Does Salt Keep Snakes Away?

Here, we’ll be finding out if snakes will be repelled by salts.

It’s common to find homeowners going for all sorts of remedies when dealing with snake problems.

It’s easy to see why; snakes are among the most dreaded reptiles and most people can’t stand the thought of having snakes around their yards. A single encounter is considered serious enough to look for remedies.

You might have heard the rumor about salt’s repellent effect on snakes. So, is that true? For some weird reason, some people relate the effect of salt on earthworms with snakes.

About Salts

Salt is a chemical compound consisting of sodium chloride (NaCl). It’s an essential mineral that’s useful to the body and used for food preparation. This is mostly referred to as table salt.

However, you might be oblivious to the fact that table salt is only one of several types.

Others include sea salt, Himalayan pink salt, kosher salt, fleur de sel, Celtic sea salt, Kala Namak, flake salt, black Hawaiian salt, and smoked salt just to name a few. Some of these are edible while others aren’t.

The salt we’re most interested in is the table salt.

Snakes Aren’t as Useless as You Think

Before answer the question asked from the beginning, it’s important to state that snakes aren’t as bad to have around as people believe. These reptiles do a lot of good in the sense that they feed on prey.

Such preys are mostly the usual culprits which are equally detested.

They include rodents, insects, lizards, frogs, toads, etc. Ordinarily, snakes won’t go out of their way to bite humans. As a matter of fact, most of the snakes found around homes try as much as possible not to have contact with humans.

They only bite when they feel threatened.

Snakes And Salt

Now to the answer you’ve been waiting for, salts have zero repellent effect on snakes.

This might dampen your enthusiasm but it’s the truth. The most reliable way to keep snakes off your property will be to use repellent methods that work, and salt isn’t one of them.

Why Doesn’t Salt Repel Snakes?

Simply because it doesn’t have the capacity to!

The reason why most repellents work on pests is that they contain or possess certain characteristics such as pungent smell. Also, repellents may serve to mitigate pest presence from chemicals released which could disorient the pest concerned.

Salts have no such effect on snakes. As a matter of fact, you’d be wasting your time applying salts to your surroundings because snakes won’t be deterred by them.

This is timely information to help you seek alternative means to repel such snakes off your property.

Apart From Snakes, Does Salt Give Relief from Other Pests?

Sometimes, you might wonder how certain claims about salt treatments for snakes came about. After finding out that it doesn’t work as a snake repellent, you might want to know whether it repels other pest types.

Surprisingly, salt is attractive to certain bugs but not to others. Snails will get dehydrated by salts when they come in contact. Ants are attracted to salts while roaches aren’t.

For frogs, salts are considered effective repellents as sprinkled areas drive them away.

For termites, this is an effective repellent as treated wood keeps them off. Spiders aren’t only repelled, but killed by salt when sprayed with a salt solution.

Bed bugs and fleas will keep their distance from salt-treated areas.

You’ll Need to Shift Your Focus to a More Reliable Method

With salt confirmed to be ineffective in repelling snakes, you’ll need to shift your focus to remedies that work.

There are several of them. These include growing snake repellent plants, introducing snake predators, and focusing on the root causes of snake presence which is the availability of prey.

Could Other Salt Types Repel Snakes?

Apart from the salt types mentioned earlier, there are different classes of salt ranging from simple, acidic, basic, and neutral salts. Others include double salts, complex salts, and mixed salts.

Irrespective of the salt class or type, these do not give any real relief from snakes.

In other words, such salts don’t have any repellent effect on snakes. Reliance on any of these is bound to disappoint. Plus, some of those are considered acidic. They become acidic when they’re dissolved in a solvent.

You might end up harming yourself in the process.

Treating your yard with acidic salts simply because you want to repel snakes puts you and your family in harm’s way. This isn’t worth the stress as you only need to find something that works.

If You’re Attracted to Natural Remedies, There are Lots of them

A preference for natural remedies for snake problems may likely be the reason why you considered salt treatments in the first place.

Despite the disappointment of finding out that salt won’t give you any repellent effect; there are lots of other home remedies that work.

One of such methods includes the use of essential oils. As mentioned earlier, one of the reasons why certain snake repellents prove useful is due to the pungent scent given off.

This is one characteristic that can be associated with essential oils.

Some of those oils to consider for this treatment include eugenol, cinnamon, and clove. Asides from essential oils, ammonia, and vinegar can also be used. These two have strong odors which snakes detest.

Reserve Salt For Cooking and Non-Snake Control Uses

Table salt is mostly known for its use as a food ingredient. Outside of that, it has zero repellent effect on snakes.

However, this product is quite versatile and can be used for a wide range of uses such as for the removal of wine stains on carpets, make the coffee taste less bitter, and as a fridge cleaner.

Also, salt can be used to remove watermarks from wood, sanitize cutting boards, relieve bee stings, and deodorize sneakers. These are only a few of several uses for salt.

Here, it’s clear that salt, though versatile has absolutely no benefits as a snake repellent.

Salt does not keep snakes away. With this information, you’re able to look beyond its use to find something that works. We’ve provided information on multiple snake repellent remedies to consider.

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