How To Get Rid Of Brown Recluse Spiders

Are you looking for tips on how to get rid of brown recluse spiders naturally or through the use of chemicals? Here is a practical guide on removing these pests.

While trying to find suitable hiding spots, brown recluse spiders turn out to become a nuisance.

Hence, whenever these enter into your private space, getting rid of the insect problem becomes a priority.

So, are you faced with such a problem? If yes, you’re in good hands.

This article will show you the best ways possible to rid your home of brown recluse spiders. No matter your preferences, we are confident that you will find the most suitable method to rid your home of these pests.

How Poisonous are Recluse Spiders?

Some spider species are known to be poisonous. As such, you may want to find out if the same applies to brown recluse spiders. This spider species are poisonous.

However, they are known to mostly capture their prey by injecting them with venom.

Cases of poisonous stings or bites on humans are quite rare. However, we recommend that you seek medical attention if such happens.

Brown recluse spiders may bite as a last resort especially when trapped underneath the clothes.

Brown Recluse Spider Life Cycle

The reproductive life cycle of a brown recluse consists of two major stages; the egg stage and the adult stage. In most cases, brown female recluse spiders will lay between 1 to 5 sacs of eggs.

Eggs found within each of these sacs may range from 30 to 300. It will take about a month for these eggs to hatch. This ushers us into the next stage.

To attain full maturity, newly hatched brown recluses may take a considerable amount of time. The length of time spent depends on factors such as favorable weather and food availability.

Hence, maturity will range from 10 to 12 months.

Where to Find Brown Recluse Spiders

If you feel or sense an infestation, there’s only one way to find out. Brown recluse spiders will readily take up residence in spots around your home considered safe.

These range from logs, debris, woodpiles, leaves, beneath stones, and under loose barks.

For indoor areas of your home, you’ll need to closely inspect your basements, bathroom areas, garages, bedrooms, closets, and pretty much everywhere within your home.

You may also want to inspect your shoes as they could harbor there too.

A revelation of their hideouts points to one thing; the problem posed by a brown recluse infestation. No one is safe within an infested home until such infestation is combated.

How to Identify A Brown Recluse Spider

To rid your home of these spiders, identification is key.

The problem needs to be ascertained or confirmed before treatment is dispensed.

  • Physical Identification Of The Spider

All measures to exterminate brown recluses rely on this step. Therefore to identify, size and color play a major role in this process.

As regards size, a fully grown brown recluse spider will measure approximately 6 to 11 mm in length. To have a practical idea of its size, a brown recluse spider at its broadest point is about the size of the U.S quarter.

The aspect of color seems obvious. However, there are slight variations.

These include dark brown, pale yellow, or brownish-orange colors. These are mostly colors that identify if the pest qualifies as a brown recluse spider or not.

The key distinguishing feature this spider species has is violin-shaped markings found on their cephalothorax. This is the portion of their body onto which the legs are attached.

A close look at the legs will reveal a silky appearance due to the many fine hairs found along the length.

  • Finding its Nest

Brown recluse spiders are known for being reclusive or hermitic.

As such, they seek out hidden areas of your home to build their nests. This requires actively searching out such hidden nests and eliminating them.

To do so, you need to search and clear out some of the difficult-to-reach corners of your home. This helps significantly in the early detection of brown recluse spiders.

  • The Inspection Process

The process of inspection is systematic. This requires wearing protective gear such as gloves and long sleeves. You also need a torchlight to enable you to light up dark corners.

So, which hiding spots should you look out for? Areas include wall voids, old boxes, shoes, crevices, stored clothing, furniture, etc. Also, be on the lookout for webs.

However, webs woven by brown recluse spiders aren’t as intricate as those of other spiders. This is because such isn’t used for hunting.

As such, you’d find loose and irregular web around areas inhabited by them.

  • Identifying A Brown Recluse Spider Bite

Sometimes, you may be unfortunate to only notice brown recluse spider presence after being bitten. When they bite, venom is injected that contains enzymes that kill the skin and surrounding tissue around the bite area.

