How To Get Rid Of Bagworms & Prevention Tips

Are bagworms present around your trees and vegetation? How do you get rid of them?

These pests create all sorts of problems including causing damage to trees. Once they make their home on your tree, they begin munching its leaves. These pests prefer evergreens and would thrive for as long as they remain.

So, how can one deal with bagworm infestation?

This is one key question every property owner experiencing bagworm problems will ask. Finding the right answers depends on where you look.

Luckily you’ve found the right place to know more about bagworm control.

What Causes Bagworms?

Where do bagworms come from?

Well, Bagworms simply refer to larvae that love nesting close to their food source. Trees provide an ample supply of leaves for these caterpillars to chew on. With limited presence, the damage caused to trees isn’t so visible.

The opposite applies when fully established.

Bagworm presence shouldn’t be taken lightly as they steadily reproduce and increase in population. Keeping your trees healthy should be a priority.

For that to be possible, you’ll need to apply the right treatment strategies which will be discussed shortly.

How To Get Rid of Bagworms In House & On The Field

The process for getting rid of bagworms follows three key steps.

They include inspection, treatment, as well as prevention. This systematic treatment strategy guarantees the complete elimination of all bagworms found around your plants.

i. Inspecting For Bagworms

This is the first step to take before anything else. Suspecting a bagworm problem isn’t enough proof to carry out the treatment. A full inspection of the problem is necessary.

Although bagworms prefer evergreens, all trees (both evergreen and deciduous) must be fully inspected.

To the uninitiated, what to look for or inspect as well as where to inspect is critical to the overall success of the treatment process. Due to the importance of these points, let’s take a look at each as follows;

  • What to Look For

Without the knowledge of what you’re looking for, nothing at all can be achieved. Bagworms are easily identified by the spindle-like bags they weave. This explains why they’re called bagworms. Such bags are woven using silk and bits of wood.

Such structures are an eyesore and will need to be taken down to save your trees. The bags are brown in color with lengths of about 2 inches. What’s contained in the bag is what is most important. Each of these sacs or bags is pine cone-shaped and holds lots of eggs waiting to be hatched.

You’ll find between five hundred to a thousand eggs in each of them. This presents a picture of how serious bagworm problems are. As such, you’ll need to be on the lookout for these bags and take them down.

Chemical treatments can also be applied to kill bagworms.

One of the key signs that point to the possibility of an infestation is an inexplicable change in evergreens.

Here, tree leaves become pale and begin to die within a few weeks. Some persons might mistake this change for lack of fertilizer or water.

None of these will help. There’s a bigger problem that lies in open sight. You only need to be attentive enough to discover. By treating for bagworms, you’re tackling the problem from its source.

This is likely to give you the results you seek within a short period of time.

  • Where to Inspect

When it comes to locating bagworms, you’ll need to take a closer look at your trees and other vegetation.

Cyprus trees, shrubs, bushes, juniper, pine, and cedar trees are among those to consider in your search. These are among the favorite target areas for bagworms to nest around.

For better inspection, climbing may be necessary as such trees may be tall. This is where the need to have a professional perform the task becomes more evident.

Pest control technicians come with all the tools necessary to perform a thorough job.

ii. Bagworm Treatment

Upon determining the presence of bagworms, the next line of action involves treatment. This process is thorough and targets all hanging bagworm sacs or cones.

If you have a preference for DIY strategies, you’ll need to fully go through all product instructions.

This has to do with the use and safety directions. Insecticide products such as Diazinon, Permethrin, Acephate, Malathion, Bifenthrin, and Cabaryl are effective in treating bagworm problems. Pesticides are made of various chemicals that could cause harm to your trees.

Therefore, caution must be exercised when choosing one.

To get rid of bagworms on Arborvitae, sometimes the handpicking approach may be too labor-intensive. In this situation, spray bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) on the herb species. This spray is safe for other animals and birds but kills the caterpillars immediately after the plant is consumed.

You won’t have to worry about figuring out what works or what doesn’t when a pest service handles this role for you. When you opt to use a pest control service, the same process unfolds. The only difference is that you won’t be involved.

You only need to point to the problem and allow them to handle it.

Specialized tools are used where necessary to detect bagworm activity. Once confirmed, appropriate treatment is selected out of several. One advantage you have with this method is that it’s backed by a guarantee.

Pest control services return for repeat treatment when bagworm presence persists after treatment.

  • Ask Any Pressing Questions You Have

Relating with your pest technician is one way to get added value for services rendered.

Professional technicians are always glad and willing to answer any questions you have. You can take advantage of this by asking related questions that are key to the performance of a satisfactory job.

iii. How To Prevent Bagworms

It’s not enough to apply a certain treatment and ignore it. Even after treatment, bagworms are likely to make a comeback when preventive actions aren’t taken.

Preventive actions include handpicking all bagworm cocoons you find around your property.

Each of these woven cocoons holds lots of eggs which hatch to further compound the problem. You might want to seek professional help in dealing with bagworm problems.

Experienced technicians fully understand the behavior of these pests and know just what to do to discourage a surge in damage.

For all bagworm bags removed, ensure their destruction. This way, you’ll be preventing eggs from hatching.

As discussed above, we’ve seen that getting rid of bagworms isn’t a difficult process at all. Knowledge is the common denominator when it comes to carrying out an excellent job.

Whether you belong to those seeking to adopt the DIY treatment approach or prefer calling a professional, this article will prove useful.

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