Does Citronella Repel Wasps?

Can citronella oil repel wasps? For most people, wasps have no identifiable benefit. This is why most people prefer bees over wasps in addition to seeing them as a nuisance. Whether these stinging insects are beneficial or not isn’t the point (at least for our discussion). Will Citronella Repel Wasps? In this article. we will … Read more

How To Trap A Smart Raccoon

Here is how to catch a smart raccoon with bait in your house. Trapping is one of the best and most recommended ways of eliminating raccoons from the home. You can use it to capture and relocate small animals without hurting them. Are you searching for how to trap a raccoon? This article explains the … Read more

How to Get Rid of House Centipedes

Here, we’ll look at how to get rid of centipede naturally using preventive and extermination control methods. INTRODUCTION Centipedes are easily identifiable by their many legs. They’re not the only insects with many legs though. Millipedes are their closest competitor when it comes to the number of legs possessed. But this isn’t our focus here. … Read more

How To Tell If You Have Mice In Your Walls

In this article, you’ll find information on how to tell if you have a mouse problem with your walls. Mice’s presence in homes presents a whole lot of challenges. These rodents will follow just about any entrance to gain access to homes. The bigger problem lies in mice building their nests within your home. One … Read more

How to Get Rid of Canadian Geese

Do you have an active geese infestation? Here is how to get rid of Canadian geese and keep them away permanently. Though lovely, these birds can cause quite a mess. This situation is something most people will rather do without. Finding solutions to your Canadian geese problem is one thing, knowing exactly what to do … Read more

Does Lysol Kill Ticks?

Will Lysol kill ticks? Let’s dig into the facts. Ticks are pesky blood-sucking insects that can cause tremendous discomfort through their feeding habits. Getting rid of them can be done with a variety of home remedies among which is the use of Lysol. This cleaning and the disinfecting product has been found useful beyond cleaning … Read more

21 Plants That Repel And Deter Rabbits

Looking for herbs or flowers that will chase off these animals? The list of plants that repel rabbits. While rabbits are cuties, the damage they are capable of causing on your plantation is very far from cute. The last thing you want after spending time, money, and energy to come out with a classic garden … Read more

Does Lavender Repel Snakes?

Does the lavender plant or its essential oil repel snakes in any way? People have had a lot of encounters with snakes. Such encounters may be within living spaces such as homes or outdoors. It’s even scarier to find snakes indoors. For a lot of people, getting rid of snakes is something they cannot handle. … Read more