How to Get Rid of Dead Animal Smell Outside

How do you get rid of the dead animal smell outside your home? We’ll show you how.

Whenever you wake up to dead animal odor around your home, it’s a clear sign to search out or locate the carcass wherever it may be.

You can remove the dead animal before cleaning the area by locating where the smell is coming from.

Now, the intensity of smell will be determined by the animal’s size, among other factors. Getting rid of such a smell is a top priority as you’ll need the situation restored to normal.

Dead Animal Smell Removal

Whenever you begin to perceive a dead animal smell around your home, it’s a clear sign that a dead animal carcass is lying around.

Now, ignoring such in the hope that things will improve won’t be a great idea. That is because the odor will likely worsen until the animal fully decomposes.

Plus, your pets may be exposed to infections when they get too close or touch the carcass. So, it’s better to determine whether the smell comes from outside or indoors.

Wherever it is, you’ll need to carefully check or follow the odor as it leads you to the dead animal.

How to Get Rid of Dead Animal Smell: Factors

When it comes to dead animal smell, several things are often involved; the place of death, animal size, state of decomposition, airflow, and fly presence.

Any of these factors will determine the intensity of smell and how long it lasts. With the proper knowledge, you can effectively treat the area.

i. Place of Death

One of the primary determinants of the intensity of dead animal smell is where such an animal dies. This can happen in just about any location such animal can get through.

Here, your crawlspace is one of the likely spots these animals are likely to be found.

ii. Animal Size

Another factor you must consider when trying to figure out the causes of dead animal odor is the size. Most dead animal problems within or outside a home involve rodents and raccoons.

The larger the animal is, the stronger the smell and vice versa.

Larger animals like raccoons are likely to smell more when they die than rodents like rats or mice. This is because it will take a shorter time for smaller animals to decay than larger animals.

Plus, raccoons tend to have more decaying flesh hence the more pungent odor.

iii. State of Decomposition

State of decomposition also counts as this follows several stages.

First, a faint odor may be perceived while gradually getting stronger as the days go by. The smell only decreases or weakens when decomposition is completed.

When the odor is strong, decomposition is likely to have reached an advanced state. The best time to act is when the smell isn’t widespread.

iv. Air Flow

Airflow can play a role in determining dead animal smell outdoors. This is intensified when the location of death is closer to your home.

As the wind blows, it brings in the awful smell. When looking for the dead carcass, you’ll have to factor in the airflow to help find the animal faster.

v. Fly Presence

With flies around, the process of decomposition is rapid.

These tend to make the odor short-lived. Without these, you’re likely to have a prolonged smell. For dead animals found outside, flies will always make the breakdown process much faster.

Getting Rid of Dead Animal Smell Outdoors

So you’ve perceived a faint smell of decomposing animals outside and wonder where such would be found.

This is the right time to act to prevent the odor from worsening. Your crawlspace is one of the likely areas such smell would come from.

These steps will prove crucial to fixing the problem; find out if the smell comes from a dead animal. Are your vent screens intact? You might have to get under your crawlspace.

Remove the dead animal and treat the area.

i. Investigate the Source of Smell

Investigating the source of the smell is usually necessary as it helps determine the origins. Certain smells can be mistaken for dead animal smells.

This is especially true when your garbage isn’t disposed of urgently. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll have to perceive the garbage area to see if it’s the source.

If not, follow the smell to find where it’s coming from. You can ask your kids to help out. Before long, you should see the dead animal.

While this approach will help, there’s no guarantee you’ll find the dead animal carcass, which may be hidden within your crawlspace.

ii. Inspect your Vent Screens

Vent screens keep out all critters and other animals from gaining entry.

By inspecting these screens, you’re trying to see if any have been breached. If so, then the possibility of a dead animal carcass is likely.

iii. Search your Crawlspace

As stated earlier, you may not readily find a smelly dead animal around your yard. Under such circumstances, the carcass may be hidden within your crawlspace.

To figure out the problem, further probing is necessary. Get a torch and get into your crawlspace. By perceiving and shining around the area, you should be able to locate the carcass.

iv. Remove Dead Animal

Having sighted the dead animal, what remains is to have it removed. Put on some gloves and use a tool like a shovel or other similar tools.

Remove the carcass and have it properly disposed of. With the carcass gotten rid of, the smell problem is solved.

v. Dead Animal Odor Removal Home Remedy

Getting rid of dead animals and ensuring that the area is treated is essential.

Here, disinfection is necessary to help prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. Bleach and water should serve this purpose. There are other commercial products to use for disinfection.

Getting rid of the dead animal smell isn’t complex as long as you’re able to find the carcass. We’ve seen the fundamental processes involved. All you have to do is get rid of the dead animal and have the area treated.

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