At What Temperature Do Mosquitoes Become Inactive?

Weather and temperature play a key role in mosquito activity.

Mosquitoes easily fall into the category of the most deadly pests.

Mosquito-borne diseases include malaria, West Nile virus, Zika virus, Chikungunya virus, Dengue virus, eastern equine encephalitis virus, and Japanese encephalitis virus just to name a few.

Mosquitoes are generally drawn to warm temperatures or climatic conditions and thrive most under such temperatures. Outside of the acceptable range, these pests will become inactive.

So, what are the most ideal and least ideal temperatures?

We’ll be discussing these points with more focus on the latter.

What Does Mosquito Inactivity Mean?

To better grasp the meaning of mosquito inactivity due to temperature changes, you’ll need to know that these pests’ primary role is to feed and breed. Certain mosquito species especially males are known to pollinate.

The females, need to feed on blood to reproduce.

Unfortunately, humans are the primary targets.

Dusk and dawn are peak periods for mosquito activity during the day. Here, the temperature is mostly cool but sufficiently warm to support their feeding activity.

When a mosquito becomes inactive, it means it’s no longer feeding due to unfavorable weather conditions.

These pests need warmth to exist.

This is why you’ll find these pests more during the warmest times of the year. While mosquitoes love warmth, they won’t survive under full sunshine for longer as they’ll easily get dehydrated.

With this said, let’s look at why temperature affects mosquitoes.

Temperature Affects Mosquito Activity

One of the facts you need to know about mosquitoes is that they’re affected by temperature.

Temperature changes affect their activity. Because these pests have a preference for warm temperatures, you’ll find the most active under warm climatic conditions.

The reverse is the case when there’s a drop in temperature. Mosquitoes tend to become less active with a drop in temperature. As temperatures continue to drop, it reaches a certain level where they’re no longer active.

In other words, these pests become inactive at such low-temperature points.

Why Mosquitoes Thrive in Warm Temperatures

Simply stating the temperature range where mosquitoes become inactive without providing reasons why won’t be comprehensive enough.

We’ll need to provide possible explanations highlighting the reasons for this response to temperature changes.

Mosquitoes thrive better in warm evening temperatures. Spring ushers in such conditions as standing water and rainfall are abundant as well as warming weather.

These climatic and temperature conditions mostly favor the breeding of these pests as they’re able to reproduce more due to an ample supply of ideal breeding conditions.

  • The Most Ideal Temperature Condition

Mosquitoes do best in temperature ranges between 50 to 80 degrees F.

In other words, these pests are most active with 50 to 80 degrees F. Outside of this temperature range, these pests may not do so well and could become inactive at very low temperatures.

More about the least idea temperature conditions will be discussed shortly.

Unfortunately, humans have little control over temperature changes as it’s mostly due to climatic conditions.

Some people might argue that human activity has led to increased global warming which has led to temperature fluctuations. While this is true, it’s a discussion for another day.

  • The Warmest Time of the Year

For much of the United States, the month of July is the warmest month of the year.

In terms of mosquito activity, the months of June, July, and August tend to be peak periods because they’re quite warm and support mosquito activity.

When Mosquitoes Become Inactive

When there’s a temperature drop below 50 degrees F, it becomes highly unfavorable to mosquitoes. These pests become inactive at temperatures below the 50 degrees F mark.

At this point, they die off.

However, it’s also interesting to note that mosquitoes can be less active when temperatures get too high. This might sound like a contradiction considering the fact mosquitoes have a preference for warm weather.

In reality, it only supports the point being made so far.

The temperature range between 50 to 80 degrees F will support these pests. Anything outside of that to the upside or downside won’t be that favorable.

At extremes (both low and high temperatures), mosquitoes will easily die off.

  • The Coldest Time of the Year

The months of December through February tend to be the coldest times of the year.

During such times, mosquitoes tend to be less active. As winter approaches or sets in, temperature levels drop significantly. This leads to mosquitoes hibernating or becoming inactive.

In a lot of instances, they die as the temperature falls.

Waiting on Mosquitoes to become Inactive won’t be a Wise Move

Anyone experiencing mosquito issues is better off taking appropriate control and preventive measures than waiting for unfavorable weather conditions to kill these pests.

While it’s true that mosquitoes will become inactive under extreme temperature conditions, such conditions won’t be reliable enough to get the job done.

You can either fight back an existing infestation by applying appropriate insecticidal treatments or calling for professional pest control. One other reliable method involves applying preventive treatments.

Such treatments do a lot to contain mosquito infestations.

Methods of preventing mosquito bites include installing window screens to keep out these pests. Also, you might want to consider sleeping under mosquito-treated nets.

Dumping of standing water is also crucial as it helps discourage the breeding of these pests.

Consider staying indoors during peak periods of the day when mosquitoes are the most active. These are the dusk and dawn periods of the day.

There are lots of mosquito repellent products you can easily rub on your skin when going outdoors. These preventive treatments do a lot to keep mosquitoes at bay.

Use this Information to your Advantage

Not knowing about the effects of temperature changes on mosquitoes places you in a more vulnerable position.

You’re unable to take precautionary steps to address mosquito presence and activity. All of that is corrected with the right understanding of mosquito behavior relative to temperature changes.

Now you know!

There’s a temperature threshold outside of which mosquitoes become inactive. Mosquitoes can’t survive under such conditions.

These extreme weather conditions make it less favorable for these pests to thrive.

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