How To Get Rid Of Booklice – Treatment Options

Do you want to get rid of them? Then I’ll be giving you tips on how to get rid of booklice in new build and existing accommodation.

If you just moved into a newly built home, then you may notice the presence of booklice. They love humid areas and a new home provides the right setting for them to thrive.

Don’t worry, they don’t bite, neither do they transmit diseases, they are just an annoying sight and nothing more.

Stay with me.

Where Do Booklice Come From?

As I just mentioned, it is common to find booklice in newly built homes, all thanks to the humidity. If you’re wondering how they got it, I’d say they came in along with all the building materials used in your home.

They don’t bite humans or suck blood, rather, they feed on the microscopic mold that grows in humid spaces.

Getting rid of them is pretty simple. They are among the easiest bugs to get rid of. This is because over time, the new home will lose its humidity and they will simply leave.

If you’re not patient enough to wait for them to leave, then follow the tips below to get rid of them.

Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Booklice

There are several measures you could take to eliminate these bugs from your home.

Here’s what you can do –

Take Out Infested Items – Booklice In Bed

If you find these bugs hanging around your shelves, cabinets, mattresses, or chairs, then the first thing you should do is take the infested items out of the house.

Remove as many infested items as you can before you proceed to disinfect the rest of the house.

Increase Room Temperature

Booklice love humidity, so a rational move here would be to reduce the humidity in your home as much as you can.

You can do this by turning up the heat in the rooms that have booklice infestation.

As the heat increases, the humidity reduces and will not only kill the booklice but also stop the growth of the molds which serve as their food.

In no time the booklice will be gone.

Use Insecticides

One of the easiest ways to rid your home of any insect infestation is with the use of insecticides.

There are organically made versions, as well as those that contain chemicals.

If you’re using an inorganic insecticide, then you need to close the windows and doors tightly so the full effect of the pesticide can be felt. This will also prevent it from spreading to other rooms in your home.

After you have taken out the infested items, apply the insecticide to the areas that are infested, and leave the room.

Be sure to wear a facemask when applying a chemical-based pesticide to avoid inhaling it. Also, keep it out of reach of kids or pets, and don’t allow them into rooms where you applied the insecticide.

You can also make an insecticide by yourself. There are several recipes to try, one of which is a garlic and mild soap mixture.

To do this, you will need about 3 to 4 garlic gloves (depending on how many bugs you are dealing with). Get about 2 teaspoons of liquid soap and dump it into a container. Add a quart of water and blend the combination into a fine mix.

Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and target the affected areas.

Spray beneath the mattress, behind the cabinets, and other cracks and crevices where the bugs may be hidden.

Come back the next day and repeat the process. Do it one more time the following day if the bugs aren’t completely gone.

Garlic has a strong, natural scent and it has its benefits to humans, but insects detest it.

This approach is environmentally friendly, as a garlic-based insecticide is not harmful to pets or humans.

Neem oil is also a good organic remedy for booklice infestation. The oil comes from the seeds of the neem tree and it can be used to get rid of all sorts of insects, booklice inclusive.

You can buy a neem oil-based insecticide. They don’t cost much and they can be found in many stores. You could also buy the neem oil itself and make your mixture at home.

If you wish, you could add some crushed garlic to the mix to make the effects a lot hard on the bugs.

How To Get Rid Of Booklice From Your Yard Naturally

Humid homes aren’t the only areas where booklice can lodge, they can also be found on tree barks, as they also provide mosses and lichens for them to feast on.

If their presence in your yard annoys you, then you can use these tips to get rid of them.

Blast Them Off With Hose And Water

Booklice are not harmful to trees, they just feed off the moss they provide.

If you find them clustered around parts of your trees, then you can simply flush them away using running water and a hose.

First, mark the trees where they are lodged then fix the hose to the water source. Go back to the trees you marked, point the hose in its direction, and spray away.

Make sure the water pressure is adequate to give your tree a good rinse. Remember, booklice are very tiny and may hide behind some leaves, so the blast has to be strong enough to push them all away.

Use Organic Pesticides

Chemical-based pesticides are not recommended for use on trees. There may be some harmless chemicals, but why take the chance?

You can make a garlic-based spray and apply it to the affected plants. Keep repeating the process until they are all gone.

Garlic-based insecticides will not harm your plants, but they will drive the booklice away.

How To Prevent Booklice From Invading Your Home

Booklice are very tiny, and they can creep through the tiniest spaces, which is why sealing of the spaces in-between your doors and windows will be ineffective.

Your best bet will be to identify the things that attract them to your home and eliminate them. If your home cannot provide what they need, then they will not bother staying there.

So what are the things that attract them? Moist and micro molds, as I have already mentioned in this article.

The moisture creates a good living environment, and the mold is what they feed on. If you get rid of these two elements, the booklice will not be interested in visiting.

Here’s what you need to do to stop them from coming in –

Eliminate Their Source of Food

You can use an enzyme-based solution or borax to clean your home. This will keep it free of both mildew and molds. You should also dispose of items that already have mold on them, especially if it’s in large quantity.

No food, no booklice!

Keep Your Home Warm

Unfavorable temperatures will mean poor living conditions for the booklice. It will also limit the production of mold which they feast on.

The downside here is, your home may become too hot for you as well so you may need to go outside to the yard while the heat is on. You only need about 4 hours to get the job done.

Use A Dehumidifier

You can use a dehumidifier or turn on your air conditioner in the rooms that are infested. Doing this will reduce the moisture in the room and reduce the occurrence of booklice.

You can also use fans to improve air circulation, this will also reduce moisture in the room.

Drop The Temperature

This is quite the opposite of turning up the heat, but they have similar effects.

When room temperature falls to below zero for at least an hour, the booklice will not be able to survive and they will die.

Similar to turning up the heat, you also won’t be able to remain in the house at such a temperature. You will also have to step out for the time being.

Use Substances

To control the activities of booklice in your home, you can also use diatomaceous earth, boric acid, or talcum powder.

Apply these substances to areas where booklice can lodge to limit their activities. These areas include cracks and crevices, crawl spaces, and any other place you suspect they might be.

Remember to keep these substances away from children and pets, as they may ingest them out of curiosity.

Do not also apply in areas where you store food. If you must, then be sure to take out all the food first.

There are also other commercial repellents that you can use to control the occurrence of booklice. They will help keep your spaces clean and free of mold.

Hire An Exterminator

If you’re not the DIY type, then the only solution for booklice infestation is hiring a professional exterminator.

They will assess the situation and know the proper, safest means of getting rid of the bugs!


Booklice aren’t dangerous, they are just looking for humid spaces and food. Still, they aren’t welcome in the home.

Use the tips above to get rid of them.

I trust this article on how to get rid of booklice has been helpful.

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