6 Common Black Flying Bugs That Sting

Many stinging bugs are black or have predominant black markings on their body.

Several of these bugs won’t sting you until they feel attacked. It’s essential to identify these to ensure you know what’s responsible when you get a sting.

Also, preventive treatment is better managed when you know the typical bugs and how they behave.

We’ve written this article in response to such a need. As you read, you can distinguish between common bugs that almost appear the same.

Join us for more details on these pesky creatures.

Not All Black Bugs Readily Sting

Before we proceed, it’s important to mention that black flying bugs have different tolerance levels. While some will readily sting when you creep into their territory, others will only do so when they feel unsafe or threatened.

Some of these black flying bugs are beneficial and help with pollination. So, you’ll need to assess the threat level posed by a black stinging bug.

If the risk posed by such bugs is significant, it will be necessary to have them removed.

Africanized bees are among those black flying bugs whose presence around your home is risky. You may want to call a pest control service to have them removed or exterminated.

Less aggressive flying bugs like the mud dauber are also beneficial as they help eliminate other insects.

Africanized Bees

These bee species can easily be mistaken for the honey bee.

However, the size differs between the two as Africanized bees are much smaller than honey bees. Africanized bees will readily sting when provoked. What makes them even more dangerous is how they attack in packs.

You’ll want to stay away from these black flying bugs as much as possible.

You’re likely to encounter Africanized bees living around Southern California, Southern Nevada, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Western Louisiana, Oklahoma, Southern Arkansas, and Central and Southern Florida.

Bald-Faced Hornets

These bugs have a black and white body and live below overhangs of porches, homes, and on high trees.

These bugs don’t usually pose much of a threat. However, they will readily swarm around you if you come within three feet of their nest.

There’s a likelihood of encountering these bugs due to their preference for human dwellings. Your best bet at controlling bald-faced hornets is getting rid of them.

A pest management service will readily perform this task for you.

Do they sting? Of course, they do. However, as mentioned earlier, these bugs aren’t as aggressive as others.

Nevertheless, it’s necessary to get rid of them if you can. This is a much safer measure you should consider adopting.

Mud Dauber

Mud daubers are black stinging bugs too.

However, they rarely sting. Instead, they will help eliminate other harmful insects around your home. These bug species can be said to be beneficial. You don’t need to be alarmed when they’re around your property.

A close observation will reveal their slim bodies with metallic black and blue color.

However, their general appearance is black. These pests prefer undisturbed surroundings, especially areas that are sheltered. They build mud nests around ideal or favorable spots.

When mud daubers nest around your home, you will likely find mud nests at different spots. Although tiny, these could be quite a mess to have around. Some persons may find this tolerable and ignore such nests.

You can keep them away by clearing or scraping off such nests. However, it would be best if you took care as these bugs may sting in defense of such trespass or incursion.

Paper Wasps

Although the looks (color markings) of these bugs are a bit different, we’ve included them among our list of black flying insects due to their black stripes.

Paper wasps bear black and yellow stripes and will readily sting when provoked.

Unlike Africanized bees that live in sizeable colonies, paper wasps live in smaller settlements. Their stings are among the most painful. As such, you should stay as far as you can from their nesting areas.

Knowledge of their preferred nesting areas is necessary to take appropriate preventive measures.

Paper wasps love sheltered areas. As a result, they mostly enter into homes. This creates a problem as these bugs intrude into your territory.

So what can be done to stop them? Consider installing window screens across all your windows. This helps keep them out while your windows are open.

For those sheltering or outdoors, you can call a pest management service. Calling a pest control service may seem overkill for some people; however, the situation can be better handled when you have other pest issues.

You can point to these wasps for extermination too.

Paper wasps aren’t entirely harmful. These black (black and yellow striped) flying bugs also reduce the control of other insect pests. However, you’re taking preventive action to protect yourself against their stings.

Bumble Bees

If you thought bumblebees were harmless, think again. Bumblebees will sting in defense. However, the good thing about them is that they do their business and won’t go out of their way to sting.

You’ll find these black flying bugs around patios, porches, and attics.

Bumblebees can be differentiated from other black flying bugs by their thick, black, and yellow striped bodies.

Asian Giant Hornet

This black flying bug is the most dangerous of all the bugs mentioned above. It has been kept for last due to the level of threat posed. Asian giant hornets are also the largest of all other flying bug species.

Due to their threat level, they’ve been named “murder hornets.”

Although these flying bugs won’t readily attack humans, they’ll sting several times when provoked. Murder hornets have been known to wipe out about 30,000 honey bees in hours.

This places them among the most destructive bug species around.

These black flying bugs sting and can be found around human dwellings. To keep these insects off, you need to take preventive measures. Some of these have been provided above.

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