7 Things That Attracts Spiders To Your Home

Whenever spiders find their way into your home, they’re there for a reason. These creatures perform a vital service that may be unknown to you. Such a service is connected with their food choices.

In other words, spiders feed on various other pests such as roaches, mosquitoes, earwigs, flies, and so on. Join us as we discuss what attracts spiders.

 Problems Caused by Spiders

Despite the pest control function, not everything about spiders is rosy. That is, there’s a wrong side to spiders.

First, these arachnids are notorious for weaving their webs wherever or whenever they can. Such nets trap prey but create a mess in your surroundings.

Spiders are also known to be venomous. Almost all spiders are.

While such venom is used for hunting prey, spiders occasionally brush with humans, which results in bites. Some spider bites, such as brown recluse spiders, are very deadly and require urgent treatment.

Certain people have a phobia of spiders, whether justified or not. The mere sight of these creatures sets them off.

To keep them safe, you’ll need to find out what attracts spiders and get rid of such. Let’s help you pinpoint those things or conditions serving to attract spiders.

Knowing such helps you carry out preventive treatments, which is much better as your home becomes unattractive to them.

What Attracts Spiders?

The following factors or conditions serve to attract spiders.

Spiders will never be in places without conditions considered favorable to them.

These include high humidity, food, water, warmth, and trash. All these combine to make your surroundings a prime target for spiders.

  • High Humidity

Certain species of spiders like Brown Recluse are known to be attracted to areas with high humidity.

This is primarily found in homes facing a spider infestation.

They love such places, but they also find and hunt their prey here.

While certain spider conditions (presence) are tolerable, a full-blown infestation isn’t funny. This can be scary and will require immediate help. Thankfully, pest management services are just a call away.

Having removed or gotten rid of the spiders, one of the ways to ensure they do not return is by altering the humid conditions. A direct intervention strategy like de-humidifiers is a great way to begin.

Others include fans, air conditioning, allowing cross-ventilation by frequently opening the windows, and using exhaust fans—this helps to get rid of the high-humidity conditions that spiders love and get attracted to.

  • Food

Food is a primary attraction to spiders. A good thing about these creatures is that the food they seek consists of other pests found around your home. The most common problems consist of various insects like roaches, drain flies, moths, mosquitoes, and many other insects.

We’ve seen that despite these food preferences, which are also beneficial to humans, spiders leave a mess behind and will need to go. You don’t want to leave your pest control responsibilities to spiders. It’s essential to get rid of these food sources.

Without this primary source of spider attraction, these arachnids see no need to hang around. Doing so makes your home less inviting to spiders.

Through this process or strategy, both prey and predator are kept away.

  • Water

Water is as vital to spiders as food is. Spiders seek out areas with a good supply of this. However, we must state that some species of spiders get their bodies’ hydration requirements from their food.

Others will need to find ready sources of standing water, such as sinks to drink from. In such cases, it’s logical to ensure you fix all leakages in your plumbing. This includes closing water taps securely whenever it’s used.

Water leakages also add to or create a humidity problem. So, while trying to get rid of high humidity, ensure that your water pipes and fixtures aren’t leaking.

This multi-dimensional approach helps make your surroundings less inviting or attractive to spiders.

  • Warmth

Certain times of the year, such as winter, cause spiders to migrate. Such migration is directed towards indoor environments. This makes your home a target. When spiders come indoors, the primary purpose is to seek warmth. This ensures their survival.

To get rid of them, you’ll need to ensure that all possible entry points are closed off. These include cracks, crevices, and spaces beneath doors and windows. Properly sealing such points makes your home almost impenetrable as winter approaches.

Even after the winter season, it’s necessary to maintain such barricades. However, there’s a need to open your windows for ventilation purposes. While this is true, it could expose or create entryways for spiders.

You can quickly solve this by installing window and door screens to keep out spiders while allowing fresh air for optimal ventilation.

  • Trash

How does trash attract spiders? This is closely related to food. Trash sets a chain of events that creates a favorable condition for spiders. Improper trash disposal will always attract insects such as flies and ants who come around to feed.

Now, these insects are seen as prey to spiders which means spiders are never far away whenever there’s a possible supply of game. To solve this problem, you’ll need to focus on the source of the situation by clearing out your trash regularly.

This has to be done appropriately to avoid having insects and spiders swarming around your surroundings.

  • Dark and Secluded Areas

Dark and secluded areas of your home are great spiders, such as nesting and feeding areas. These creatures love undisturbed surroundings. You’re likely to find them in areas of your home having these conditions. Such include garages, attics, crawl spaces, and basements.

  • Trees, Shrubs, And Bushes

Having three branches, bushes, and shrubs close to your home invites spiders.

They quickly gain access to your home through such conditions. Cutting back these overreaching branches and bushes is necessary to create a safe and tolerable distance.

In this article, we’ve discussed the various conditions which attract spiders to your home.

Also included are practical ways to get rid of them. The best strategy is to eliminate the cause (what attracts them) while also tackling the effect (spider presence).

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