Free Tree Removal In Exchange For Wood [Loggers & Agencies]

Do you need a logger for free tree removal?

Having your tree removed for free is an offer that is very hard to come by.

This is not to say it’s impossible, as there are a few options for free tree removal.

One such option that many people seek is tree removal in exchange for wood near me.

Tree removal can cost quite a sum of money, depending on the size, location, and difficulty involved. In most cases, there is no way to escape the cost, but there are some instances where your tree can be removed for free.

If you’re on a low or zero budget, this article will significantly help you.

How To Get A Tree Removed For Free

Who will cut down trees for free?

This is what I’ll be discussing in this article.

Listed out below is how you can have your trees removed for free. If you’re in a position to take advantage of any of these means, then you can have your tree removed at no cost.

If you have prized tree species: There are so many types of trees worldwide; some attract very little interest because they are common, while others can have onlookers gawking and wishing they were theirs.

Such species are prized trees and can be considered a “collector’s item.” If you have such a tree in your yard and want to remove it, some companies will be willing to take it off without paying anything.

The good thing is if it is a well-sought-after species, the company will not only remove it for free but also pay you for it.

Such prized palm species removed free of charge include the Ravanela Madagascariensis Palm tree.

Timber For Removal: Don’t get your hopes up just yet; most lumber companies will charge you for tree removal. Usually, lumber companies make a profit by selling the wood from your tree to furniture makers.

However, if you find one around your area that is interested in the timber from your tree, they may remove it for free.

The thing is, you would need to have some top-of-the-range wood to strike this kind of deal.

Wide varieties of timber can catch the interest of loggers. These include the following –

  • Western red cedar
  • Dalbergia species of rosewood
  • Swietenia mahogany wood
  • Oakwood (Quercus variety)
  • Ashwood (Fraxinus)
  • Black cherry wood
  • Kingwood

Other wood types that could interest loggers include the Cocobolo, Bombay blackwood, Tulipwood, and African blackwood.

If the trees planted in your yard produce any of the above of wood (or others in high demand), then a logger can remove them at no cost. You may even get paid for them.

Contact landscapers: There are a few landscapers out there that are very interested in collecting mature trees.

If the tree you plan to remove has matured, don’t cut it down. Contact any landscaper in your locality to see if they’d like it.

If you’ve maintained your tree over the years and it looks perfect, the landscaping company can remove it for free and use it for other landscaping projects.

You have to go online and search for such companies around your area. But remember, your tree has to be in perfect shape; no landscaping company will be interested in a raggedy-looking tree.

Remove the tree yourself: If you don’t own any prized trees, or the wood your tree produces is of little or no interest to loggers, and you still wish to have it removed without payment, then be prepared to roll up your sleeves and do it yourself.

This option will require you to expend energy, but your money will be saved, especially if you already own tree-felling tools.

Be careful; tree removal is dangerous work, so you might want to consider a few things first.

These include –

Size of the tree: If it is as tall as 15 feet, don’t be a cheapskate; forget about feeling it yourself and call the professionals to do it.

This is because a rookie like yourself shouldn’t be handling a chainsaw from that height.

Disposal: If you cut the tree down yourself, you would be responsible for disposing of it. If you have a wood chipper, you can make mulch out of your tree; if not, you have to pay for it to be dumped at the local tip.

Hiring a chainsaw and other items: If you don’t own a chainsaw, you must hire one to cut your tree down. You will also need additional ground anchors, ropes, and protective gear.

Tree Removal For Free & Wood Exchange

Having your tree removed in exchange for wood is one of the viable tree removal options, although some situations can make this possible.

I will list some essential factors to consider below.

The wood has to have good value: Not all trees are suitable for firewood or furniture. Softwood trees that burn out too quickly won’t attract many loggers.

Conversely, hardwood trees with slow-burning, sweet-smelling scents are the preferred option.

Lumberjacks will also be interested in wood that doesn’t produce too much harsh smoke when it burns.

If the trees in your yard have these qualities, the loggers may be interested in doing business with you.

