your home of dog fleas, you must first take care of your pets. Fleas hop onto your pets whenever they play outside.

Hence apart from medications (both oral and external), bathing your dog is a natural way to get rid of fleas. It is essential to wash your dog’s bedding as well. This is because fleas will most certainly be found nesting in such areas.

A flea bath is an easy way to depopulate flea concentrations on your dog. You need to lather your dog by using flea shampoo. This is specifically formulated to remove fleas from dogs.

Apart from getting rid of fleas, it provides soothing relief for these pets.

A flea comb is necessary to remove dead fleas from your dog’s hair. This is done before rinsing the hair/fur.

When bathing your dog, you must trap fleas from moving to the dog’s face. This is done by applying the shampoo to the neck region first. When this is done, fleas from the body will be unable to move to safer areas.

This effectively traps fleas in the lather and kills them quickly.

For best results, we recommend you use organic shampoos for such a bath. The shampoo should be applied to your dog while wet and worked across the entire body. You should allow a few minutes before rinsing its body.

This will help to kill off any fleas on its body.

  • Flea Medication

Flea medication for dogs is orally administered. It is one of the best and fastest ways to eliminate fleas. This method should be considered for immediate action.

Although it is very effective, you still need to kill off all fleas that may be hanging around your room, on beds, carpets, and everywhere else.

While orally administered flea medication is only effective for a few hours, dead fleas will be replaced by those within the environment.

This requires a broad-based approach that seeks to adopt all methods in getting rid of fleas within the environment. In other words, this measure is not enough but should be combined with others.

  • Using a Flea Comb

After giving your dog a thorough bath, the flea comb is used again to expel dead fleas. Using this requires patience as you need to run the comb across your dog’s body.

It removes not only dead fleas but also those who survived. This leaves your dog feeling better. This should be only part of the several steps of ridding your dog of these pests.

  • Boric Acid Powder

This is best used for infested areas.

Boric acid powder or borax is applied onto such areas consisting of carpets and floors, including cracks on walls. This is left for a few days to have maximum effect on these pests.

It not only kills fleas but also destroys their eggs.

This strategy contains the spread of fleas. You can restrict your dog’s movement to ensure that infested areas are first cleared.

  • Vacuuming the Floor

Vacuuming your floor cleans up dead fleas and their eggs.

This is a way of cleaning up after applying boric acid. This sucks up any remaining fleas. You must do this more frequently during the period of treatment.

Doing so will disrupt their growth and development.

This is one effective home solution to control fleas on cats and dogs.

  • Make a Flea Collar for your Dog

This is another way to get rid of fleas quickly. Treatment is applied to dog flea collars to reduce the discomfort caused by fleas significantly. So what does this treatment consist of?

Essential oils work well on fleas. Those commonly used include tea tree or lavender oils. Only a few drops of any are required. This is mixed with a teaspoon of water, and the solution is applied to the collar.

This causes tremendous discomfort for fleas and eliminates them as fast as possible.

  • Using Apple Cider Vinegar

This method is used mainly to primarily make the dog’s body unsuitable for fleas.

This is not only effective on fleas but also on ticks too. A teaspoonful of fermented apple cider vinegar is added to a quarter-liter of water. This is mixed and given to the dog to drink.

The effect of this measure is that it causes a change by making the dog’s skin slightly acidic.

This is not a healthy environment for fleas to thrive and will be gone before long. While this works best when applied to the drinking water of drugs, we recommend not using this externally on a dog’s skin.

This is because it will harm it.

  • Administer Preventive Medication

This step is vital after successfully getting rid of fleas from your home. Preventive medication discourages repeat infestation.

Dogs will always need to play around. Giving them preventive treatment makes their body unsuitable for fleas to feed on. As a result, they are free from all types of parasitic feeding on their bodies.

To get the best medication for your pet, consult your veterinarian. They offer the best advice and the proper dosage for dogs.

Preventive treatment is not only good for your dog but also for you. You are saved from the stress of having to get rid of fleas by yourself.

  • Treat your Yard

Fleas on your dogs are likely to have been picked outside.

This means these pests are likely to be around in your yard. A pellet or non-toxic spray is best used in such situations. This can be made from essential oils or any combination of natural treatments.

Fleas can also be treated using heat.

We also have a separate guide where we discuss fumigating fleas.

  • Call a Flea Extermination Services

Sometimes people can get overwhelmed with pest issues. If you fall under this category, there is still hope. You can simply call a reliable pest control service.

A simple online search will reveal a long list of pest extermination services. These handle the job professionally through their experienced technicians.

They provide pest treatment for dogs as well as for your home.

The availability of this service makes it much easier to have everything back under control within the shortest time.

  • Involve a Veterinarian

The treatment process for getting rid of dog fleas is broad. Consider involving your veterinarian in this.

This is because they are experts that are always up-to-date on a variety of treatment options. You will likely get the best advice on adopting the most effective strategies.

Treating Yourself to Flea Infestation

Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be.

This is because fleas are likely to have hopped onto your body. Do you feel an itchy sensation in your body? A brief observation will confirm your suspicions.

Fortunately, getting rid of fleas on your body is much easier because you are less hairy than dogs.

Get a good bath and use flea shampoo on your hair. I hear you say, “but are these not meant for dogs?” Yes, they are, but it is safe to use this occasionally when you have a flea problem.

You should be free of fleas with a good bath and proper combing. However, you should wash your clothes to eliminate any fleas that may hang around.


By reading through the several steps above, we are sure you have learned a lot about how to get rid of fleas.

It is worth noting the flexibility of using any of the above strategies.

In other words, you can use a combination of any of the above. These, coupled with preventive treatment, will enable you to keep fleas at bay.

READ: Can You Exterminate Fleas With Alcohol?

We have discussed several strategies to eliminate fleas in humans and dogs. These methods are proven and tested. We advise that you form the habit of checking for fleas on your dogs.

However, the best way to do this is by taking preventive treatment seriously. Discussing with your veterinarian will help you determine the best approach.

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