Pain might only follow a few hours after the bite.

So, what are the signs of such a bite? You might find a blister around such an area that’s about the size of a dime. The blistered area is likely to grow as the venom spreads out. With such progression, the blister turns into an open sore.

From bright red, the sore may turn black and blue, thus signifying decaying skin tissue. In terms of how it feels to the touch, the decaying skin could feel stiff.

With appropriate treatment, healing slowly sets in lasting weeks before it’s completed.

How to Get Rid of Brown Recluse Infestation for Good

Having discussed some key information on brown recluse spider behavior, we’ll shift our focus back to strategies for ridding your home of this pest.

Most of the extermination methods here can be combined for maximum effect.

How do you keep brown recluse spiders away? The following are measures you can use to take back control of your home;


  • The Pest Management Service Option

This is one of the easiest ways of ridding your home of brown recluse spiders. Here, the stress associated with getting the job done yourself is completely taken care of.

Pest control services inspect your home, choose the best treatment available as well as take into consideration any concerns you may have.

In addition to that, you can choose the treatment plan that best fits your pest situation. This, of course, will depend on expert advice.

Treating The Problem

When faced with a brown recluse spider invasion, the most reliable control strategy to adopt involves calling a reliable pest control service. The word “reliable” is used here because only professional pest technicians can offer far-reaching solutions to your pest issues.

Here, a comprehensive extermination plan is adopted and implemented. The result leads to a home free of brown recluse spiders. For effective treatment to commence, your surroundings will need to be inspected.

Pest control technicians know the signs to look out for however subtle they might seem. Having established its presence, pest technicians set out to eliminate favorable conditions.

In other words, getting rid of those things that attract brown recluse spiders is paramount.

Additional recluse spider treatments include spraying with contact aerosol. There are tons of products that can be used for this treatment. When choosing contact aerosols, those with residual properties are preferred as the effect lingers on long after it has been applied.

DIY Methods Used for Brown Recluse Spider Control

Apart from seeking professional help for your recluse spider problem, other equally viable options exist. The adoption of DIY strategies is quite popular among many homeowners.

However, doubts have been expressed in many quarters about its efficacy.

Not everyone experiences the same results when using DIY strategies in brown recluse spider control. This is due to several factors. The most common ones include improper use of such methods as well as using ineffective remedies.

In any case, calling for professional help with your pest issue seems to be the easiest and most reliable. Nevertheless, some may disagree with this assertion.

Whatever the case is, the decision is entirely yours to make.

DIY methods of control mostly involve simple tasks. Some of these are geared towards brown recluse spider prevention while others are beneficial for both prevention and fighting an existing infestation.

So, what are these methods? They include the following;

  • Minimizing Clutter

This is a no-brainer and has to do with tidying up your surroundings.

We earlier made mention of the fact that brown recluse spiders are attracted to clutter. The reasonable action to take in such circumstances is by limiting or completely getting rid of clutter.

You’ll need to move or clear out anything lying around and considered unnecessary.

  • Shaking Out Your Shoes Outside

Before putting on your shoes, it will be good to be extra careful especially when dealing with a brown recluse spider problem.

Take shoes outside and have them shaken. Chances are that these arachnids will be using your shoes as a hideout. Taking this precautionary measure helps make your surroundings less appealing to these pests.

  • Inspect your Bed Before Lying Down

Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be.

Brown recluse spiders are likely to find their way to your bed. A few seconds on inspection is enough to prevent coming in close contact with these pests.

This action, coupled with other DIY strategies helps prevent brown recluse spiders from finding your home attractive.

  • Getting Rid of Food Sources

We earlier stated that brown recluse spiders are attracted by food. This includes bugs and insects.

This is one of the primary reasons why brown recluse spiders find your home attractive. This is because they feed on other soft-bodied insects.

This is one good thing about spider species.

Therefore by keeping your home free of other insects, you also make your home unattractive to brown recluses.