Trees that produce suitable firewood include –

  • Maple tree
  • Oaktree
  • Ash tree
  • Birch tree
  • Most fruit trees

The trees above produce perfect wood that burns hot for extended periods. Such wood is also ideal for furniture making.

Overall, they are of better furniture and firewood quality and don’t leave an annoying mess behind after being burnt.

Loggers can come for trees like these and remove them without collecting a dime from you, then take the wood in return.

Having many trees in your yard or land: Professional loggers may not be interested in just one tree, even if it has perfect wood.

Most will consider that a waste of time and not worth the effort of bringing all their tree-felling equipment to your place.

Tree felling is expensive, and the loggers need resources to cut down trees. These resources include money to pay workers, equipment, transportation, and insurance.

Why go through all that trouble for just one tree?

On the other hand, if your yard is filled with many trees (I really can’t put a number to it), then it will be worth their time and effort to cut them down for wood.

The season: Firewood is not something most people would need in their homes during the blazing hot summer seasons. The demand for firewood during this season would be relatively low as the weather is already warm.

You will have a better chance of exchanging the tree removal service for firewood during winter. This period is freezing, and people will spend more time near their fireplaces at home.

This will be an excellent time to call on the loggers and strike a deal with them.

They understand the firewood business and know when it’s in or out of demand.

Trust me; they no longer want piles of unsold firewood in their storage houses. They would like to sell them off almost as quickly as they bought them.

Having too much-unsold firewood means the consumption of too much storage space.

By selling the wood off early, they are sure they are selling it in its prime condition, instead of selling when the wood may have been accidentally soaked in water during storage or attacked by carpenter ants.

The faster they can sell off the wood, the better, and the right season is what will spike demand.

The wood has to be healthy and pest-free: Those in the market to buy any product will be looking for those in tip-top shape. The same goes for your trees.

If you’ve done an excellent job of maintaining your trees, you have a better chance of sealing a tree removal deal with the loggers.

Rotten trees will have no commercial appeal; neither will trees with too many dead, decayed, or infested branches. Trees in this state are of poor quality and won’t attract any good deals.

You must pay the fellers for their services to remove such a tree.

Legal Concerns: Depending on where you live or where the trees are located, you may have permit requirements to deal with. You may also have to face certain cultural and historic limitations related to having your tree removed from your property.

If specific laws protect the trees you plan to remove, then forget it; no tree felling service can pull it in exchange for wood. Doing so will be illegal, and you will be charged for your actions.

On the other hand, if you are legally free to carry out tree removal from your property, you would need an attorney’s services.

The attorney will meet with you and the interested tree felling/wood company representative and discuss the terms. All concerned parties would draft and sign agreements to make the contract legally binding.

It is best to hire an attorney with vast land use experience. They will let you know if your plans to remove your tree in exchange for wood are within the confines of the law.

Fraudulent loggers: This might seem like a non-issue when you plan to remove your trees in exchange for wood. However, you must be careful when dealing with tree-felling companies you come across online, especially the ones from untrusted sources.

You’d do yourself a favor by not disclosing the location of your trees until you have had a one-on-one meeting with them at their office and confirmed their authenticity.

Some innocent tree owners have had the unpleasant experience of having their trees felled and sold without knowing. This happens when your trees are on an unguarded property or farmland.

Who Can You Call For Tree Removal In Exchange For Wood?

Does anyone remove trees for free? Yes.

Finding someone to remove your trees in exchange for wood could be quite tasking, as the situation must be suitable for that. You may not know who to call on, but you still stand a chance of achieving this.

Who Will Cut Down Trees For Free?

If you search hard enough, you can find a few tree-trimming and felling companies that can do business with you.

You would have to call as many tree-felling companies as possible and explain the situation to them. If your terms are agreeable, then you’re in business.

Another option is to call the wood company directly to see if they are interested. By doing this, you would be cutting out the middle man (the tree felling service), and if you’re lucky enough, you could even get paid for the wood.

Securing a 2-in-one deal such as that is a dream come true for those who want to have their trees removed at no charge.

There is a minor issue; you must have what the commercial tree company is looking for.

Most commercial wood companies will show little to no interest if, you have to say, there are two trees to offer. As I have mentioned, they may deem all the stress and logistics involved in tree felling and cutting unworthy.