Getting rid of such bugs and insects goes a long way to keep your home safe from brown recluse spider invasion. There is less incentive to go into your home in search of prey.

  • Using EPA-Approved Pest Products

There are tons of EPA-approved pest products that can be used for brown recluse spider control.

The best way to use them is by applying them around your home’s perimeter. These pesticides are made to leave behind a significant residual impact that lasts a couple of days or weeks.

This works to exclude or keep out brown recluse spiders from gaining entry. This DIY strategy can be used in combination with other strategies for real results.

  • Sealing Up Cracks on External Walls

To reduce the degree of attraction of brown recluse spiders to your home, it will do well to inspect your exterior walls for any cracks. All cracks must be sealed up in addition to the other DIY control strategies.

This way, you’re making your home impenetrable to recluse spiders.

One of the easiest ways brown recluse spiders find their way into your home is through small openings. These could be found on walls as well as those between windows and doors.

One of the easiest ways to take care of this is through the use of caulk. Gaps around your windows and doors can be blocked off using sealants such as weatherstripping.

This preventive method, coupled with others will rid your home of recluse spiders.

  • Diatomaceous Earth

This is a great alternative if you have concerns about using insecticides.

However, only food-grade diatomaceous earth should be used. This has proven to work effectively not only on brown recluse spiders alone but other insects.

It should be applied regularly in gaps or cracks on walls as well as everywhere else their nests are found.

This method keeps them at bay and helps you gain total control of your home.

  • Use a Dehumidifier

Brown recluse spiders thrive in humid areas. As such, living in a humid environment may be the main reason why you are faced with this problem.

Using a dehumidifier will enable you to alter such conditions.

We recommend when using one to place it close to the most affected areas of your home. This creates a less than perfect condition which in turn drives them away.

  • Proper Sanitation

Sanitation involves a whole lot of procedures. Generally, this has to do with proper cleanup or tidying your environment.

By sanitation, we mean both the interior and exterior of your home. The following are a few sanitation practices you can adopt;

i. Storage should be properly done. Most of the places used for storage such as garages and basements aren’t well utilized. As such, brown recluse spiders take advantage to build their nests.

To checkmate such, your storage spaces should be properly used. Things should be kept away from the walls and off the floors to help with easy cleaning.

ii. Keeping plants or shrubs too close to your foundation can encourage the spread of brown recluses. Therefore, these will need to be cleared to make way for a more tidy surrounding.

The tidier your home surroundings, the less likely an infestation will occur.

iii. The need to keep all forms of wood away from your home and off the ground is necessary. This is a form of sanitation that helps remove clutter and saves you the stress of having to deal with a breeding ground for recluse spiders.

iv. Overgrown grasses should be trimmed regularly. This is one of the easy ways recluse spiders can be kept at bay.

A combination of all of the above enhances your chances of ridding such pests significantly.

  • Contact Sprays

Contact sprays for spiders are more popular with people willing to eliminate the effects. These insecticides come in different variants which are sprayed directly onto such spiders.

Most contact sprays are nonresidual but will get the job done.

The downside is that you may ignore the cause while focusing solely on the effects. However, this can be used in combination with other methods listed above.

  • Using Traps

Spider traps are effective ways brown recluses can be kept in check. These should be placed in dark areas of your home not easily reachable or less frequented.

When placed, such locations are made unfavorable not only to brown recluse spiders both also to other spider species.

  • Plant Some Eucalyptus

Growing Eucalyptus around your home surroundings creates a less than favorable environment for recluses to thrive. Some leaves can be kept close to your window sills.

Eucalyptus produces a scent that repels brown recluse spiders. This is a natural and non-toxic way you can keep your home free of these pests.

It must also be stated that apart from its repellent quality, Eucalyptus has several other medicinal benefits.

Preventing Brown Recluse Spider Infestation

Apart from calling for professional control, one other reliable solution to brown recluse problems is by ensuring they don’t get in or find their way into your home in the first place.

Brown recluse spiders can easily gain entrance into your home when precautionary measures aren’t taken.