If you’re fortunate enough to find a start-up tree felling service or wood company that wouldn’t mind starting with small amounts of wood, then good for you. Still, your wood has to be in prime condition to make this deal work.

What If I Decide To Sell The Wood Myself?

This is almost the same as exchanging the tree felling service for firewood.

Here’s what I mean –

If you exchange the service for firewood, you wouldn’t have to pay for the tree’s removal. The wood company or loggers who want the wood would bear any expenses in felling the tree and moving it away.

Whereas if you decide to sell the wood for cash, you may have to pay a tree removal company to remove the tree before you find a buyer for the wood.

You may take this approach if you feel you’ll get a better deal selling the wood yourself instead of exchanging it for a service, but it’s all relative.

You’ll need a pen, paper, and a calculator to write down quotes, estimates, and wood-selling prices.

If, after your calculations, you find that selling the wood for cash after felling the tree yourself would be more profitable, then go for it. But if your estimates show you’ll be running at a loss, it’s best to find a wood dealer or company to remove the tree in exchange for the wood.

Can The City Or Council Remove A Tree For Free?

This may be possible, but it will depend on a few factors.

If the tree is situated on any piece of land owned by the city, they will remove it for free.

Also, if the tree is on the city’s land leaning towards your fence or has branches across your yard, the town will pay for its removal.

The abovementioned instances apply when the tree is on the city’s land. The city will not pay for removal if the tree is in your yard. You have to pay for that yourself.

Are There Free Tree Removal Services?

This might break your heart, but there are no free tree removal services, just as no plumbing or roofing services. Tree removal companies are in business to make money and not for charity’s sake.

They can indeed offer discounts, but to remove a tree for free? Don’t bet on it.

Your best shot at enjoying free tree removal service is if your tree has a decent commercial value (timber for furniture or other wooden structures). If you own a prized tree, the company can buy it from you and remove it for free.

Besides that, you must dip your hands into your pockets and pull out between $600 to $1000 to remove your tree. Sorry!

Realistically, there are only three ways to remove your tree without paying anything.

You can sell the tree: There are exotic palm tree species that many landscaping companies would be interested in.

If they buy the tree from you, they will also be responsible for removing it. They wouldn’t mind doing this since they can resell the tree and make a profit.

A friend or family member does you a favor: If you have a close friend or family member who owns tree felling equipment and doesn’t mind the stress, they can help you remove your tree free of charge.

Just be sure to serve them a cold glass of juice after all the hard work has been done.

Barter service for tree removal: While this may not be considered “free” (since you’re giving kindness in return), you wouldn’t be spending any cash.

If you render a service of equal value that your local tree removal service may be interested in, then you can strike a straightforward deal with them – I provide you with XYZ service, and you remove my tree.

Maybe you have a popular blog and decide to give them an advert placement in exchange for tree removal—something along that line.

If My Tree’s Branches Have Grown Into A Utility Cable, Will The Utility Company Remove It For Free?

It depends; having branches encroached in-between power lines is dangerous, and the utility company may remove it for free.

The case could also be that you will share the cost with them.

Can Someone Pay For My Tree Removal?

Yes, a government agency definitely can, but that depends on your city or state.

Also, most tree removal grants cater to farmers, as it helps with the expense of maintaining a farm. Such contributions do not cater to residential trees.


I hope this article on removing a tree for free has been informative enough. Consider your peculiar situation and see what kinds of deals you can get.

Exchanging tree removal services for wood remains a good option for free tree removal.

It may not be easy to find a company interested in such a deal, but if you have good wood-producing trees in the correct quantity, you may have a good deal.

I hope this article has provided more than enough free tree removal options.

Good luck!

2 thoughts on “Free Tree Removal In Exchange For Wood [Loggers & Agencies]”

  1. does anyone reading this email know of company I can work with that would remove tree for free or at a discount for free wood. Location of tree nassau county , ny

  2. I need 4 trees removed from my backyard. They are too tall and has been splitting when strong winds come this way. I need to find someone that will cut trees for free and that can have the wood for firewood to sell. I am in the Fieldale Virginia area.


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