Several measures can be easily adapted to keep these venomous pests at bay. Examples of these include the following;

  • Clear Up Clutter

From our discussions so far, it’s clear that brown recluse spiders love clutter.

Clutter provides ample cover from where they move around your home. You’ll want to deliberately go about clearing clutter within and around your home.

Among the areas to be covered are the attic, basement, and yard among others.

With these gone, brown recluse spiders find less incentive to hang around. Also, you get to safeguard yourself and members of your household from the venomous bites of brown recluses.

  • Seal Cracks on Exterior Walls

The cracks on exterior walls are ready hiding spots for brown recluse spiders. These can be found along walls and foundations. You’ll need to conduct a visual inspection around your property to find any cracks.

By sealing these up, you’re adopting a proactive approach towards brown recluse control.

  • Stored Boxes should Be Carefully Opened

Do you have stored boxes sitting around? Those stored in secluded areas should be carefully opened.

These might harbor brown recluse spiders. By being extra cautious, you’re saving yourself from potential bites. Plus, you get to prevent an infestation by opening such outdoors.

  • Replace Damaged Screens and Door Sweeps

If there are damaged window and door screens, you might want to have them changed before anything else. This includes weatherstrips as well. Also, install door sweeps if you haven’t to prevent access to these pests.

  • Additional Preventive Measures

You’ll have to consider the possibility of a brown recluse spider presence in your home.

In such cases, utmost caution must be exercised to avoid their stings or bites. Before putting on your shoes, consider tapping them out to minimize the risk of getting stung.

Anything lying on the floor such as blankets and sheets should never be picked up and immediately used. Brown recluse spiders may be hiding in such areas. Other materials include clothing.

You may also want to use your preferred pesticides around your home to kill off all hidden brown recluse spiders. There are lots of insecticides to pick from.

Safety Tips During Brown Recluse Spider Control

Having listed the many ways to keep brown recluse spiders in check, we also have included safety tips to avoid stings. Sometimes while going about your business, you may be stung or bitten by these pests.

As such, the best way to avoid such from happening is by removing beds and chairs from walls. Bedspreads should also be kept from touching the ground.

Before jumping into bed, you need to briefly inspect for any dangers.

Blinds should be used at night to limit their attraction to insects. This is necessary because such insects serve as food to brown recluse spiders. Windows and doors should be kept shut at all times. Screens enhance your protection against these pests.

What To Do When Bitten By Recluse Spiders

Sometimes, you may end up getting a bite or sting from recluse spiders. In such a situation, what do you do? You don’t need to panic as most bites won’t result in any symptoms. Sometimes there may be mild reactions.

Get soapy warm water and wash the sting area and pat dry using a clean towel. This should be enough treatment for a brown recluse spider sting.

However, certain people may have allergies when bitten by these venomous pests.

Symptoms that may result include vomiting, fever, dizziness, chills, rash, fatigue, yellowing of the skin, or paleness. Any or a combination of these symptoms will require urgent medical attention.

Recluse spiders are attracted mainly by shelter and food. This has been discussed above including ways of preventing their presence.

By eliminating the small bugs they target, your home should be less inviting to brown recluse spiders.


Brown recluse infestation is a common problem a lot of people deal with. We’ve provided details on how to safeguard your family from the venomous bites of these spiders.

We have also discussed ways to get rid of brown recluse spiders.

By providing you with as many methods as possible, you get to choose the most suitable option. Another advantage of this is that several such strategies can be combined to achieve better results.

As we’ve discussed, you need to ensure adequate protection when exterminating brown recluses. This keeps you safe from its venomous stings.

When it’s established that you have a brown recluse spider infestation, the best approach to adopt is to call a professional pest control service. Trained pest control professionals are sent to your home to conduct an on-the-spot assessment of your surroundings.

Their trained eyes can pick any signs of brown recluse presence. With such problems detected, the best solutions are immediately proffered.

Here, you only need to mention the problem and let them get the job done. This is the best approach for comprehensive brown recluse control.

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